Sad relationship quotes are often consoling when you're going through a rough time. These sad quotes about relationships offer you several choices that you can relate to and find comfort.
Sad Relationship Quotes
- I thought you were the one, but now I know you were just one.
- My heart is broken, and I can't get up.
- Sadness over a broken relationship requires ice cream and two spoons, one for you and one for your best friend.
- Like all living things, relationships have lifespans; some are short and end too soon.
- Your actions betrayed our love.
- I believed your words of love yet didn't know your words were lies.
- A lover's betrayal destroys the illusion of the two of you against the world.
- Finding out that special person isn't who you thought pierces the heart as though it were a knife.
- Being abandoned feels like your life walks out the door, too.
- When your heart is broken, every breath you take hurts.
- A sad heart only knows pain.
- A broken heart is only glued back together with love.
- When a lover's promise is broken, the soul is shattered, and the heart is ripped in two.
- The purpose of rough times is to bring lovers closer, not split them apart.
- Not everyone is worthy of the love given to them.
- Love is a gift and is not something to be exchanged for something else.
- If your lover doesn't appreciate your uniqueness, it's time to find someone who does.
- You can only please yourself, no matter how you may have tried.
- When a relationship is on life support, it's time to pull the plug.
- It's an act of mercy to end a toxic relationship.
- Destiny doesn't care how you feel about a relationship fated to end.
Sad Quotes About Relationships Ending
- Loving you meant betraying myself.
- Love isn't supposed to hurt.
- Looking in the darkness for answers why love didn't last only gives despair.
- Desperately trying to make a relationship work is a symptom that it is dying.
- You cannot force a person to love you.
- When you fall out of love, it's only natural for it to hurt when you land.
- Some relationships are just destined to crash and burn.
- A toxic romantic relationship either ends or ends you.
- Security isn't a reason to remain in a bad relationship.
- Some relationships just weren't meant to be.
- Don't spend one minute mourning the loss of a lover who left you.
- Time might not heal all wounds, but it gives insight to a bad relationship.
- There's only one way to survive a bad relationship - leave.
- Don't mistake my sadness as not caring. I'm just too hurt to respond.
- Just because your last relationship was a wreck doesn't mean this one will be.
- True love doesn't demand you change who you are.
- The finality of a relationship ending is when you realize you have two keys to your front door instead of one.
- Loving the right person is easy, but loving the wrong one is hard.
- If you can't be yourself with your lover, then you need another.
- You don't choose who to love, but when love is unhealthy, you can choose to walk away.
Sad Relationship Quotes That Reveal Rough Times
The end of a relationship or going through a rough patch can be summed up with a sad relationship quote. Reading these quotes can often provide clarity for what you're going through.
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