Parents often agonize over what name to give their child. An individual's name is an essential anchor to a person's sense of self throughout life. The astrological sun speaks to a person's core identity. The name a parent gives their child should affirm who they are. How can you know this before or when a child is born? One of the best and easiest ways is to select a name that reflects the traits and characteristics of their astrological sun sign.
Aries Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between March 21st and April 19th, they will have an Aries sun. When choosing a name for your newborn Aries, keep in mind the keywords related to Aries.
- Aries symbol: The Ram - bold and courageous
- Aries ruling planet: Mars - warrior, soldier, battle, armor, weapons
- Aries element: Fire - bold, brave, impulsive, passionate
- Aries modality: Cardinal - initiating and willing to change
- Aries traits: Winner, independent, leader, original, energetic, adventurous
Names for Aries Boys
Examples of Aries boy names, along with the origin and meaning of each:
- Adam: Hebrew origin; meaning original man
- Alejandro: Hispanic origin; meaning defender of man
- Tupac: African origin; meaning warrior, leader, messenger
- Karl: Germanic origin; meaning freeman
- Victor: Latin origin; meaning conqueror
- Dustin: Old Norse origin; meaning fighter
- Mark: Latin origin; meaning warlike
- William: Germanic origin; meaning strong-willed warrior
- Bryan: Irish origin; meaning strong man of honor
Names for Aries Girls
Examples of Aries girl names, along with the origin and meaning of each:
- Eve: Hebrew origin; meaning first woman
- Brenda: Irish origin; meaning flaming sword
- Elaine: French origin; meaning bright and radiant
- Amari: African origin; meaning a strong-willed and mighty woman
- Erica: Scandinavian origin; meaning fierce warrior
- Nichole: French origin; meaning victorious
- Verna: Latin origin; meaning Spring
- Victoria, Latin origin; meaning victorious
- Valorie: Spanish origin; meaning strong and valorous
Taurus Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between April 20th and May 20th, they will have a Taurus sun. When choosing a name for a Taurus, keep these keywords related to Taurus in mind.
- Taurus symbol: The Bull - strength, steadfastness, determination
- Taurus ruling planet: Venus - dazzling beauty, fertility, harmony
- Taurus element: Earth - flowers, meadows, trees, farming, nature's treasures
- Taurus modality: Fixed - resolute and persevering
- Taurus traits: Stable, kind, loving, loyal, reliable
Names for Taurus Boys
Examples of Taurus boy names, along with the origin and meaning of each:
- Henry: Teutonic origin; meaning ruler of the home or estate
- Allen: Irish origin; meaning handsome
- Kendall: English origin; meaning bright valley
- Lee: Old English origin; meaning meadow
- Azibo: African origin; meaning of the earth
- Spencer: Old French origin; meaning provider or dispenser of riches
- Warren: Old English origin; meaning game park keeper
- Vernon: Latin origin; meaning spring‐like
- Njau: African origin; meaning young bull
Names for Taurus Girls
Examples of Taurus girl's names along with the origin and meaning of each:
- Rhea: Greek origin; meaning earth goddess
- Serena: Latin origin; meaning calm and serene
- Estelle: French/Latin origin; meaning morning star (Venus)
- Florence: Latin origin; meaning blossoming, flourishing
- Andiswa: African origin; meaning one who expands or grows fruitfully
- Hailey: Old English origin, meaning high meadow
- Miriam: Hebrew origin; meaning strong, fertile, wished-for child
- Tara: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning hill, earth goddess
- Neema: African origin; meaning blessed with prosperity
Gemini Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between May 21st and June 20th, he or she will have a Gemini sun. When choosing a name for a Gemini baby, keep these keywords related to Gemini in mind.
