It can be difficult to start a romance with a Capricorn man because these guys don't open up easily. However, the rewards of hanging in there are well worth your patience. The following tips will show you how to keep your Capricorn man happy and invested in your relationship.
Show a Capricorn Man You're Serious
A Capricorn man feels happiest when he is in a committed relationship. He always looks towards the future and hopes to have a family one day. So, anyone who wants to keep a Capricorn man in his or her life should be aware that he is looking at their relationship for the long haul. Loyalty like that of a Capricorn is hard to come by. He also does not like to have his boundaries tested. He is most comfortable in an environment where his partner is someone he can share his life with - not just his body. He is looking for someone who is serious about the future.
Tips to Help Show Your Commitment
Old-fashioned commitment appeals to a Capricorn man, and the right person can shine by adding essential flourishes to the solid foundation he offers.
- Show him your serious side and demonstrate how dedicated you can be.
- Share your life with him and make him feel a part of it.
- Show him your loyalty to others and to him.
Show a Capricorn Man You Support Him
Although a Capricorn man may have a somewhat rough exterior and find it difficult to share his emotions, he is still rather insecure on the inside. His strong ego needs to be constantly stroked in order for him to feel as strong as he wants to be. This man is looking for someone to take care of him and for someone who will let him take care of her in return. His insecurity is one of the biggest secrets that a Capricorn man has. He may want to portray a strong image to others, but in a relationship, he is just looking for someone who will be there for him. Capricorn's dream relationship is one that allows him to be in a balanced partnership with someone just as strong as he is.

Tips on How to Show Your Support
A Capricorn man wants an equal relationship where you both take care of and support one another. He wants a best friend, an anchor, and a partner for life.
- Be the shoulder that he can lean on.
- Always listen when he shares.
- Tell him that you are there for him whether he wants you to be or not.
- Let him do the same for you.
Give a Capricorn Man Space
As much as a Capricorn man loves being with someone, he still needs time to himself. This man is notorious for pushing his partner away; it rarely has anything to do with the other person in the relationship, but rather with Capricorn's desire to reflect. In relationships, he will often pull back so he can evaluate how he feels and where he sees the relationship going. He also has a difficult time opening up to others and will withdraw so that he can feel like he is the strongest person in the relationship. The best thing you can do to keep a Capricorn man who is pulling away is to give him his space.
Tips on How to Give Him the Space He Needs
Give your Capricorn the space he needs and don't take his need for alone time personally.
- Let him 'forget' to call for a while or spend a few days apart so that he can feel comfortable again.
- Leave reminders to let him know you are still there for him and that you are still committed to the relationship.
- Don't push too hard or he will feel suffocated.
Characteristics That Hold Capricorn Man's Attention
Capricorn men are attracted to people with certain characteristics. Here's what he likes in the people who interest him.
A Capricorn man is attracted to people who have a future of their own. In fact, if you're already dating a Capricorn man, it's probably because he thinks you're going places in life. Always remember to show him your ambition. If he continues to feel you are going places, he'll be more inclined to see the relationship going places also.
Culture and Knowledge
Capricorn is also looking for someone that can entertain him. He likes partners who can hold a conversation and teach him things he may not know. In order to keep a Capricorn man, you have to keep him on his toes. Show him that you have a few surprises up your sleeves and he will always remain intrigued. Nevertheless, do not forget that too many surprises will make him feel unsettled. It's important to keep the surprises balanced with the natural ebb and flow of life.
Face the Challenge
Many find it difficult to be with a Capricorn man. In order to do so, you must balance being supportive along with igniting a few sparks in his life. This balance is often hard to achieve. However, it's important to note that the most important thing to a Capricorn is someone who is not afraid to be him or herself in the face of both good times and bad. Perhaps the most attractive person to a Capricorn man is someone who's self-reliant and willing to be their own person.