Poems to the Bride

Updated May 1, 2019
Bride reading poem

Wedding day poems to the bride are often a keepsake, to be treasured for years to come by the lucky bride who receives a heartfelt sentiment in verse. Typically, the poem comes from the groom, although sometimes a mom, mother-in-law or close friend may also prepare a poem in honor of the bride-to-be.

Romantic Poems to the Bride From the Groom

It is often the groom who gives the gift of poetry to his wonderful bride. For men who have trouble expressing their feelings on a daily basis, a poem is sure to be a precious gift to the bride. Grooms who aren't wordsmiths can always use famous wedding poems or choose a poem that has a special meaning to the bride or their relationship together, such as a poem from a book of poetry he gave her or one he read during their courtship. Use the following poems as is or to inspire an original poem:

Loving You Is My Privilege

I've never seen anyone more beautiful in my life
I'm so honored that you agreed
to be my wife.
You have the sweetest heart, that's
your true beauty
and I promise as your husband
I'll fulfill each
and every duty.

Respecting you
Honoring you
Cherishing you
Loving you
will all be my privilege.

As we start this brand new
I know it won't always be
a fairy tale story.
Yet I have faith,
with love as our anchor
together we can make it
to any shore.

Being with you
Sharing dreams
will all be my privilege.

On this surreal day
You've made me so happy
in every way.
As your husband now
to put you above all else
is what today
I vow.

Cherishing You

As we take this step today,
I swear to cherish you in every way.
I can do anything with you as my bride,
accomplish it all with you by my side.

As I look at you,
my beautiful wife,
I thank you for making me
the happiest I've been in my life.

Being trusted with your heart
is a special gift;
I vow to be there for you,
sure and swift.

You're my everything -
Smart, gorgeous, strong -
I'm so thankful
is where we belong.

Ideas for Presenting a Poem From the Groom

  • Present the poem to the bride from the groom is to include it in a card along with a gift from the groom to the bride. Have the father of the bride, best man or maid of honor give the bride the gift before the wedding ceremony begins.
  • Recite a poem as part of romantic wedding vows. This is a perfect time for him to honor the woman he loves in front of every guest, friend and family member present.
  • Finally, some grooms may not want to give the bride a poem in front of the entire guest list, but do not want to put it in a card, either. For these grooms, giving the poem to the bride during the wedding rehearsal dinner is an excellent compromise between the two situations.
Groom reading poem to bride

Poems From Shower Hostesses

The bride may begin getting poems as early as a bridal shower. Hostesses often have variations on bridal shower words of wisdom set up during the party as an activity for guests; often a poem is written or included by someone who is offering advice to the soon-to-be married woman. You can use the following poems to set up by advice cards or pages, or even advice mad libs for a fun twist.

Advice With Love

As we celebrate (Bride's Name) impending wedding,
Let's share our love and thoughts.
Take a moment to give some advice,
Marriage needs a lot!

It's not easy to be married,
even when you are meant to be.
Let's help the bride with guidance
so the couple will live happily!

Keeping Your Love Strong

Make time for one another
each and every day.
Keep loving words on your lips,
and harsh ones far away.

Take a moment together
to gaze at the stars above.
Share laughter, dreams, and deepest thoughts,
always stay connected and in love.

Go hiking in the woods
or have dinner on the beach.
When times get tough,
always for one another reach.

Never let your busy lives
get too much in the way
to fill up each other's cups,
and in one another's arms you'll stay.

Poems From Mother of the Bride

Mothers of the bride, step-mothers and mothers-in-law may also plan to give the bride a poem. Moms and step-mothers might include a poem with the something blue handkerchief. If they participate in the "something borrowed" tradition, they might also include a poem in part of the note, explaining why they chose the particular borrowed item. Mothers might also want to let their daughters know how much they mean to them and express their feelings before sending them down the aisle, and a poem is an excellent way to do so.

