Delightful Birthday Poems to Celebrate Kids of All Ages

Make children’s birthdays special with heartfelt poems for every age.

Updated February 6, 2025
Birthday girl opening a card

It can be fun to include an original poem on a child's birthday card or gift tag. It's one of those little extra touches that shows how much you care. Whether you're looking for 5th birthday poems or a poem for any kid's age, birthday verses can add the perfect touch to the celebration.

Ten Year's Worth of Children's Birthday Poems

Share a poem with your child for each of the first ten years of their life. Kids will love the special touch and they can serve as keepsake items.

One Chance to Turn One

By Kelly Roper

One is a very special age,
A milestone to be sure.
No longer a baby, but not quite a kid,
Still precious and incredibly pure.

First birthday

Although you'll have birthdays
For many years to come,
You only get one chance
To turn one, so have fun!

How Quickly You Turned Two

By Kelly Roper

Turning two must be easy to do,
I just blinked my eyes, and it happened to you.

Seems like the days just go speeding right by,
Why you'll probably turn three in the wink of an eye.

So let's take time to celebrate your birthday today,
And cherish this moment before it slips fast away.

Turning Three

By Kelly Roper

You're turning three,
And it's easy to see,
Just how big,
You're getting to be.

Let's celebrate with cake
and a little ice cream,
And hope your big day's filled
With all that you dream!

You're Four Today

By Kelly Roper

Slice of 4th birthday cake

You're four today,
That's special, I say.
So let's have a party,
And eat cake and play.

We've brought you some presents,
Some treats and some toys.
To make sure your birthday
Is filled with many joys!

Happy Birthday, You're Five!

By Kelly Roper

Happy Birthday to you,
You're just turning five.
And we couldn't be happier
To know you're alive.

Sent here from heaven
To brighten our lives,
Happy birthday dear child,
Enjoy being five!

Celebrating Six

By Kelly Roper

It's not every day that you get to turn six
We'll light your candles; you blow out the wicks.

Everyone's gathered to sing your birthday song,
You'll be opening your presents before too long.

So enjoy all the attention that's coming your way,
It'll be another year before you see your next birthday!

Seven Years Ago

By Kelly Roper

Seven years ago today,
The stork brought a precious gift our way.
And so today we bring gifts to you
To show you how much you're loved through and through.

Eight birthday cupcakes; Copyright Jabiru at

Today You Are Eight

By Kelly Roper

Doesn't it feel great to be eight?
Your birthday is here and there's no more wait.

You get to be a prince/princess for an entire day,
So rule with good cheer and have a happy birthday!

Nine Is Great

By Kelly Roper

So you're turning nine, that's a great age to be.
We hope your special day is filled with lots of glee.

May you get a lot of presents and be surrounded by your friends,
And may your birthday wish come true by the time your big day ends!

Ten's a Big Deal

By Kelly Roper

Today you're turning ten,
And it's a really big deal.
So whoop it up and shout out loud,
Let the world know how happy you feel!

Poem for a Child of Any Age

Family celebrating toddlers birthday with cake

No matter how old your child is turning you can find a fun or sentimental birthday poem for them.

For the Birthday Boy

By Michele Meleen

For the birthday boy
we wish nothing more
than a day filled with love,
and everything you wish you had
Happy Birthday son,
from Mom and Dad.

Happy Birthday, Girl!

By Michele Meleen

Happy Birthday, Girl!
You deserve only the best
on this day that gave us you
and made our life blessed.

Your birthday is shared
with your parents dear daughter
because when you were born our child
we were born in a way as Mother and Father.

Celebrate You

By Michele Meleen

A birthday wish sent
in celebration of you
with love, birthday boy/girl.

Bigger is Better

By Michele Meleen

When it comes to birthdays,
bigger is better!

Bigger cake,
more ice cream,
bigger gifts,
more guests,
bigger wishes,
more happy.

On your birthday, I only have one wish,
that your celebration is the biggest!

Your Birthday Again?

Girl reading birthday poem in card

By Michele Meleen

It's your birthday again?
Can't be!
Soon you'll be
even older than me!

I guess we can celebrate
one more year
just for you.
Out to the store
for a card and gift
I will shop,
until you decide
you're tired of birthdays
and say "Stop!"

Happy Birthday, From Us

By Kelly Roper

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We're so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don't know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

Writing a Birthday Poem

Make the poem extra special by writing one with your child in mind. For inspiration, think about that child's personality and the things he or she likes or might find amusing, then try writing a birthday verse or two.

  • Write an acrostic poem using the letters of the child's name to start each line.
  • Replace words like he, she, son, daughter, birthday boy, or birthday girl with the child's name or nickname.
  • Write a "100 Reasons to Celebrate Your Birth" poem where you list off 100 reasons you're excited to celebrate the child's birthday.
  • Turn a pun or kid's joke into a funny birthday poem by using it as an opening line then adding text that relates it to a birthday, gift, or party.
  • Make fun of common birthday practices like blowing out candles.
  • Compare the birthday to something kids find funny like a fart.
  • Talk about entering the "double digits" or tween years for kids ages 10 and older.
  • Describe a new experience common for that age such as heading to Kindergarten at age 5.
  • Use the child's age to write a list of great things about being that age. For example at age 8 your poem could be "8 Great Things About Turning 8."

Celebrate Another Year With Poetry

Enhance your child's birthday celebration with a poem just for him or her. Even if you don't write your own poem, you can easily customize a sample poem by inserting the child's name somewhere in a verse.

Delightful Birthday Poems to Celebrate Kids of All Ages