43 Icebreaker Questions for Kids

Updated October 7, 2018
two young boys greeting each other

When you step into a completely new situation full of people you don't know, icebreaker questions can make the transition easier and more fun. Think about your personality and the scenario, then pick a topic that fits and ask away.

Would You Rather?

Find out what kind of personality others have when you ask questions that offer only two wacky options. Start with the phrase "Would you rather," then add one of these silly endings.

  • Be a narwhal or a unicorn?
  • Be a ninja who thinks he's a chicken or a chicken who thinks he's a ninja?
  • Be a troll or a Bergen?
  • Wear underwear outside your pants or on top of your head?
  • Be the thumbs up or the high five emoji?
  • Take over the world or save the world from an evil villain takeover?
  • Be stuck at school forever or be stuck in your house forever?
  • Live in a world made entirely from Legos or cartoons?
  • Build a castle from ice or stone?
  • Be a member of the Incredibles family or the Weasley family?

Have You Ever?

Learn about new people from their life experiences by asking "Have you ever..."

  • Made a meal by yourself?
  • Sold something you made?
  • Starred in a YouTube video?
  • Stayed up past midnight?
  • Imagined a new world?
  • Held an animal with claws?
  • Coded your own game?
  • Built a robot?
  • Known a fact your parents didn't know?
  • Invented your own holiday?

The answers to these questions can spark further conversation when you ask the other person to elaborate on their answer.

If You Were

Ask new people to imagine what would happen if they were someone different or were in a different place. Their answers might surprise you, and the questions might make them feel comfortable enough to open up since the information isn't really too personal. Start with "If you," then add one of these imaginative endings.

  • Owned a television channel, what kinds of shows would you play all day?
  • Lived in the Nether, what would you build to protect yourself?
  • Were a Power Ranger, what would your Zord be?
  • Were a video game console, which would you be and why?
  • Were a pirate, what creature would be carved on the front of your ship?
  • Were a robot, what would your primary function be?
  • Were a famous hero, what would you be famous for doing?
  • Ran a toy company, what would be your next great toy to sell?
  • Could choose one fantastic beast to have as a pet, what would you choose?
  • Could live like any bug, which would you trade places with?
    kids dreaming of mythical pets

Funny Icebreaker Questions

Funny icebreaker questions are a great way to get kids to laugh and start opening up. Try any of these to get the ball rolling.

  • If you were a type of sandwich, which one would you be?
  • If you were invisible for a day, what would you choose to do?
  • If you turned into a ghost who would you haunt first?
  • Would you rather live in a house of cheese or cookie dough for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather be carried around by a sweaty giant, or a stinky dinosaur?
  • If you were a piece of candy, how would you avoid getting eaten?

Random Icebreaker Questions

Using icebreaker questions can make new situations less awkward and more fun. Kids tend to enjoy answering creative, silly questions. Give these questions a go.

  • If you could build a house out of anything, what would you choose?
  • If you could live on any planet, which one would it be and why?
  • What's the grossest food you tried?
  • Which animal do you think is the most unique and why?
  • How do you feel about cleaning your room?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you go with?
  • When's the last time you laughed really, really hard and what happened to make you do so?

When to Use Icebreakers

One of the most common places kids can try out fun icebreakers like these is during the first days of school. Teachers use getting-to-know-you games as a way to learn more about their students and to help those kids learn about each other. However, there are lots of other places you might try out icebreaker questions.

  • Birthday parties
  • Youth groups
  • The first meeting of a new club
  • First practice for a new sport
  • Playgroups or play dates
  • When meeting new neighbors
  • Connecting with your friend's friends from other towns or schools
  • Extended family gatherings

After the other person has answered the question, offer your own answer to start a conversation or invite them to ask you something creative. The questions can also work in icebreaker games for kids that need creative options to kick off the activity.

Lead With Creativity and Humor

New situations can feel intimidating or nerve-wracking. Help yourself and others open up with imaginative and funny icebreaker questions that will get everyone loosened up and talking.

43 Icebreaker Questions for Kids