The mother of the groom may choose to give the bride a poem to welcome her into the family. This may be done after finding out about the engagement or during any one of the festivities. It could also come on the wedding day, during a special moment between the two women.

My Darling Daughter

My darling daughter,
I've watched you
Grow each year
Frome your baby steps
and your first words to facing some of life's
biggest challenges.

I marvel at how much
you've accomplished,
and I'm so proud of you
I can feel the tears
threatening to fall.

My precious girl,
having you as my daughter,
has been
the light of my life.

On this celebratory day,
I just want you
to know how much
I love you.

My greatest wish is
that you find you happiness,
may you be able to handle anything
that life throws your way.

Walking down the aisle,
clasping the hands of one another
sealing this day with a vow and a kiss
represents a whole new journey
which I hope
brings you infinite joy.

My Beautiful Girl

As a little girl,
you captured my heart
an brightened every day.
Now you'll begin a new part
of your unfolding life story.

Your wedding day,
such a major step,
that I know you've thought through,
and happiness is my wish for both of you.

Standing there, now a woman,
my heart breaks,
with how much I love you.
I pray that each step you take
Will be cherished and true.

As you learn and grow,
in your new life together
I wish joy surrounds you always.
May your together be as bright
As the sun's rays.

Choose love and laughter, wherever, whenever.

Groom's parents are toasting

Poem for the Bride-to-Be from Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids have a special place in the bride's heart. As close friends, you may want to share a meaningful poem to express your love, memories and warm wishes.

Wishing You All The Happiness

When you asked me
to be your bridesmaid
Nothing could have
made me happier.

We've been through thick
and thin;
You are the best friend
a girl could ever have.

Running through all sorts
of times in our lives.

Now, as you take
this big step
Know that I'll always
be there for you.

I'm honored
to be in your wedding party,
But even more honored
to call you my friend.

With Love

As you and (Groom's Name)
start your lives together,
With Laughter
With good times
(and sometimes bad)
Know that your love
Will always see you through.

Thank you for making me a part of your special day.
I wish you every sunbeam of happiness
and endless rainbows
as you join your lives.

True Love Triumphs

My mind is flooded with
Joy overflows
in my heart.
Thoughts of our friendship
like a warm breeze
Of this day I'm so thankful
to be a part.

To be a bridesmaid
is a special thing
And I'm honored
to be yours.
On your wedding day,
let your heart sing
Know it's you
Your true love adores.

Poems From Friends

Sometimes close friends or relatives, especially those who have been near to the bride throughout her life or during her relationship, want to give the bride something special on her wedding day. A cherished aunt or best friend from high school often want to acknowledge the bride's many accomplishments and give her warm wedding wishes on the big day through poetry.

Congratulations on Marrying the Love of Your Life

On this beautiful day,
I'm so grateful you've found happiness.
As your friend,
I just want to say,
how much you deserve a wonderful
life together.

I have so many memories
of our times together through the years.
Now you'll be building new ones,
with the love or your life
beside you.

I've always admired
you in so many ways.
Your strength
Your kindness
How you accomplish
you set your mind to.

Today, I'm honored
to share in your day
as you go from Miss to Mrs.

Stay true to yourself,
and bask in the true love
of which you
are so deserving.

To Your Happiness on Your Wedding Day

A good friend
who cares
is hard to find.
On this day,
your wedding,
true love aligns.

Your happiness
lights up your face
and heart.
Of this celebration
I'm thrilled
to have been a part.

A woman like you
Talented, strong
should have
Someone wonderful
by her side.
seems too little to offer
my wonderful friend,
the bride.

So instead I'll say
incredible, amazing,
How glad I am
from the bottom of my heart.
Today your true love
is emblazing.

Honoring the Bride Through Poetry

Giving poems to the bride on her wedding day is a tradition that is actually a precious gift. The wonderful feelings expressed in the poem, whether original or not, are sure to be valued by the bride for many years to come.

Poems to the Bride