- Gemini Symbol: The Twins - siblings, communication, playful, learning
- Gemini ruling planet: Mercury - winged messenger, trickster, angels
- Gemini element: Air - intellect, wind and breeze, the sky, clouds and rainbows
- Gemini modality: Mutable - adaptable, flexible, can change easily
- Gemini traits: Swift, agile, quick-witted, curious, intelligent, talkative, sociable
Names for Gemini Boys
Examples of Gemini boy names, along with origin and meaning:
- Amos: Hebrew origin; meaning the messenger of God
- Jayden: English origin; meaning bird-like
- Diego: Hispanic origin; meaning teaching
- Clark: Old French origin; meaning cleric or a scholar
- Dexter: Latin origin; meaning skillful and dexterous
- Odion: African origin; meaning first born twin
- Hugh: Teutonic origin; meaning mindful, thinker
- Tate: Old Norse origin; meaning great talker or cheerful
- Todd: Old Norse origin; meaning clever like a fox
Names for Gemini Girls
Examples of Gemini girl names, along with origin and meaning:
- Zoë: Greek origin; meaning the lively one
- Vivienne: Latin origin; meaning lively, vivacious
- Mandisa: African origin; meaning sweet, cute, and lovely
- Juliana: Italian/German origin; meaning youthful
- Irena: Greek origin; meaning a message of peace
- Iris: Greek origin; meaning goddess of the rainbow
- Kayley: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning slender
- Fay: English/French origin; meaning a fairy or magical creature
- Kenna: English origin; meaning brilliance
Cancer Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between June 21st and July 22nd, they will have a Cancer sun. When choosing a name for a Cancer baby, keep these keywords related to Cancer in mind.
- Cancer symbol: The Crab - shores, rivers, pools, home, security
- Cancer ruling planet: The moon - queen, the mother, fertility, waves, moonlight
- Cancer element: Water - waves, sea, lakes, pools, springs, nymphs
- Cancer modality: Cardinal - initiating, willing to change
- Cancer traits: Home-loving, emotional, sensitive, nurturing, sympathetic
Names for Cancer Boys
Examples of Cancer boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Anthony: Latin origin; meaning esteemed family
- Edward: Old English origin; meaning happy guardian
- Harrison: Old English origin; meaning son of the home ruler
- Henry: Teutonic origin; meaning ruler of the home
- Murray: Scottish Gaelic origin; meaning from the land by the sea
- Dylan: Welsh origin; meaning a man from the sea
- Jericho: Arabic origin; meaning the city of the Moon
- Lamar: Teutonic origin; meaning from the sea
Names for Cancer Girls
Examples of Cancer girl names, along with origin and meaning:
- Dana: Irish origin; meaning mother goddess
- Odette: French origin; meaning home‐lover
- Harriet: Teutonic origin; meaning mistress of the home
- Luna: Latin origin; meaning goddess of the half-moon
- Latifa: Arabic origin, meaning kind, gentle, loving, and warm-hearted.
- Nydia: Latin origin; meaning homemaker
- Selena: Greek origin; meaning moonlight, the moon goddess
- Pearl: Old French origin; meaning gemstone of the moon
- Phoebe: Greek origin; meaning shining, the moon goddess

Leo Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between July 23rd and August 22nd, he or she will have a Leo sun. When choosing a name for a Leo baby, keep these keywords related to Leo in mind.
- Leo Symbol: The Lion - noble leader, golden-haired
- Leo ruling planet: Sun - Creative, confident, power, vitality, and self-expression
- Leo element: Fire - bold, brave, passionate
- Leo modality: Fixed - resolute finds change difficult
- Leo traits: Bold, noble, generous, enthusiastic
Names for Leo Boys
Examples of Leo boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Aaron: Hebrew origin; meaning descended from the Gods
- Boyd: Scottish Gaelic origin; meaning yellow-haired
- Alonso: Hispanic origin; meaning noble
- Broderick: Welsh origin; meaning a renowned ruler
- Omar: African origin; meaning greatest, highest, most exalted, and mightiest
- Eric: Old Norse origin; meaning kingly, all-powerful
- Galvin: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning the bright one
- Leonard: Teutonic origin; meaning brave as a lion
- Stephen: Greek origin; meaning garland, crown
Names for Leo Girls
Examples of Leo girl names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Leona: Latin origin; meaning a lioness
- Eileen: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning the light of the sun
- Adelaide: Old German origin; meaning noble and kind
- Daphne: Greek origin; meaning beloved of Apollo (sun god)
- Nala: African origin; meaning queen or queen lion
- Gloria: Latin origin; meaning glorious
- Regina: Latin origin; meaning a queen
- Stephanie: Greek origin; meaning garland or crown
- Patricia: Latin origin; meaning noble
Virgo Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between August 23rd and September 22nd, he or she will have a Virgo sun. When choosing a name for a Virgo baby, keep these keywords related to Virgo in mind.
