Are you looking for examples of technical writing for students? Whether you are a teacher searching for samples to share with your pupils or are a student looking for existing documents that can provide guidance as you are working on a class assignment, reviewing technical writing examples can be very beneficial.
What Is Technical Writing?
Technical writing is a very specialized type of writing. It serves the purpose of communicating specific information to a defined audience for a particular purpose. Technical writing is instructional in nature, seeking to convey information to the reader in a manner that he or she can understand and apply. With this type of writing, clarity and specificity are essential, as is communicating using terminology that will be easy for members of the target audience to comprehend.
The following three examples demonstrate technical writing.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
An SOP clearly defines processes for organizations:
After a staff member returns from an absence, the employee must complete the Classified Employee Absence Report located on the S drive:
- Click on "My Computer"
- Double-click the network titled "S Drive"
Legal Disclaimers
A legal disclaimer provides notice of a legal framework related to the content being read:
These communications are protected by the Electronic Privacy Act (24 USCA 2674). Any unlawful interceptions or disclosures of the information contained in this transmission is strictly prohibited under 24 USCA 2675.
Help Files
Help files are written at a basic reading level without jargon and contain only a few steps of instruction. The goal is to help employees or customers solve issues on their own:
Help Topic: Customization
On the Dashboard, you can select the picture that will be displayed on your home screen. The computer comes with ten pictures or you can upload your own. To do this, complete the following steps...
Where to Find Examples of Technical Writing for Students Online
There are a number of online resources for examples of technical writing for students. A few places you may want to look to find samples of this type of writing include:
- Eduscapes - The Eduscapes website is a resource for teachers and librarians who are looking for materials that can be used to create or enhance lessons. Along with many other instructional materials, this site includes several technical writing examples as well as tips for teaching these types of skills effectively.
- HelpScribe.com - The HelpScribe.com website provides several technical writing examples that you can review. There are a samples of technical manuals, system requirement documentation, help documents, instructions, and other types of documents.
- Technical writing providers - Companies and individuals that provide technical writing services often publish examples of their work on their websites as a marketing resource. A few sites that you may want to review when searching for sample documents are: JPC Media, LLC; Paul MacMartin, Technical Writer; and Warthman Associates.
Additional Resources for Technical Writing Samples
While the Internet is a great place to locate examples of technical writing, it is certainly not the only place you can find documents that meet your needs. There's a good chance that there are several examples of technical writing in your home or office. If you have an owner's manual for any of the electronic devices or appliances that you own, you have an example of technical documentation.
In addition to owner's manuals, other publications you may have access to at home or work include:
- Employee handbook - Companies provide their employees with a handbook that details the organization's policies and procedures. If you aren't currently working, ask your friends or relatives who have jobs to show you copies of the manuals from their companies.
- Instruction manuals - The copy or fax machine in your office likely came with an instruction manual.
- Software documentation - Any time you purchase a license for software application, documentation regarding how to install and begin using the program is included.
- Student handbook - If you are a student, your school likely provided you with a handbook that spells out various policies and procedures.
Use Discretion When Selecting Examples
Remember that every technical writing sample that you come across may not represent a good example. In some cases, you may find documents that are better used as illustrations of what not to do rather than guidelines for what you or your students should do. If you've ever purchased an item that required assembly only to find that the instructions were insufficient or difficult to follow, you have experienced poor technical writing first hand. Review any example document that you are thinking about using to be sure that the quality of information and writing style are appropriate to serve the intended purpose.