9 Places to Find Free Online Romance Novels

Updated October 9, 2018
Woman enjoying online romance novel

Plenty of free online romance novels are available for you to enjoy right now. There's no need to spend a fortune at the bookstore, you can curl up on your couch with your laptop and satisfy your romance craving without spending a dime. Find out which websites offer these types of novels free.

Finding Free Romance Novels Online

When you search for free online romance novels, you will find you can choose to download one, read it off the website, or read a couple of chapters every few days as the site uploads them. The following websites provide you with a variety of different methods for you to start enjoying romance novels on the Internet.


Choose from nine different romance categories, such as Romantic Suspense, Western Romance, Historical Romance, and Contemporary Romance at PublicBookshelf where you can read stories uploaded by authors. They have over 250 full length eBooks, most of which are romance novels. You can read all the books online for free and even on your mobile devices. New books are added weekly. If you're short on time, you can read romance Bookies, which are ongoing stories the author regularly adds sections to.

Romantic 4 Ever

At Romantic 4 Ever, you can read two general romance novels by author Joan Reeves. Moonlight on Snow: A Love Story is a twelve-chapter story about how a case of mistaken identity can lead to love. The Trouble With Love includes twenty chapters about two professionals pretending to be a couple for work who find the job much more enjoyable than anticipated.

Mills and Boon

Mills and Boon is UK division operating under publishing giant HarperCollins. On their site, you can read a new book from one of their published authors each month. Every day a new chapter is added to that month's book so you can discover new genres, authors, and books to love. Click on the "Free Online Reads" tab to get started. Books range in length from about eight chapters up to twenty chapters, and you can even access the free reads from previous months. Romance categories from the publisher include Modern, Historical, Supernatural, and Kimani.

Free Ebooks

At Free-Ebooks.net you can download tons of novels in different categories, including romance. Most of the romance novels are available in PDF, ePub, Kindle, or TXT versions so you can read them on the computer or an eReader. There are over 250 free options in the romance category. One of the great features on the site is you can do a preview of the first few pages before downloading to make sure the book is your style.


Bookyards aims to provide any information you could access at your local library on the internet. With over 170 free, downloadable PDF books in the romance category there is something for everyone. You also have the option to convert any book to Kobo format if that's your preference. If you find an author you love, click on the tab with their name near the bottom of the book listing to find their other available titles.

Night Owl Romance

If you're looking for free romance novels to add to your eReader, this is the site for you. Night Owl Romance keeps a listing of nearly 100 romance novels that are currently free in Kindle or Audio format on Amazon. Romance genres on the list include paranormal, science fiction, and contemporary. Click on the book of your choice to read a blurb about the novel then hit "Buy Now." You'll be taken to the book's Amazon page where you can see which versions are currently free.


Find hot romance novels online for free reading from independent authors at obooko. Each book is formatted as either a PDF, ePub, or Kindle version. You can sort by the newest additions or by format to find what you want. The site features nearly 300 books in the categories of women's fiction and romance written for an audience of women. Genres range from chick-lit to racy mysteries and historical romances. You'll need to create a free account to read all the eBooks offered on the site.

Barnes and Noble

Nook owners can get free eBooks from Barnes and Noble to use on their device. There are more than 9,000 free titles currently available to add to your Nook in the romance category. Narrow your search by choosing a genre like contemporary, historical, or paranormal romance. Click on the book you want to read for access to a sample chapter or two then add it to your cart. The book will be delivered free to your Nook after you checkout.

Find Harlequin Novels Free Online

As one of the top publisher's for women's fiction and a trusted name in the world of romance novels, Harlequin books promise to be great reads. Harlequin's Online Reads features over 350 free stories written in serialized style where new chapters are added daily. Get started by clicking on your mood from wanting to be seduced to wanting to be inspired or choosing the amount of time you have to read. While the books are free to read, you'll need to create an account and sign in to read them.

How eBooks Help You Improve Your Relationship

If you are feeling down about your relationship because it lacks the passion it once had, don't worry. Romance novels can help bring back that romantic spark. When you read one of these books, you will probably identify with one or more of the characters. You begin to feel what the characters do and these feelings then transfer to your relationship. You may even pick up some good ideas on what you can do to make your relationship hotter than it has been lately.

Romantic spark

Helps Singles Too

Romance novels are not only for people in relationships. If you are single right now, they can help you get through the lull in your romantic life.

Are eBooks as Good as Regular Books?

Many readers choose not to search the internet for reading material because they think that amateurs are the only ones that are willing to give away their books free. This is not true; many well established authors place their books on the Internet to attract new readers to their writing. If you give online eBooks a chance, you will find that even less well-known authors have the ability to become best sellers someday. These authors are trying to make a break into the industry, and you are the lucky one that gets to enjoy a good story without paying for it.

9 Places to Find Free Online Romance Novels