While you shouldn't assume guys don't like flowers (many do!), it's always good to know what to send a guy instead of flowers when it comes to gift-giving. Learn what guys want straight from their mouth and take notes from people who have given successful gifts to guys in the past.
Send Guys Something Fun Instead of Flowers
Pick out a gift for a guy that adds something silly to his day. Whether he's into toys, gaming, or building hobbies, you're sure to find something he'd enjoy and brighten his mood.
Action Figures and Heros
Whether he's into Marvel or DC, He-Man or green army soldiers, action figures are often collectible toys that he would get a kick out of receiving. Consider picking him up:
- Retro toys from original series (look at antique and consignment shops)
- Figures that have an additional feature, like Transformers that can turn into cars and trucks
- Action movie memorabilia from Star Wars to Indiana Jones
- Posters from movies featuring his favorite action hero
- Shirts and coffee mugs featuring his favorite action figures
"Bobblehead and Funko figure type stuff would be appreciated too," Michael K. said, adding, "At least by this guy."
Retro Games
Gamer guys will get a kick out of playing classic video games. From Pac-Man to Donkey Kong, look for traditional games that fit newer systems. If you have a little more time and budget, consider getting him a retro system like Atari so he can play authentically! Even guys who aren't into tech may get into playing classic board games, like Stratego or Monopoly, especially if they can enjoy it with you the next time you get together.
Building Toys and Hobbies
Legos, Lincoln Logs, K'nex, and more building toys offer difficulty levels suitable for adults. Lego-loving soccer player David Beckham received a 7,000+ Lego Star Wars Millenium Falcon from Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. You could also send him accessories and tools for his own building hobbies, whether it's paint for model cars or a new tool for his wood-working hobby.
Send a Man Food, Not Flowers
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and this advice has been around for years for good reason: people love to eat.
Food Suggestions
Think about your guy's favorite foods and meals and you won't go wrong. Consider:
- Junk food - Homemade cookies, his favorite candy, and soda are a great way to endear yourself to your guy.
- Delivery food - Surprise him by sending Chinese or Thai delivery on a Friday night when you can't get together.
- Meat - Barbie B. mentioned giving "high quality meat", while Michele M. said "beef jerky never fails" when she's sending a guy a gift.
- DIY food kits - Perhaps he wants to learn how to make artisan cheese or perfect his pasta-making skills. Whatever the passion, you can buy or make a kit so he can have fun with food at home.
Drink Options
"Booze always works," Marc B. said. But, if your guy isn't into aged bourbon or martinis that are "shaken and not stirred", you can still send him something relaxing to drink. An assortment of tea, coffee pods, or even a six-pack of his favorite electrolyte-infused sports drink are all fantastic ideas to send him.
Send Him Subscription Services or Themed Boxes
You can buy subscription boxes with almost any theme imaginable. Some companies, like Man Crates (as suggested by Paola A.), have boxes curated specifically for men and range from barbecue accessories to beer making and more. Jeromy H. said that "all those gear box subscriptions look awesome," so look into tactical and survival box subscription services, as well as book clubs or tie-of-the-month boxes. Don't forget you can put together your own themed box, too; pick a color, mood, or occasion to tie everything together, like Pajama Night or Fitness Fun Day.

Send Guys the Love of the Game
Not all men enjoy sports, but if yours does, you can find plenty of ideas to fit your budget, large or small. For example, Mary W. said that "batting cage admission" is a good option for guys who enjoy playing baseball. Similarly, a pass for a high-end golf course or NASCAR driving experience are also good options for men who enjoy those sporting events. But if your guy is more of a fan than player, don't despair. Sally P. suggested giving him "tickets to see his favorite team play." Shirts, caps, and memorabilia are all good options that don't bust your budget, too.
Send Him Online Classes
If you're in a long-distance relationship or have a hard time seeing each other in person, sending him online classes and services he can redeem at home or in his local area is a great gift that will mean a lot. "In the age of covid," suggested Jeromy H., "online cooking classes, fitness and mindfulness classes, Masterclass subscription," are good options.
Send Your Guy Good Work Vibes
If your guy spends a lot of time on the job, he might appreciate a thoughtful gift that will make his workplace a little more fun -- or at least make the work a little easier! Jennifer G. once sent a desktop zen rock garden to her husband. Jennifer said he thought it "showed that I knew him well." Other workplace ideas include:
- High-quality pens
- Artwork for his office walls
- Leather briefcase
- New cufflinks
Find the Perfect Gift for the Perfect Guy
Searching for the perfect gift doesn't have to be time consuming or hard. Send him something you know he'll enjoy, whether it's a romantic present or a homemade craft, and you can't go wrong.