When you meet someone electronically, it can be a little awkward knowing how to acknowledge the new acquaintance, regardless of whether it's in an email, in a Zoom, a text, or some other digital method. The term "It's nice to e-meet you" is one that many people use, but do you really need the "e" part of "e-meet?" We don't think so.
With more and more acquaintanceships, business relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships starting via some form of electronic media, we're all for dropping the "e" and simply acknowledging that meeting someone electronically is actually meeting them. So, if you're wondering what's another way to say pleasure to e-meet you, we have tons of ideas.
Different Ways to Say 'Nice to E-Meet You' for Every Situation
A good general turn of phrase will work regardless of the form of electronic media you use when you meet someone new or the type of relationship you're cultivating.

- It's a pleasure to hear from you.
- I've heard a lot about you. Thanks for reaching out.
- Thanks for getting in touch.
- It's nice to hear from you!
- I'm so happy you reached out.
- I'm happy to hear from you.
- It's great getting in touch with you.
- Happy to meet you.
- A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
- Thanks for reaching out.
- It's lovely to connect with you.
- Thanks for opening up a conversation.
How to Say 'It's a Pleasure to E-Meet You' on a Dating App
Let's face it. A lot of relationships start on dating apps. So getting off to the right start can set the stage for any future romantic relationship. We like these phrases for saying "happy to e-meet you" on a dating app.

- I'm excited you reached out.
- Thanks for swiping right!
- I'm looking forward to learning more about you.
- I'm so happy we both swiped right.
- I'm happy you want to connect.
- It's great to hear from you.
- I'm so glad you got in touch. Here's to some great conversations!
- It's nice of you to get in touch.
What to Say Instead of 'Glad to E-Meet You' in an Email or Text Message
If your first contact is through text or email, these are some phrases you might try instead of "happy to e-meet you."

- I'm so happy to hear from you today.
- I appreciate you getting in touch.
- Thanks for the message. I'm happy to hear from you.
- I was happy to receive your email/text.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- Glad you reached out.
- It's nice to connect.
- Thanks for emailing/texting.
How to Say 'Happy to E-Meet You' via Video Conference
If your first acquaintance is chatting face-to-face on a video conference app, these are some of the phrases that can replace "it's nice to e-meet you."

- It's nice to see you.
- I'm happy to put a face to the name.
- It's great connecting face-to-face.
- Thanks for taking the time to connect.
- It's great seeing you.
- Thanks for connecting.
- I'm so happy to see you.
- Thanks for meeting me today.
- It's great to meet you.
Ways to Say 'Happy to E-Meet You' When You Slide Into Somebody's DMs
Whether you slide into their DMs or they slide into yours, these are some great ways to acknowledge your first meeting.

- I feel like I know you from your posts.
- It's cool to be able to chat with you this way.
- I'm happy to connect in this way.
- Thanks for reaching out to connect.
- I appreciate your willingness to chat with me.
- I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
- It's a pleasure to connect.
- I'm happy to get in touch.
How to Say 'Happy to E-Meet You' in a Business Situation
Electronic communication can lull us into a false sense of intimacy and casual conversation, but for a business situation, you'll want to keep everything super professional.

- I appreciate you taking the time to connect with me.
- Thank you for getting in touch. I'm happy to connect.
- I appreciate you reaching out.
- Thank you for connecting today.
- I appreciate your time.
- I appreciate your attention.
- It's a pleasure.
All the Phrases for All the E-Meetings
When it comes right down to it, e-meeting and e-greeting are pretty much the same thing as meeting and greeting — you're just not in the same space as the person you're talking to. So all conventional guidelines for polite in-person communications apply. Be polite. Be courteous. Be friendly. And, in some situations, be professional.