Words of Congratulations for a Wedding

Updated November 11, 2019
congratulations on your wedding card

"Congratulations on your wedding" are common words used to compose a wedding letter, a wedding message for a gift card or to sign a reception poster. You want to use words that convey a meaningful and positive message of congratulations. Combine your creative wedding wishes with some pre-written suggestions to deliver a wedding message that conveys your affection for the couple.

Samples of Wedding Congratulations Notes

Receiving a wedding invitation card is often a time for joyous preparations. After all, you want to celebrate the day with the happy couple. Whether you attend the wedding or have a prior commitment, you should share your enthusiasm for the special day with words of congratulations for their wedding. However, not everyone is a natural wordsmith.

Wedding Congratulations Messages for Cards

Messages of congratulations on a marriage used in wedding cards should be short and sweet. Since many couples keep their wedding cards or turn them into keepsakes, take care to write wedding wishes that are meaningful and don't forget to sign your names.

  • Nothing makes me/us happier than congratulating you on your marriage.
  • May your years together be long and blissful. Congrats!
  • Congrats are in order for the bride and the groom, who we'll be admiring year after year as your marriage blooms.
  • Congratulations and God bless on your eternal commitment.
  • Congratulations on finding the love you've always deserved.
  • Wishing you more love than you ever imagined in the years to come.
  • Sending our/my affections and congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs!
  • I/We could not be present, but we've sent you this gift of congratulations with our utmost elation!
  • If I/we could congratulate you in person, there'd be hugs and kisses. But, we'll settle for saying Congratulations Mr. and Mrs!
  • Wishing you joy and good fortunes with our/my congratulations on your nuptials.

General Messages of Congratulations for a Wedding

You can also use wedding verses, quotations, and poems in your card or letter. You can use quotes alone or with a brief message of your own. The type of words will also depend on your personality as well as your relationship with the couple

  • May your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. Congratulations on your wedding.
  • Wishing both of you a world of happiness and joy on your wedding day.
  • May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever. Congratulations!
  • Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow. Congratulations to the perfect couple!
  • Congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together.
  • Wishing you both the happily ever after you deserve. Congratulations on your wedding day!
  • Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations!
  • Just a note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of the greatest joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations to a wonderful couple!
  • Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for one another always shine brightly. Congratulations on your wedding day.
  • May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Congratulations to a couple whose match truly seems made in heaven!
  • Your two stars create an amazing constellation. Congratulations on your wedding day!
  • May you always have one another to lean on and turn to throughout all of life's storms.
  • Words are just not quite enough today
    When your love will light the way
    To a wedding filled with joy never ending
    The warmest wishes are what we are sending.
wedding congratulations card

Humourous Congratulations on Your Marriage Messages

While a humorous message might be acceptable for a close friend or family member, just be sure you know which people will understand your humor. There are ways to be sentimental and still funny.

  • I can't believe you found either other. May you stay mutually weird forever!
  • Are you ready for a future with each other? I hope you all enjoy life's twists and turns, because with each other you are sure to have them.
  • Whether he is the Darcy to your Elizabeth or the Batman to your Catwoman, I am so happy you all found each other. Now - go save the world or something.
  • Don't mess this up. If it doesn't work out, don't worry about returning my gift.
  • I hope your kids are as weird as you two!
  • Well, this just got real! Congratulations on your wedding and I am so happy for you two.
  • In a world of normal people, I am so glad you both found one another and are able to share a cool and different life with one another. Keep life weird.
  • Like peanut butter and jelly, you two are an unexpected combination that will one day be an All-American Classic.
  • Remember, they say you can tell a lot about a person when you travel together. Good luck on your honeymoon!
  • Even though you're supposed to save some wedding cake for your first anniversary, don't feel too bad if you eat it this weekend. When there is cake in the house, it's fair game. Congratulations on finding each other!
  • Congratulations! Now you have two bank accounts and twice as much debt. Welcome to marriage!
  • I can't wait to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary and see you dance with your canes and walkers. See ya then!
  • When you find someone who is compatible with your weirdness, put a ring on it and run!
Bride reading card with bridesmaids

Future Hopes for the Couple and Their Happiness

As mentioned in composing a heartfelt message, it is a good tactic to discuss future hopes for the couple and their happiness. Use these great wedding card sayings to get started.

  • Cheers to your future and congratulations on your wedding. I am so happy for you and I can't wait to see what life has in store for you both.
  • Congratulations on starting your life together. I hope this gift is helpful in setting you up for your future. You deserve all the love in the world.
  • You two are so perfect together. It is exciting to see you both happy and just plain old in love. Thanks for giving the rest of us hope for the future!
  • Even though I didn't give a toast at the wedding, here is a toast to you two! I love you both very much and I am happy to have you both as my friend. From the awkward teenage years to now, I've known (Bride or Groom's name). Today is a day we've talked about again and again. I love the fact that you are both in love. Happy Wedding Day and cheers to you both!
  • Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
  • Every love story is different and your story is unique. I am so happy you two met each other, you honestly fit together perfectly. Congratulations and I hope you have an amazing honeymoon.
  • Love? Check. Vows? Check. Cake? Check. Champagne? Check. Leave the wedding and go start your life together? Get going!
  • Today is a great day to start the rest of your life and run off into the sunset together.
  • May your love for one another get deeper and deeper each and every day. May you wake up next to each other, ready to start each day. May you live a life full of happiness, joy, and goodness.
  • Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you a lifetime of days just as happy and memorable as this one.
  • Have a spectacular life together! I wish you a lifetime of love and I am so pleased you found it with one another.
  • Congratulations! May your life be filled with never ending love for one another.