- Virgo Symbol: The Virgin - pure, young, chaste
- Virgo ruling planet: Mercury - intellect, healing, and medicine
- Virgo element: Earth - harvest, industry, and craftsmanship
- Virgo modality: Mutable - adaptable, can change easily
- Virgo traits: Humility, service, industrious, skilled
Names for Virgo Boys
Examples of names for Virgo boys, along with their origin and meaning:
- Clark: Old French/ Irish Gaelic origin; meaning a scholar or learned man
- Jason: Greek origin; meaning healer
- Pablo: Hispanic origin; meaning humble
- Curtis: Old French origin; meaning courteous
- Ezra: Hebrew origin; meaning the helper
- Lindsay: Scottish origin; the meaning of gentle speech
- Mason: Old French origin; meaning a worker in stone
- Paul: Latin origin; meaning small, humble, honest
- Trevor: Welsh origin; meaning prudent, discreet
Names for Virgo Girls
Examples of names for Virgo girls, along with their origin and meaning:
- Agnes: Greek origin; meaning pure and chaste
- Melissa: Greek origin; meaning bee, a symbol of industry
- Caitlin: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning pure
- Chloe: Greek origin; meaning beautiful young maiden
- Jamila: African/Arabic origin; meaning pure, chaste, virtuous, and innocent
- Daphne: Greek origin; meaning virgin
- Deborah: Hebrew origin; meaning an industrious woman
- Mary: Hebrew origin; meaning sacred virgin
- Paige: Old French origin; meaning young servant
- Halima: African origin; meaning kind and patient, gentle
Libra Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between September 23rd and October 22nd, he or she will have a Libra sun. When choosing a name for a Libra baby, keep these keywords related to Libra in mind.
- Libra symbol: The Scales - justice, balance, law, diplomat
- Libra ruling planet: Venus - love, beauty, harmony, and romance
- Libra element: Air - dove, messengers of peace
- Libra modality: Cardinal - initiating, willing to change
- Libra traits: Social, diplomatic, sophisticated, romantic
Names for Libra Boys
Examples of names for Libra boys, along with their origin and meaning:
- Alan: Irish/Scottish origin; meaning handsome
- Alexander: Greek origin; meaning defender of men
- Carey: Cornish origin; meaning the loved one
- Tariq: Arabic origin; meaning like a morning star (Venus)
- Darrell: Old French origin; meaning the dear one
- Justin: Latin origin; meaning just, fair
- Kenneth: Scottish Gaelic origin; meaning handsome and fair
- Terence: Latin origin; meaning tender, gracious
- Kevin: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning handsome
- Jamar: African origin; meaning handsome
Names for Libra Girls
Examples of names for Libra girls, along with their origin and meaning:
- Danika: Slavic origin; meaning morning star (Venus)
- Venus: Latin origin; meaning goddess of love, beauty
- Amanda: Latin origin; meaning lovable
- Hasina: African origin; meaning a good and pretty girl
- Tegan: Welsh origin; meaning beautiful, blessed
- Cheryl: Greek origin; meaning charming
- Danielle: Hebrew origin; meaning God is my judge
- Amy: Old French origin; meaning beloved
- Shirley: Old English origin; meaning sweet
Scorpio Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between October 23rd and November 22nd, they will have a Scorpio sun. When choosing a name for a Scorpio baby, keep these keywords related to Scorpio in mind.
