There was this one time when a guy thought I'd agreed to go on a date with him, but I hadn't. So naturally, it was awkward when he showed up at my house dressed to the nines and ready for romance, and I was dressed in my comfiest sweats, prepared for a chill evening in (by myself). We worked it out, but we could have saved ourselves that painful moment by confirming the date ahead of time. So confirming a date? It's always a good idea.
I totally get wanting to sound chill, even when you feel awkward. And even if you're super excited about an upcoming date, you may not want to sound overeager (especially for a first date), too intense, or awkward when you go to confirm. That's why we're here to show you how to confirm a date and still keep your cool.
How to Confirm a Date Over Text and Be Chill
Confirming a date can definitely keep you from awkward moments like the one I had. And if texting had been available way back when I was dating, it probably would've made it a lot easier. Fortunately, texting is a tool that you have at your disposal — although you can feel free to call or confirm in person, too. These simple check-ins are a great way to confirm a date without sounding needy while still keeping it totally chill.
- Is 7 too early to pick you up tonight?
- Do you have a favorite place you'd like to eat?
- I was thinking we could go see X movie tonight. Would that work or is there another you'd like to see?
- Would you prefer to meet me, can I send an Uber, or would you like me to pick you up?
- I'm really looking forward to hanging out tonight. What time would you like to meet?
- Just making sure we're set for tonight at 9.
- See you later at [place] at [time].
- Want to grab an early dinner before the movie tomorrow night? Instead of picking you up at 7:30 pm, I can swing by at 5:30. Let me know if that sounds good.
- Looking forward to seeing you again. See you at 6:30 pm.
- After watching the weather report for tomorrow night, I'm looking for my umbrella! See you tomorrow night at 7:30. Until then, keep dry!
- Hi, looking forward to tonight. See you at 7:30.
- I can't wait to try the new menu at Mario's tonight. See you at 6.
- I'm able to get off work a little early, so I'll be on time for our date tonight at 6.
- Found this great article about the theater. I can't wait to see the renovations with you tonight. See you at 7:30.
- I've been looking forward to hearing this band all week. See you this evening at 8.
Tips for Confirming a Date
It's understandable that you may feel anxious if your date is with somebody new. Nobody wants to be stood up (or show up for a date that turns out not to be one), so confirming can help.

Confirm at the Time You Make the Date
When you first make the date, confirm it so that you know you both agreed on the same thing. You could say, "Great...it's a date tomorrow at 7 at Aldo's then." or, "Cool. It's a date. Looking forward to it."
Be sure you use the word date so there's no misunderstanding. Nobody wants to be that person who shows up for a date and finds out it's a group hang.
Re-confirm a Date 12-24 Hours in Advance
It's best to confirm 12-24 hours in advance since plans can change. A simple text letting them know you're still on or confirming details is all you need.
- Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night/tonight.
- Looking forward to dinner tomorrow night/tonight.
- Checking in to make sure we're still on for tomorrow night/tonight.
Who Should Confirm the Date
Either person can confirm the date. If you haven't heard from the other person and want to make sure the date is still on, drop them a text.
If Your Date Hasn't Confirmed
If you haven't heard from your date in a while, and the date is coming up tonight:
- Send a casual text on the morning of your date.
- Keep in mind that the person may be working, in class, or busy, and be patient.
- If you still haven't heard by late afternoon, you can confirm by texting, "Heading out from work at 6 — see you around 6:30" or similar.
Setting the Right Tone When Confirming a Date
Whenever you text to confirm a date:
- Be casual and friendly.
- Avoid sounding nervous, anxious, or scared.
- Make your text short but get all the necessary details in.
- Be confident. Assume the date is still on.
- Confirm once or maybe a second time if it has been a few days since you last talked. But don't confirm any more than that.
- If you've tried to confirm and it's go-time but you haven't heard back, you can send a quick text like, "Since I haven't heard from you, I suspect our date is off. Let me know if I misunderstood," or something similar. Keep it light, casual, and non-accusatory.
Confirm a Date With Finesse
Confirm your date in a way that's natural and feels casual. With a little finesse, you can confirm your date with grace.