9 Clues He Likes You More Than a Friend

Updated October 20, 2018
friends flirting

Your guy friend has started to act differently toward you lately. Is he into you? Experts say, when a guy starts to open up to you or if a guy shares his problems with you, it could mean he is romantically interested. Learn these and other signs that might signify that your guy friend doesn't want to be just a friend anymore.

Things He Says

If he likes you, he'll show it through words and actions. Don't miss his verbal cues that he's really into you.

He Trusts You With His Feelings

It's no surprise men are reluctant to share their feelings with anyone - especially the opposite sex. However, when a guy opens up to you and starts sharing deep thoughts, fears, and hopes with you, it's a good indicator he has started to fall for you, according to relationship coach Virginia Clark.

Sharing secrets and meaningful aspects of oneself is a primary need humans crave to fulfill in a love relationship, Clark believes. When a man is able to open up to a woman in this way, it's likely that he has reached a higher level of intimacy that isn't found in his friendships.

He Texts and Calls More Often During the Day

According to a Cosmopolitan online article, guy expert Jake Hurwitz claims that you know if a man is hooked on you when he texts between noon and 5:00 PM. Most men don't spend their days texting and calling someone unless they are dating the person. If your male friend has started calling "just to talk," it's likely he's just trying to relieve his urge to connect with you as much as possible.

He Spends Time With Your Friends

Hurwitz also says that men will hang out with a woman's friends to butter them up because they know how influential they can be in dating. So, if your male friend has suddenly started spending time with your friends with or without you, take it as a hint that he's trying to win them over, so he can win you over.

He Jokes About Dating You

According to an article in Glamour, men will often joke about dating a woman if they want to find out how she will react to the idea. It's a defense mechanism. If the woman says that dating would be a bad idea, the man can just laugh it off and agree. However, if the woman says that it's a nice thought, he can breathe a sigh of relief that he's not totally off -base with his thoughts and feelings.

He's Vulnerable

When a man truly trusts you and shares his heart with you, it is a sign he likes you romantically. He may share intimate details about his past, his family life, and his fears. He may talk about difficult situations he's experienced, as well as his ultimate goals career-wise and romantically. These deep conversations not only mean that he may be falling for you but also mean that he cares about your opinion.

Things He Might Do

The old adage that actions speak louder than words is certainly true. If a guy is getting affectionate, take it as a hint that he wants to leave the friend zone.

He Says It With Body Language

The body can tell the world something even the mind doesn't know yet. According to dating coach Marni Battista, men will lean into a woman they find attractive. They will also part their lips slightly as opposed to keeping their lips pursed. The final tale-tell body language sign is his proximity to you. If he stands shoulder to shoulder with you or is perched at the edge of his seat while you chat with him, it's likely he can't bear to be any further away from you.

His Smile Lingers When He's Around You

Robyn Lee, a relationship and dating consultant for women, identifies a man's smiling as a sign he likes a woman. If you notice him smiling a lot while around you, or he continues to smile for a while after first saying hello to you, it's likely he is thrilled to be around you.

He Bumps Into You More Often

LoveSpanky.com, an online guide for love and relationships, identifies bumping into a man often can be a sign that he is seeking you out because he likes you. This could mean that he wants to spend as much time as possible with you but may be too shy or nervous to share his feelings with you just yet.

Man surprising his girlfriend with a gift

He's Thoughtful

A man who is extra thoughtful may go above and beyond to show you how much he cares about you, and that he is interested in being more than just friends. He may surprise you by cooking you dinner, bringing you your favorite goodies, running errands with you or for you, and wanting to spend time with you as often as possible.

The List Goes On… and On

These are the most common signs men exhibit when they like a woman, but there are many more. He may also smile more, laugh at your jokes more, act differently when around you, and drop everything just to do something that makes you happy.

Pay Attention

To really figure out if your male friend likes you, pay attention to how he's changed over the past month or two. If you've noticed he's grown much more comfortable around you, wants to spend more time with you, and exhibits most of the other signs mentioned, he probably likes you as more than a friend.

9 Clues He Likes You More Than a Friend