Advice for the Happy Couple

Especially if you are married, a great way to provide a couple with some advice is in the card or video message.

  • No matter what life throws your way, I hope you are always as happy as you are on this day. Happy Wedding Day!
  • Never forget the love you feel for one another on this day. Congratulations on your big day.
  • Don't forget, in marriage one person is always right and if you are the husband - it's not you. This advice will make your life a lot easier! Congrats on the wedding!
  • If I could offer you once piece of advice, it would be to choose your battles wisely. Congratulations on your wedding day.
  • Even in your darkest times, never forget your love for one another on this day. Love you both!
  • On your wedding day, I'd like to offer you some advice from this married lady. Devote some time to understanding one another and life will be beautiful!
  • If I could define marriage it would be: You give, and you give, and you give. And one day, you realize it was all worth it. I am so happy you two found each other.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May you always remember to be friends first. Love you both!
  • A piece of advice I got on my wedding day and I want to pass on to you is: Never go to bed angry. It has saved me so much strife :) Love you!
  • Congratulations! In the good times and the bad, remember to lean on each other whenever you need a true friend. That's what marriage really is all about.
  • It's the little things that turn into big things in a marriage. Put in a bit of work every day and soon enough you'll have built a lifetime of love. Congratulations on starting your story as a married couple!
  • Not that you need it, but I want to give you both a piece of advice. Choose. Love. Every. Single. Day. Congratulations and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you.
All you need is love

Examples Based on Your Relationship

Offer specific congratulations to your loved ones. Whether your mom is getting remarried or you are wishing good luck to your brother, you'll want to consider your relationship when you compose your words.

  • For your brother: Congratulations on your wedding, bro. So glad you convinced someone to marry you!
  • For your best friend: In all the times we have spent together, I am so happy to be here on your wedding day. You deserve the best and biggest love with your new (Husband/Wife). I can't wait to see the honeymoon pictures!
  • To a parent: (Mom/Dad), I can't remember a time I have seen you this happy - except for when I permanently moved out of the house! I hope you have the best wedding day. Congratulations on this amazing chapter in your life.
  • For your sister: Thanks for being the best sister ever. Even though we've had our ups and downs, and you are usually the one saving me, I am so happy to be here on your wedding day. Love you to the moon and back...and back...and back.
  • Coworker: Congratulations on your wedding! Now, when you are on your honeymoon, don't even think about work! Have the best vacation ever and you better come back with a tan!
  • Cousin: Even though we aren't siblings, I still consider you one! Thanks for being a great support system throughout my life and I only hope to be there for you on your big day. I just love seeing you in love! Love you!
  • Church or religious friends: Congratulations on your wedding! You deserve many blessings and a joyous life. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your new family.
  • Family friends: Since we've all been going to the same family functions for years, I am so glad you get to throw your new spouse into the mix! Now we all have someone exciting and new to talk to. Congratulations on your wedding! Love you!

Compose a Message to the Bride and Groom

Whether you are attending a wedding in person or not able to go, you should bring a card or send one to the couple. If you sent a gift, you can still bring a card to the wedding and put it on the gifts table at the event. If you aren't planning on attending, you should still send a heartfelt gift message for a wedding in a letter to the couple expressing your words of congratulations to them.

Tips for Writing a Great Wedding Congratulations Message

As you compose your message, keep the following tips in mind when planning what to say when someone gets married. Also, keep the mailing date in mind when you are sending the letter.

  • A poem or quotation on love and marriage can be a good way to begin or end a letter.
  • Lighthearted humor may be appropriate, depending on your relationship.
  • Speak about your personal thoughts or advice on love and how it applies to the couple.
  • Write down future hopes for the couple and their happiness.
  • Make a sincere apology for not attending the wedding.
  • Propose getting together to view photographs and talk about the wedding after the honeymoon.
  • If you send it before the wedding, you can mention how you are happy to help with any preparations before the blessed event.
  • If you are mailing the letter after the wedding, you could write a short note about how everyone raved about the bride's dress, wedding cake or other aspect of the wedding.
Woman writing congratulations note

When to Send a Congratulatory Letter

If you know you cannot attend the wedding, you should send your letter as soon as you possibly can. In cases of an emergency situation, you will want to send your message of congratulations as close to the actual wedding date as possible. Of course, if you are attending the wedding, just bring the letter along with you and place it in the card basket if it will not be attached to a gift.

Words of Congratulations for a Wedding