- Scorpio symbol: The Scorpion - combative, victorious
- Scorpio ruling planets: Pluto - power, secrecy, regeneration; Mars - warrior, martial
- Scorpio element: Water - the sea, underworld, deep dark waters
- Scorpio modality: Fixed: resolute, finds change difficult
- Scorpio traits: Sensuous, competitive, powerful, passionate, charismatic
Names for Scorpio Boys
Examples of names for Scorpio boys, along with their origin and meaning:
- Adrian; Latin origin; meaning a dark man from the sea
- Arden: Old English/Latin origin; meaning fervent, ardent
- Kamau: African origin; meaning quiet warrior
- William: Teutonic origin; meaning helmet of will, defender
- Donald: Scottish Gaelic origin; meaning the dark ruler of the world
- Drew: Celtic origin; meaning skilled in magic
- Phoenix: Greek origin; meaning symbol of rebirth
- Vincent: Latin origin; meaning conquering
- Gregory: Greek origin; meaning vigilant
Names for Scorpio Girls
Examples of names for Scorpio girls, along with their origin and meaning:
- Adriana: Latin origin; meaning a dark woman from the sea
- Sybil: Greek origin; meaning wise woman, a prophetess
- Ava: Greek origin; meaning an eagle
- Oya: African origin; meaning ferocious and protective goddess
- Cassandra: Greek origin; meaning prophetess
- Edna: Hebrew origin; meaning renewal
- Eva: Hebrew origin meaning temptress
- Kore: Greek origin; meaning maiden of the underworld
- Lorraine: Latin origin; meaning victorious
Sagittarius Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between November 23rd and December 21st, he or she will have a Sagittarius sun. When choosing a name for a Sagittarius baby, keep these keywords related to Sagittarius in mind.
- Sagittarius symbol: The Archer - bow and arrow, centaur
- Sagittarius ruling planet: Jupiter - benevolent, large, abundant, wise, free, spiritual
- Sagittarius element: Fire - bright, hopeful, warm
- Sagittarius modality: Mutable - adaptable, can change easily
- Sagittarius traits: Optimistic, good-humored, philosophical, humanitarian
Names for Sagittarius Boys
Examples of Sagittarius boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Asher: Hebrew origin; meaning the happy or fortunate one
- Christopher: Greek origin; meaning patron saint of travelers
- Doran: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning a wanderer
- Philip: Greek origin; meaning a lover of horses
- Tate: Old Norse origin; meaning jolly or cheerful
- Jabulani: African origin; meaning happiness or one who is happy and joyous
- Guy: Teutonic origin; meaning a guide
- Palmer: Old English origin; meaning pilgrim to the holy land
- Thaddeus: Greek origin; meaning wise, praise
Names for Sagittarius Girls
Examples of Sagittarius girl names, along with their origin and meaning.
- Barbara: Latin origin; meaning foreign woman
- Sarah: Hebrew origin; meaning traveler
- Beatrice: Latin origin; meaning blessed, joyful, voyager
- Felicity: Latin origin; meaning lucky or fortunate
- Bahati: African origin; meaning fortunate one
- Hilary: Latin origin; meaning cheerful, merry
- Sheridan: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning the wild one
- Theodora: Greek origin; meaning bountiful, gift of God
- Yvonne: French origin; meaning the archer

Capricorn Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between December 22nd and January 19th, he or she will have a Capricorn sun. When choosing a name for a Capricorn baby, keep these keywords related to Capricorn in mind.
