Even for adults, listening is sometimes a little bit of a challenge, and the world can be a whole lot louder for kids in junior high. There are some genuinely fun listening activities for middle schoolers that can help, though.
Effective listening involves the ability to understand spoken words and separate relevant from irrelevant information, but we all know it actually goes so much deeper than that. It's also an important social skill that tells others you're really hearing what they're saying. Listening is an active process people use daily, and teaching these skills will help students in preparation for life outside of school. These activities are infused with fun and motivation to encourage participation.
Knock, Knock. Who's There?
In this class activity, it's all about being able to recognize the voices of classmates. What's great is that this activity only requires paper and pencil.
- Have students take out a piece of paper and pen or pencil. Ask them to number their paper to 10.
- Select three students to come to the front of the classroom. All other kids should then lay their heads down on their desks with eyes closed.
- Using fingers, express to one of the selected students they are first and another selected student that they are second.
- The first selected student will then say "Knock, knock" and the second student will respond with "Who's there?"
- Send the selected students back to their seats then direct the rest of the class to open their eyes and write down the name of the student who said each phrase.
- Continue playing in this fashion until all students have been called to the front and 10 rounds have been played.
- The student with the most correct answers at the end is the winner.
For added difficulty, allow students to disguise their voices. Another fun modification might be to instruct speakers to do a celebrity impersonation when saying their phrases. Guessing students will not only have to identify the classmate speaking but also the celebrity they are impersonating.
Word Count
A great way to get kids actively listening to videos, guest presentations or classmate speeches is to incorporate a keyword-counting challenge. This activity can be modified to include media by using songs or fun cartoons.

- Choose the format for information presentation (lecture, video, etc.).
- Select three or four keywords and count how many times they appear in the presentation. Write each keyword on a few index cards.
- Hand each student a card or slip of paper with a keyword listed. Multiple students will have the same keyword.
- Instruct students to listen for this keyword and make a note of how many times they hear the word.
- At the end of the activity, ask all students with the same keyword to form a group. If they have different answers, students must attempt to persuade the entire group that their answer is correct.
- Each group must form a consensus and submit a final answer. The group(s) with the correct answer wins.
The Last Word
Multi-tasking is an essential element of effective listening, as anyone who has tried to have a conversation while making dinner can tell you. Similar to a common improvisation activity, this game challenges students to listen to classmates while also preparing a relevant statement in their head. Small or large groups can easily play "The Last Word."
Choose a topic such as in the jungle, prehistoric life, an episode of Ted Lasso, or a Taylor Swift song. Anything that might grab kids' interest is good.
- Select an order by handing out numbers or base your order on the seating arrangements.
- The first player must walk to the front of the room and say one sentence that relates to the chosen topic.
- The next player must immediately walk to the front of the room and say one sentence that starts with the last word said by the player immediately before them.
- Play continues until all students have had a turn. If a student is unable to come up with an appropriate sentence within ten seconds, he is out of the game.
- Game play continues in this fashion until there is only one student left and he is the winner.
A fun variation on this that works on active listening is to have kids listen to one sentence and then stand up and say a sentence that's related to what the previous person was talking about. They don't have to repeat any specific words for this — it's more about showing they heard and understood the topic.
Series of Sound
Using everyday items, teachers can incorporate hidden sounds into any lesson. Students will be challenged to listen for, draw, and repeat a series of common sounds. The concept may sound simple, but everyone will be surprised at how much they normally tune out.

- Bring in everyday objects, such as a stapler, book, paper, or something similar.
- Be sure to have a variety of items on hand to make noise with. It will be helpful to plan a series of sounds to make during the lesson. For example, a series might include banging a book on the desk, stomping your foot, clapping your hands, stapling papers, whistling, and clicking keyboard keys.
- Instruct students to listen for sounds made only by the teacher during the lesson or class period.
- Every time a student hears a new sound, they should draw a picture of the item that made the sound.
- At the end of the lesson, allow each student the opportunity to gather all items they drew and recreate the series of sounds in order.
- The student(s) with the correct series of sounds win.
Banana Split
A take on the game Screaming Viking, students will need to listen for directions in a chaotic environment and follow those directions. A gym or large, open space is required for playing this active game.

- All players will run around the room as they would if they were playing tag.
- When the teacher yells out one of the commands, each student must assume the correct position before the teacher counts to ten.
- The commands and actions are:
- "Ice cream" - Players must push hands in front of their body as if scooping giant scoops of ice cream.
- "Banana" - Players start with their hands together above their heads in a triangular shape then peel down one hand at a time.
- "Cherry" - Players curl up in a ball on the floor with one hand extended above their head.
- "Banana Split" - Three players must join together and, standing next to each other and each take a different one of the three individual roles (one scooper, one peeling banana, and one cherry).
- If a student chooses the wrong position or a group is unable to form the Banana Split, those players are out of the game.
- The last player or trio standing wins the game.
Related: 8 Reading Activities for High Schoolers They'll Actually Enjoy
Simple Listening Activities to Try
Sometimes, it's fun to just break out a basic listening activity for the end of the school day or when kids need a break from the regular routine. These activities focus on different aspects of listening. Even better, they require little prep and can be done when you have a quick five- to ten-minute break.
- Telephone: Try the classic game where students form a line, and each person whispers a message to the next until the last person says the message out loud. The goal is to have the first person and the last person say the exact same message, but it often gets reworded.
- Follow the Directions: This activity can be done in pairs or a large group. One person gives short, simple instructions and the other(s) must draw according to the directions they hear. This is actually a great active listening activity since kids have to reflect on what they hear.
- Simon Says: Although this is typically a game for younger children, it can be adapted to older kids by incorporating more complex or silly directives. For example, "Simon says repeatedly high five your neighbor."
- Blindfold Obstacle Course: One student is blindfolded and must follow the directions of a partner to move through an obstacle course.
- Follow the Leader: Blindfold one person. Have the other students should line up. The blindfolded person should give directions, and everyone else must follow them.
- Copycat Rhythm: Kids must listen to a rhythm clapped or tapped out and then repeat it perfectly. To make this game age-appropriate for middle schoolers, use complex patterns or unique instruments.
- Stand Up/Sit Down: Instruct students to stand up or sit down, whichever is the opposite of their current position, every time they hear a specific word, phrase, or sound during a prepared lesson or speech.
Ways to Use Listening Activities at Home
School isn't the only place where middle schoolers need to listen. In fact, home is often a better environment to practice some of those interpersonal skills in a small group. Here are a few ways to use these activities:

- Play one of the listening games at the family dinner table. Telephone and the Last Word both work really well for this.
- Have a family listening game night where you all play a listening game after dinner. Make it more fun with popcorn or a special dessert.
- Use these listening activities as ways to talk about your day with each other instead of giving a speech or lesson.
- If you get together with your larger extended family, a large group listening activity can actually be a great ice breaker.
Help Them Learn Active Listening
True listening involves opening the ears, mind, and heart. Most people have no problem hearing what others are saying, but listening is an acquired skill. A little patience and some fun, engaging activities are all you need to get middle school students motivated to learn what listening means.