Mother of the bride verses can take many forms. Serious, sentimental, or humorous, a poem offers a special way to honor someone and express your feelings. Poems on a mother of the bride theme can also encompass a variety of topics, such as motherhood, relationships, gratitude, advice, and love. As long as the words come from the heart, they'll be perfect.
Poems From Mother to Daughter on Her Wedding Day
The mother of the bride often participates in sharing her love for her daughter and her well wishes to the new couple at some point, whether at the rehearsal dinner, bridal shower, the ceremony itself, of in the form of a toast at the reception. Poetry can help verbalize emotions and congratulatory statements for the newlyweds or daughter getting married. A mother might also want to put poetry in a card, letter, or a personalized item such as a picture frame, handkerchief, or other keepsake for her child.
My Beautiful Girl
By Amy Finley
(Name), My beautiful little girl
You used to be.
But today, (Name) - you walk down the aisle
and it's a beautiful woman I see.
By Kelly Roper
We've dreamt about this day together
Since you were a little girl,
About the flowers and the dress,
The cake and the wedding songs,
About Dad walking you down the aisle,
And who your mystery groom would turn out to be.
Now that day is here,
And everything's perfect,
And your groom is perfect,
And you're perfect.
Now go have the perfect ceremony,
And begin the adventure of your life.

To a Happy Life
By Amy Finley
Through all the years,
The ups and downs
Through your toddling and smiles
(Through adolescence and your frowns)
I loved you more than life.
Now today we celebrate
The coming years
To all your new joys
To infrequent tears,
May you live long and happy as man and wife!
Last Minute Haiku From Mom to Bride
By Kelly Roper
Shoulders back, chin up.
Walk with grace and elegance
To the man you love.

Prayer for My Daughter
By Amy Finley
Dear Daughter,
I have prayed for your happiness since the day you were born,
and now I see your happy, shining eyes
alight with love so warm.
Though your image as a child always with me stays,
I pray for your marriage
Strength, wisdom, and love
All your days.
Wedding Poems From Daughter to Mother
Not all poems are about the daughter getting married. Instead, a daughter can give her mother a poem as an expression of thanks and love.
Advice for the Mother From the Bride
By Kelly Roper
Keep some tissues in your purse so you have them close at hand.
Support me, but try not to fuss over me too much.
Tell my handsome groom you'll love him like your own son.
Tell me you couldn't be prouder of me and the choices I've made.
Take a deep breath, let the usher escort you to your seat, and smile, Mom, ... smile.

Gratitude Poem
By Amy Finley
Thank you for your sacrifice,
For your support and care.
I'll always be grateful
for the love we share.
I am so thankful for all you've taught
and shared with me through the years.
Through all the happiness
and all the tears.
Walk Me Down the Aisle, Mom
By Kelly Roper
Walk me down the aisle, Mom,
And Daddy's spirit will join us.
I'm not leaving you behind,
I'm just forging ahead on my own journey,
And you can follow and watch and love me
In my new life, just like you always have.
Encouragement and Love Poem
By Amy Finley
Today I'm walking down the aisle,
But I'll always be just a phone call away.
I'm still you little girl who loves you
On my wedding day.
Thanks for teaching me
To be strong, and loving, and so many things
I'll strive to be a wife like you
When my groom and I exchange rings.

Mother of the Bride Haiku
By Kelly Roper
Beautiful Mother,
Share with me this special day,
As I wed my love.
Words of Love
Other persons or family members may also use poetry to show support, encouragement, and love to the mother of the bride. For most mothers, the day of their daughter's wedding is wonderful, but also filled with mixed emotions. The mother might feel she may no longer have as close of a relationship with her daughter, worry about her future, or be faced with the realization she is truly an adult. For example, a close friend who has been through her own daughter's wedding may provide encouragement through poetry in the form of a card or letter. Another unique example is the bride's grandmother may recall the mother of the bride's wedding and share a sentimental memory through a marriage poem.