Bullying is a growing problem in many high schools and junior high schools though there are various programs in place across the country to try to prevent it. Posters are a great way to influence teens because they'll repeatedly see these memorable messages with catchy images and slogans.
Printable Bully Prevention Posters
If you're looking to crank out a bunch of posters quickly, a customizable template is a great option. The theme and design are done for you making the process quick to complete. Click on the poster you love to download, personalize, then print. If you need help accessing the poster templates, the Adobe Guide is full of troubleshooting tips and tricks.
Caution Signs Anti-Bullying Poster Template
This poster template features a large strip of caution tape and two caution signs you can customize with your own text and slogans. To make it even more personal, replace the generic images with photographs of kids from your school.

Friendship Bully Prevention Poster Template
Encourage kindness, togetherness, and friendship with this poster featuring connected clip art kids in blue, the color of the Stomp Out Bullying Campaign. Add suggested ways to make new friends at your school in the bottom section or give it a new heading and list.

Bully Prevention Poster Ideas
You can create bullying prevention posters in the same ways you would make homecoming posters or flyers for school sporting events. Use a computer program or template to create modern and professional-looking posters or grab some markers and poster board and do it the old-fashioned way. The key components of any successful poster are theme and design, slogan, and placement.
Bully Prevention Theme Ideas
School poster ideas or anti-bullying poster ideas for any community or recreation center often include a memorable theme. Once you choose a theme, design all your posters around it so they have a cohesive feel and create a lasting impact.
- Stop sign - Create posters in the shape of stop signs that are bright red with white text to send the message that bullying needs to stop. You can even put the signs on sticks and stand them in the ground outside.
- No bullying zone - Use the classic circle with a slash through it or other construction zone signs to get everyone's attention. Model each poster after a different sign for ultimate appeal.
- Kindness is cool - Chilly themes like adorable penguins or animated ice cubes help spread the message that kindness is cool.
- Peace - Get inspired by the 1960s and 1970s by using peace signs, re-imagined anti-war slogans, and tie-dye.
- Keep calm - Take the now classic "Keep Calm and Carry On" meme to the next level by creating simplistic posters with a variety of slogans.
- Holding hands - Friendship and togetherness can be illustrated by stick figures or clip art paper dolls holding hands.
- Shoes - From popular slogans like "Stomp out bullying" and "Step up and stop it" go perfectly with images of sneakers or different kinds of shoes.
- Superhero - Create a unique school mascot anti-bullying superhero that features your school logo on its cape and have him or her spread your message.
Anti-Bullying Slogan Suggestions
Slogans that are short, to the point, and memorable work best to keep the message running through students' minds. If you can come up with a rhyming slogan, even better! There are plenty of existing bully prevention slogans, but these original versions make your posters stand out.
- Words are Weapons: Use Responsibly
- Friends Don't Let Friends Become Bullies
- Stand Together or Fall Apart
- You Are the Key to Locking Up Bullying
- Convert a Bully Today: Be Kind
- Stepping in Can Stomp it Out
- Your Voice, Your Choice
- Step Up When the Rest of the World Walks Out
- Caution: Kindness Ahead
- Stop Bullying and Let Kindness Sing
Poster Size and Placement
Bully prevention posters can be gigantic or the size of a standard piece of paper. The biggest posters are often those that encourage students to sign the poster as a pledge to prevent bullying. These large posters work great in big, open rooms such as the cafeteria or school lobby. Smaller posters work best in small areas like classrooms and restrooms. For the biggest impact create several posters in different sizes and hang them all around the school.
Ways to Prevent Bullying
Preventing the spread of bullying in both elementary and in high schools is something that all teachers and parents should be concerned about. Making sure that students learn about preventing bullying at a young age can help ensure that there is less of it in schools as they grow up. Having guest speakers come to schools to talk about the effects of bullying is one way to prevent it. Prevention strategies for anti-bullying posters include featuring one or more of the following:
- Respected figures who discourage bullying
- Iconic images from pop culture
- Bullet points highlighting the effects of bullying and how to stop it
- Information about where to report any cases of bullying
- Encouraging sharing and other good social behaviors
- Positive quotes about kindness and individuality
- Simple acts of kindness
Early Intervention Is Important
Bullying can quickly become a problem with children if it is not addressed early on. A student who seems to be bullying other children should be talked to about the situation and removed from it if he or she does not stop the behavior. Kids that might be the ones getting bullied should always report it to a teacher, because if they do not, then the problem can grow even more severe and can cause psychological issues with both the child bullying and the child being bullied. Placing bullying prevention posters in key places is just one of many ways to stop bullies.