Public speaking can be a little intimidating but don't worry. All it takes is some great planning to nail your student council speech for treasurer. It's actually really easy to put together once you know what elements make up a good speech.
If you need a little extra inspiration (who doesn't?), we've got a sample treasurer speech you can customize.
How to Write a Student Council Speech for Treasurer
Writing an effective student council speech means you need to connect with your audience and make a great impression. Chances are, these are people you already sort of know, so you need to convince them to vote for you with a well-organized and logical speech.
Unlike those standard oral reports or presentations you might give for a class, your student council speech for treasurer is more of a persuasive speech. To get the job done, you need to not only get your point across but also receive the votes that will get you elected.
Capture Their Attention With a Good Impression

With everything we all hear all the time these days, you need to work a little harder to get people's attention. Consider starting your speech with a humorous story or something your audience will relate to.
- Talk about your background with managing money. This could include funny stories, such as selling lemonade as a kid or how you've saved allowance money.
- Discuss the importance of creating a budget for student council. Talk about something you've wanted to buy and how you made this happen.
- Be sincere as you speak and don't try to change anyone's mind. Let your audience decide for themselves that you are the top choice.
Organize the Speech
Make sure your speech has a beginning, middle, and end that flow together. It can work nicely to start and end your speech with the same points and then have everything in the middle help to prove your overall objective.
These tips can help you figure out what you want to say and organize it in a way that will make sense to people.
- Create a list of everything important you want to say. Sort these into sections that go together.
- Try picking topic headings for each part of your speech and then write a few paragraphs or sentences below each one.
- Experiment with writing the beginning of your speech last. That way, you'll know exactly how to start it with a bang.
Use Logic and Emotion
You need to establish your credibility, but be emotionally relatable at the same time. There are a few ways you can make this happen.
- Research real goals. Do some research about your school and what might be possible for you to achieve as treasurer.
- Present different perspectives. Consider interviewing teachers or staff, taking a poll to get student opinions, and even researching teen spending habits.
- Point out how the winning treasurer for student council will affect students and the entire school. Present this in terms of possibilities of what could happen.
- Get students excited about the types of things that a good treasurer can do. Rather than talking about it just from your perspective, keep the focus on how other students will benefit from you winning this role.
- Arouse emotion in students, such as happiness, fear or excitement. Notice as you write your speech when you start to get excited and focus on those points.
Winning Treasurer Speech Example
An example speech can get you started with writing a personalized one. This free editable and printable speech for treasurer provides a great starting point. Click on the image to open the document then select the download icon. If you have trouble downloading or printing, check out this guide.
You'll always want to take a sample and make it yours, adding personalized details.
- Insert your name where you see "Jenny Johnson."
- Start with an anecdote from your own childhood. Choose one that reflects your ability or passion in money management.
- Add in personal information about achievements and memberships. Stick to those related to the Treasurer position or leadership roles.
- Change the goals section to include your ideas on how to improve things at your school.
More Tips for Treasurer Speeches
Be sure to write your speech ahead of time and practice it. Once you get it down on paper, the process becomes much less overwhelming. You may even find yourself getting excited to stand up and deliver it to classmates. In the end, whether you win or lose as treasurer, learning how to write and present speeches is a skill you can use your entire life.