Packing for summer camp is both an exciting and daunting task. Get organized and make sure you bring everything you need with this free, printable packing checklist.
Youth Camp Packing Checklist
Get your bags packed in a neat and tidy manner with this printable summer camp packing list. Select the document image then download and print the checklist. If you run into any problems, the Adobe Guide for Printables can help.

Personal Considerations
Each child and camp is unique, so keep both in mind as you look over the checklist. Write in how many of each clothing type you'll need in the appropriate spots based on your camp's duration. Then, ask yourself questions to see what else you can eliminate from or add to the checklist.
Camp Questions
Use what you know about the camp and information from their website or registration packet to help answer these questions.
- What amenities are available?
- What will the weather be like there?
- What special events do they run?
- Will you be able to do laundry?
- What items are provided by the camp or are available at the camp store?
Personal Questions
Think about your own needs and wants as you ask yourself:
- What items do I use every day at home?
- What do I need to sleep well at night?
- Which types of clothing will be most comfortable for me?
- Am I usually too hot or too cold?
- Do I have specific medical, physical, or emotional concerns to consider?
Checklist Tips
Make the checklist work for you by adding or removing items based on your circumstances and preferences. Pack all your "Need" items first, then prioritize the "Want" list by numbering each item in order of importance.
- Write your name, how long you'll be at camp, and any items the camp prohibits at the top of the page.
- Go through all the listed items in the "Need" section and cross off any you know you won't need. For example, if you're a boy you probably won't need to pack any bras.
- Circle the most important items from the "Want" section.
- Place each item in your duffel bag or suitcase before checking it off. You can rearrange the items later by taking them out of the bag, spreading them on your bed, then putting them back in the bag.
- Keep the checklist in your duffel bag and use it again with a different color writing utensil when you're packing up to head home.
Pack Light and Purposefully
Most summer camps for kids don't offer tons of space for storing personal items and gear, so pack as light as you possibly can and use packing hacks to save space. Try to pack items that can fulfill two or more purposes, like a long sleeve shirt for hikes and pajamas, to make the most of your space. Ask a sibling or parent to double check your list and your bag to be sure nothing is forgotten.