Journal Writing Prompts for High School

Published April 15, 2019
Teens writing in notebooks in class

Teens can express their thoughts, desires, and creativity through journal writing prompts for high school either in the classroom or at home. Whether you need daily journal writing prompts or a few thought-provoking prompts to use as assignments, there are plenty of interesting journal topics to choose from.

Great Journal Writing Prompts for High School

Writing prompts serve as a starting point for journal entries. They are a source of inspiration to give you something to write about. Choose a variety of prompt types to show your full range as a person.

High School Daily Journal Writing Prompts

  • What is the one thing that made your morning successful?
  • How would you rearrange your school schedule today if you could?
  • Describe a teacher who made a big impact on your day yesterday.
  • How much time did you spend on your phone today?
  • Describe a product you use every day that is marketed to teens.

Personal Response Journal Writing Prompts for Teens

  • One problem I face that no one else faces is...
  • One stereotype label I would use to describe my social circle is...
  • My most unrealistic life goal is...
  • The typical high school experience that best describes my personality is...
  • Three words I'd use to describe my school are...

Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts for High School

  • What current "problem" or "problem behavior" won't be considered so taboo in the future?
  • Why is your generation more open-minded and tolerant than previous generations?
  • Has the stereotypical "high school experience" changed over the course of time?
  • Is there really someone out there for everyone in terms of romantic relationships?
  • Has high school prepared you for life?

Persuasive Journal Prompts for Teens

  • Teenagers should be allowed to skip grades in high school.
  • Going to college before age 18 is detrimental to your future.
  • Social media has created the bullying epidemic in America.
  • When you turn 18, you should be able to legally change your name for free.
  • Setting age limits for things like smoking and drinking only makes teens want to do them more.

Creative Journal Prompts for Teens

  • If graduation requirements dictated one "just for fun" class each year, what classes would you want on the "just for fun" electives list?
  • List three innovative ways you could connect with friends when you're grounded.
  • What is a creature, setting, or plot you've never seen used in a movie?
  • If you hosted a podcast about your life, what would it be called?
  • First there were viral memes, then viral videos, what visual medium will go viral next?

Visual Journal Writing Prompts for High School

For visual writing prompts that use photographs you can either display the image alone or share the image with your written prompt.

Fake news on computer

Write a fake local news story your friends would believe.

Hand holding a gold balloon hashtag

Invent and explain a hashtag that could help your school.

Teen activist being videotaped

What issue would you take on as a teen activist?

Women making a podcast

Will podcasts become more popular than YouTube videos?

Pile of old television sets

Describe a way to reuse or re-purpose old tech.

Girl wearing panda mask on trampoline

Which animal would you use in making a human/animal hybrid?

Girl singing into brush

What song are you most likely to sing into a brush?

Diverse group of hands in circle

How diverse is your inner circle?

Grade-Level Journal Prompts for High School

Each age and grade level in high school comes with unique experiences. Capture these moments and lessons in creative prompts based on where teens are at in high school.

Journal Writing Prompts for Ninth Graders

  • What do you find refreshing about being a freshman?
  • Is it too early to start planning for your adult future?
  • Name a school resource that should be reserved for 9th graders only.
  • Should your grade level or your ability level determine your 9th grade class schedule?
  • Do you think you have more friends now or will when you're a senior?

Journal Writing Prompts for Tenth Graders

  • Why are tenth graders called Sophomores?
  • What makes tenth grade easier/harder than ninth grade?
  • Should each grade level in high school have completely different teachers?
  • What is one question related to school that you hate being asked by adults?
  • Tenth grade curriculum should include a class on buying and maintaining a car.

Journal Writing Prompts for Juniors

  • Junior year is the best in high school because...
  • If I could create an event specific to eleventh grade it would be...
  • The main differences between Juniors and all other grades are...
  • College prep and planning should start in eleventh grade.
  • Do Juniors do more work in high school than any other grade level?

Journal Writing Prompts for Seniors

  • Only seniors should be allowed to attend prom.
  • All twelfth graders should have the opportunity to take college classes.
  • School schedules should be different for Seniors because...
  • How can Seniors help underclassmen?
  • Should teens have the option to stay in high school longer than four years if they want?

Creative Ways to Use High School Journal Writing Prompts

You can simply assign or choose a journal prompt each day or week, but there are other more interesting ways to get teens excited about using them.

  • Write the same number of prompts on the board as there are students then hold a lottery and pull names to see the order teens pick their prompt.
  • Put each prompt on a craft stick or slip of paper then add them all to a jar teens can pull from when the need a prompt.
  • Post a chalkboard where teens can add their own writing prompt ideas for others to use.
  • Allow students the opportunity to either draw or write their reaction/response to the prompt.
  • Ask students to find and read a YA novel that displays a reaction or response to the journal prompt.

Get Inspired By Words

High school journal writing prompts provide the information you need to complete your journal entries. Choose prompts that spark joy or intrigue and you'll have no problem writing about the topic.

Journal Writing Prompts for High School