Empower Kids with Essential Computer Skills

Explore comprehensive lesson plans for teaching computer proficiency to children.

Updated February 6, 2025
Teaching technology skills

Lesson plans for teaching computer skills enhance students' abilities in basic keyboard skills, mouse use, safe internet searching, and software use. Computer lesson plans often begin with simple keyboarding skills and progress to creative projects where students demonstrate what they've learned. Depending upon the age and skill of your children, you can find basic plans, advanced plans, and very specific plans online.

Printable Computer Skills Lesson Plans

If you're not ready to create your own computer skills lesson plan from scratch or are low on time, these printable lesson plans can help you get started. Click on the image of the lesson plan you want to use, then download and print. Check out troubleshooting tips if you have any problems accessing the printable lesson plans.

Keyboard and Mouse Skills Lesson Plan

Beginners of all types such as preschoolers and adults learning to use computers can use this simple keyboard and mouse skills lesson plan. A fun game of Computer Says, modeled after Simon Says, helps students review the basic keys on the keyboard and how to use a mouse. You can use the lesson plan as is, edit modifications straight on the PDF lesson plan, or use it as inspiration for your own unique lesson.

  • For true beginners and little kids, try giving three to five directives in a set instead of 10.
  • For older kids you can start adding in more complex directives such as "copy and paste that last word" where students have to figure out which keys or buttons to press.
  • Advancing students can start to use fun typed elements with directives like "make a smiley face" where they make emoticons.
Keyboard and Mouse Skills Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan on Learning to Use Software

There are many types of computer learning software for kids. Choose a staple program like Google Docs or a fun new program you'd like to introduce such as Scratch for the Software Scavenger Hunt lesson plan. While kids of all ages can learn about software through exploration, this lesson is best for kids in grades one and two and up depending on the software you choose.

  • Use the lesson plan outside computer classes like in advanced art classes for older kids who can explore programs like Adobe Photoshop for a project.
  • Little kids can learn about software with simple online activities such as interactive coloring pages where they have to discover what kind of line or filler each tool creates.
  • This kind of independent activity is great for self-guided lessons or days at school when there's a substitute teacher.
Learning to Use Software Lesson Plan

Responsible Internet Use Lesson Plan

In the world of YouTube stars and "fake news" it can be difficult for students to discern between what is responsible use of the internet for specific online platforms and what is irresponsible use. This YouTube Yes or No lesson plan geared toward older kids and teens centers on how the internet can be used for good and how people can use it in inappropriate ways.

  • Use the YouTube Kids app for younger kids to ensure they aren't seeing any truly inappropriate content.
  • Older kids can focus on different online news outlets and compare to see which is the most responsible.
  • Complete the activity in small groups where students vote on whether each video is appropriate and discuss any discrepancies.
Responsible Internet Use Lesson Plan

Basic Technology Skills to Teach

Today's world revolves around technology, so computer skills have become a necessity. You probably have one or more computers in your house, digital audio equipment, computerized appliances, and much more. Children grow up watching their parents, older siblings, and teachers type on a computer keyboard and wield a mouse. Home schooled students are no exception.

Basic Keyboard Skills

Lesson plans for teaching computer skills often begin with basic keyboard skills. The QWERTY keyboard remains the standard in the United States for most computer users. Basic keyboard skills include:

  • Where to place hands when typing
  • How to use the letter keys
  • How to use the number keys
  • What special keys like the space bar, "Enter," and "Shift" do
  • How to use simple keyboard shortcuts like "Ctrl + C" to copy highlighted text
  • How to use arrow keys to move around the screen

Basic Computer Mouse Skills

Mouse skills are also important for beginners because using the mouse properly makes using the computer possible. Many beginner lesson plans use a simple computerized game such as jacks to increase eye-hand coordination among young students learning how to click on objects on the screen. Lessons include skills like:

  • How to hold and control the mouse
  • What left-clicking does
  • What right-clicking does
  • How to use a mouse pad
Teacher helping student using laptop

Basic Computer Software Skills

Once students have mastered basic keyboard and mouse skills, they progress to using various software. Computer software is defined as the programs and routines that make a computer run. Word processing and graphic software are the most commonly taught types of software for kids. Other applications students may wish to learn include the use of scanners and spreadsheets. Common software used by kids includes:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Drive
  • Internet browser options
  • Brainchild
  • Reading Eggs

Safe and Productive Internet Use

Internet use is a big topic among educators and there is no shortage of internet safety lesson plans available to teachers and home schooling parents. You can use a simple teacher guide for internet safety to help you create a course all about kids internet safety or internet safety for teens. Students often rely upon the Internet as a source of information for various projects, as well as for social interaction among other students and peers. It's important to include lessons that help students:

  • Evaluate information and information sources online
  • Keep personal information private
  • Use and cite online sources properly
  • Use social media responsibly

Write Your Own Lesson Plans for Teaching Computer Skills

You can use free lesson plan templates to create your own computer skills lesson plans to cover any emerging topic. This way, you can make plans that will suit any educational environment from library programs to home school.

A Worldwide Web of Computer Lessons

Using the computer, troubleshooting problems, safe net surfing, and using software programs are essential skills and tasks for today's student. Fortunately, home schooling parents and school teachers have many options and free lesson plans to choose from to teach these valuable skills.

Empower Kids with Essential Computer Skills