Are you crushing on a Capricorn man and wild to date him? The first tip to remember when dating a Capricorn man is that he's not dating for fun and games; he's seeking a lifelong mate. If you're marriage minded, dating a Capricorn man can be rewarding. Because once he decides he wants you, he'll weather any storm to get you. Once he does, he'll work hard to keep you and make you happy.
Landing a Date With a Capricorn Man
Capricorn men aren't players, and perhaps the most challenging part of snagging a date with this reserved and love-shy man is catching his interest. So the first move is yours. If you have a mutual friend, ask them to introduce you; if not, be bold, smile, and introduce yourself. If he's a work associate, ask him to join you for a cup of coffee. Then, with a sparkle in your eye, you could say, "I've enjoyed meeting you... or talking to you... let's do it again sometime." You've made the first move; let him take it from there. But be patient.
Earliest Stages of Dating a Capricorn Man
These strong, silent men become friends before serious dating begins. Therefore, your first "dates" will be like a job interview or getting to know a new friend. The first few times you meet, he'll ask you to join him at a place where you can easily talk with one another with no romantic expectations.
Be warm, genuine, confident, direct, and down-to-earth when you meet; share a little about yourself and ask about him. If you can do this, you're off to a good start. But also be aware a Capricorn man has a talent for understanding what remains unsaid and pays attention to body language. So be straightforward and truthful.
Choosing the right partner is essential for a Capricorn man. He'll take things slow and easy and want to know everything about you before he takes the relationship any further. Why? He wants time to find out if you're needy, could be an obstacle to his career and financial success, and if the relationship could go somewhere in the long term.
What a Capricorn Man Wants
A Capricorn man is looking for a solid person who hasn't dated every Tom, Dick, and Harry in town. It's a must that they have good values, dependability, a sense of responsibility, self-sufficiency, and a level head. Yes, just what most employers are looking for during a job interview. Of course, it's a big plus if the person is easy to talk with and is emotionally expressive. If this is not you, don't fake it! A Capricorn man will know.
First Date Tips
OK, he's asked you for an actual date. What do you do? You dress classy and forget about showing off your physical assets - he's already noted those and prefers you leave something to the imagination. Now's the time for you to show off your beautiful brain and your witty sense of humor.
Talk about your career, achievements, future hopes, and topics you're passionate about. Be honest, friendly, and conversational; use your best manners, turn on the charm, and flirt with your eyes. Don't be overly familiar, and don't be coy or play hard to get, either. Acting like this could be the kiss of death to any further dating.
Slow and Steady
Don't be concerned if he seems to avoid you after a few initial dates. Understand a Capricorn man won't dive heartfirst into a relationship. If you're still interested, text him and ask for some advice or send something funny that he can relate to - just don't make it a daily or weekly thing. This will show you're in it to win, but will wait. Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man.
Genuinely Dating a Capricorn Man
Suppose you've passed muster on those first few dates and are still seeing your Capricorn man. If that's the case, you can bet he's sincerely interested in you, has already factored you into his future, and expects you and him to be exclusive.
Be Understanding
By now, you probably also know that a Capricorn man's career often takes precedence over dating. He's not a 9 to 5, weekends off guy. So, dating may be catch as catch can. Don't take that as a lack of interest - be understanding and don't rush him, push him into anything, or get your feelings hurt. He'll think more of you if you have a life of your own and even more if you're also a busy, career-oriented person. Still, the more available you are to him, the more available he'll be to you.
Dates With Your Capricorn Man
In almost everything, a Capricorn man prefers simplicity over drama.

So, you can expect:
- Evenings alone together
- Dinner and a movie
- Trips to museums
- Quiet days at the beach
- A weekend trip to the mountains for hiking
Prove You're Worthy of His Trust
During your first few dates, prove yourself worthy of his trust. Trustworthiness is paramount to having a successful, committed, long-term relationship with a Capricorn man.
- Say what you'll do and do what you say - be dependable.
- A Capricorn man wants to feel there is no one else in the world for you but him. You can be friendly but never flirt or show interest in anyone else.
- Remember, he's traditional and is not into public displays of affection, so stick to light touches.
- He doesn't want his private life to become general knowledge. It's a no-no to tell your friends all the intimate details of your relationship.
Let Him Take Charge
A Capricorn man is a take-charge guy, so let him call the shots. He'll certainly want to make you happy, and once committed to a relationship, like in his career, long-term success is his end game. So, if there's something you want, like, or dislike, tell him calmly and directly, and he'll do everything he can to ensure it does or does not happen again.
Respect His Reserved Nature
As take charge as a Capricorn man can be, he's also shy and reserved. Parties can make him uneasy and social settings often make him uncomfortable. So, in such situations, he'll appreciate you taking the lead. You'll be a great asset to a Capricorn man if you're friendly, outgoing, and sociable. Don't be afraid to show off your witty humor. Just do nothing that will embarrass him.
A Capricorn Man as a Lover
While the Capricorn man is reserved, he's far from being an unenthusiastic lover. He's a man who can give himself entirely to deep intimacy with the right person. He's a sensual man who has an innate understanding of ways to please his lover and always strives to be the best.
Getting him in bed may take a while, but a night with a Capricorn man is worth working and waiting for. As with everything in his life, success is the goal. So, if you want a Capricorn man to do something special, just ask for it, and he'll be eager to please.
How to Love a Capricorn Man
The most important thing to remember about loving a Capricorn man is that he must feel appreciated and respected to feel loved. You can do this by:
- Supporting him in achieving his goals
- Paying attention to what he's doing and complimenting him on his achievements
- Asking about his work or a project he's passionate about
Little Things Mean a Lot
Final tip - little gestures of love can say more to a Capricorn Man than the words, "I love you." To paraphrase the lyrics of an old song: "Throw him a kiss from across the room and share the warmth of a secret smile. Take his arm when you cross the street ...call him at six on the dot and send him a line a day when he's far away, so he'll know you haven't forgot."

Loving a Capricorn Man Is Incredibly Rewarding
Dating a Capricorn man will be a long and challenging but gratifying and rewarding process. This is a man you can depend on to "love, honor, cherish and care for you until death do us part." It's also important to note that one of the best things about a Capricorn man is that he ages in reverse. The older he gets, the more fun the two of you will have together. And since he's in the relationship for the long haul, this bodes well for his lucky partner.
Every Capricorn Man Is Different
Every Capricorn man is different. While everything above is central to a Capricorn man's nature, he's much more than just his Sun sign. Many other astrological factors can come into play. Most notably, the sign placements of the planet of love, Venus, and Mars, the planet of desire, can make dating some Capricorn men a very different experience.