A long distance relationship New Year's Eve celebration can be challenging, but very rewarding when you make that extra effort for a romantic interlude. Romance is about the details and a few long distance relationship tips can help you celebrate New Year's Eve in a fun and meaningful way!
COVID-19 Related Long Distance Relationship New Year's Eve
If you are practicing social distancing by staying in this New Year's Eve, you can still share the excitement and romance with your sweetheart. Keep in mind that being apart is a temporary measure, and you'll be back in each other's arms to resume your life together.
Long Distance Relationship New Year's Eve Celebration Tips
Before the big night, plan out your evening. Decide how you want to set the mood, then go shopping online. Allow plenty of time for your New Year's Eve supplies to be delivered.
Select Preferred Livestream Platform
You should also decide which online service platform you want to use for your virtual New Year's celebration. Do you like Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime? Decide together which service you wish to use and conduct a test run if you've never used it before.
Set the Mood
Before you advance any farther in your plans, decide if you want to include festive decorations. You should select a color scheme and theme for your decorations. Some of the more popular choices include balloons, streamers, and confetti. You can make a shopping list to ensure you have everything you need to make your night together with your beloved a special evening.

Choose Type of Lighting
Lighting is an important mood setter. You can choose from dimmer switch lighting, candlelight and miniature lights. Decide on the type of mood you wish to set for your virtual New Year's Eve celebration and choose the appropriate lighting.
Send Each Other a New Year's Eve Gift
You can infuse additional excitement into your long distance night together by sending each other a special gift, so you can open them together during your online celebration. Most websites offer gift wrapping and a card with your order an extra fee, or have it sent to you if you wish to inspect your gift before sending. You can personally wrap your lover's gift and then send it out in time for the big reveal on New Year's Eve. Tuck a photo of yourself inside the gift for a special touch.
Dress up for a Romantic Night
It's time to get all dressed up for a fun New Year's Eve long distance date. Elegant attire can put you in the right frame of mind, even if you are celebrating New Year's Eve long distance. Grab a bottle of champagne, a fluted champagne glass, some chocolate covered strawberries, and click open your video chat. Have a fun evening together!
Plan a Romantic Dinner
You can plan a beautiful candlelight dinner together. Set the table for two and place your monitor, laptop, or tablet opposite you, so you can see your beloved. It is especially helpful if both of you use the same colored tablecloth to give a sense of realism; you may even forget you aren't sitting at the same table.
General Tips for Celebrating New Year's Eve Long Distance
Whatever the reason for your long distance relationship, you want to find ways to remain in each other's lives. You want to keep that spark alive while you're apart. A few general tips for maintaining and enjoying a long distance relationship during the most celebrated night of the year, New Year's Eve, can make you feel cherished and loved!
Take Selfies the Week Before to Share
You can plan to share some of the fun things you did during the week before New Year's Eve. If you went to a family Christmas dinner or celebration, met up with friends for a cup of hot chocolate, went to a performance of The Nutcracker, volunteered at a food bank, or went ice skating, you can take selfies to share with your sweetheart during your New Year's Eve celebration.

Your photos allow you to share in these individual experiences and make you a bigger part of each other's lives. You can download the selfies and then create a collage, placing your images beside each other.
Plan the Next Year Together
On New Year's Eve, you and your beloved can talk about your dreams, hopes, and plans for the new year and how you can spend it together. Will you still be apart next New Year's Eve? If not, you can start making celebration plans for next New Year's Eve together. Don't stop there. You can make other plans, such as a timeline for certain things to happen to mark your separation drawing to an end. These milestones should become celebration points. New Year's Eve is an ideal time to make these and other plans and maybe toss in a New Year's resolution you make as a couple.
Cook Your Dinner Together
If you and your sweetheart like to cook together, you can still do this in a long distance relationship. Plan your New Year's Eve meal and take each other on your trip to shop for groceries. This can be almost as fun as cooking dinner together. Set up your tablet or laptop in the kitchen and livestream together while each of you prepares and cooks dinner. Don't forget the wine and be sure to place a bottle of champagne on ice for a midnight toast.
Play a Game
As part of your evening entertainment, you may decide to play a game. This is especially fun for a gamer couple. If you don't play video games, there are many other types of games you can play together, from virtual monopoly to popular word games, such as this or that or never have I ever. Have fun spending the evening together, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.

Livestream New Year's Party You Attend
Just because you're separated by distance doesn't mean you have to be a recluse on New Year's Eve. Plan to get together with a group of friends for a New Year's Eve party and take your sweetheart with you by livestreaming the fun. Each of you can share with the other, so you actually attend two parties instead of just one and double the celebration fun!
Wear a Hug Shirt
Not being able to touch your lover with celebrating New Year's Eve long distance can be depressing. Don't let it get you down! Instead, turn to technology to give you the simulation of a hug. Cute Circuit offers you a chance to close the distance between you and your long distance lover with the Hug Shirt.
- You and your lover will each don a Hug Shirt. This invention capitalizes on cell phone and vibration technology.
- Wrap your arms around yourself and hug. Your lover will receive a notification that she/he has a hug waiting for them to accept.
- When they accept your hug, their shirt vibrates in the sensor areas to simulate a hug. While it isn't as good as the real thing, the Hug Shirt provides one way you can feel closer to your loved one and give her/him a New Year's Eve virtual hug.
Pillow Talk
What happens once your livestream video celebration with your loved one is over? Chances are you retire for the evening and try to sleep thinking about how much you miss your lover. Pillow Talk is one solution offered to couples separated by distance. If you miss lying with your head on your lover's chest, this device allows you to hear your darling's heartbeat in real time. Many couples find listening to each other's heartbeat comforting.
- Each of you will wear a wristband and place the receiver underneath your pillow.
- Using cellphone technology to transmit the heartbeat, lovers can hear each other's heartbeat against the pillow. This is one device designed to help lovers feel just a heartbeat away from each other.
Celebrate New Year's Eve With Your Lover's Family
If you have a good relationship with your lover's family, spend New Year's Eve celebrating with them. Video chat with your lover from his/her parent's home. Share the evening meal by livestreaming via your video chat, so she/he will feel the love. Later, you can return to your home and have a private champagne toast over another video chat. Most sweethearts will appreciate you reaching out to their family, who are obviously missing her/him as well. This type of celebrating New Year's Eve long distance can make your relationship with your beloved stronger and happier.
Building a Long Distance Relationship New Year's Eve Style
Celebrating New Year's Eve long distance probably isn't your ideal way to spend such an important holiday. However, it does offer opportunities to have longer conversations and a greater appreciation for each other, especially when you find virtual ways to spend time together.