- Capricorn symbol: The Goat - mountains, agility
- Capricorn ruling planet: Saturn - father, maturity, wise
- Capricorn element: Earth: hillsides, woods, stony mountains
- Capricorn modality: Cardinal - initiating, willing to change
- Capricorn traits: Serious, cautious, determined, wise, responsible, diligent
Names for Capricorn Boys
Examples of Capricorn boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Aaron: Hebrew origin; meaning exalted, high mountain
- Craig: Scottish Gaelic origin; meaning a rock or crag
- Pedro: Hispanic origin; meaning rock
- Keenan: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning the little ancient one
- Ethan: Hebrew origin; meaning steadfast, long-lived
- Amare: African origin; meaning possesses great strength
- Dillon: Irish origin; meaning loyal and obedient
- Conrad: German origin; meaning brave counsel
- Quinn: Irish origin; meaning wise
Names for Capricorn Girls
Examples of Capricorn girl names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Hermione: Greek origin; meaning earthly
- Amelia: Teutonic origin; meaning hardworking, industrious
- Tara: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning a rocky hill
- Rashida: Arabic origin; meaning wise, faithful, moral, and strong
- Constance: Latin origin; meaning steadfast
- Valerie: French origin; meaning strong
- Millicent: English origin; meaning strong worker
- Priscilla: Latin origin; meaning old, longevity
- Sofia: Hispanic origin; meaning wisdom
Aquarius Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between January 20th and February 18th, they will have an Aquarius sun. When choosing a name for an Aquarius baby, keep these keywords related to Aquarius in mind.
- Aquarius symbol: The Water‐bearer - baptism, springs, fountains, pools, cascades
- Aquarius ruling planet: Uranus - new, unusual, rebellious
- Aquarius element: Air - intelligence, sky, stars
- Aquarius modality: Fixed - resolute, finds change difficult
- Aquarius traits: Futuristic, wise listeners, free-thinkers, friendly
Names for Aquarius Boys
Examples of Aquarius boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Alvin: Teutonic origin; meaning devoted friend
- Cassidy: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning the ingenious one
- Talib: African origin; meaning seeker of knowledge
- Colin: Greek origin; meaning the victory of the people
- Conan: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning intelligent
- Francisco: Hispanic origin; meaning free man
- Freeman: Old English origin; meaning a freeborn man
- Haley: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning ingenious
- Simon: Hebrew origin; meaning the listener
- Alfred: Old English origin; meaning a friend of wise behavior
Names for Aquarius Girls
Examples of Aquarius girl names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Celeste: Latin origin; meaning heavenly, starry sky
- Ramla: African origin; meaning predictor of the future
- Dione: Greek origin; meaning a daughter of heaven
- Electra: Greek origin; meaning brilliant
- Genevieve: Old French origin; meaning a woman of the people
- Caroline: English origin; meaning a person who is unbound
- Nicola: Latin origin; meaning the people's victory
- Alizee: French origin; meaning trade wind
- Sacha: Greek origin; meaning a person who helps mankind
Pisces Baby Names
If your baby is expected to be born between February 19th and March 20th, he or she will have a Pisces sun. When choosing a name for a Pisces baby, keep these keywords related to Pisces in mind.
- Pisces symbol: The Fishes - sea and ocean creatures, mermaids
- Pisces ruling planet: Neptune: Sea god, religion, self-sacrifice
- Pisces element: Water - ocean, sea, lakes, pools, springs, nymphs
- Pisces modality: Mutable - adaptable, can change easily
- Pisces traits: Humility, gentleness, sacrifice, dreaminess, intuition
Names for Pisces Boys
Examples of Pisces boy names, along with their origin and meaning:
- Colbert: Teutonic origin; meaning a bright seafarer
- Barack: African origin; meaning blessed
- Dylan: Welsh origin; meaning a man from the sea
- Lamar: Teutonic origin; meaning from the sea
- Morgan: Welsh origin; meaning the bright sea
- Ronan: Irish Gaelic origin; meaning a little seal
- Miles: Teutonic origin; meaning merciful
- Chinua: African origin; meaning a blessing from God
- Carey: Celtic origin; meaning from the river
- Jeffrey: Teutonic origin; meaning divinely peaceful
Names for Pisces Girls
Examples of Pisces girl names, along with origin and meaning:
- Anna: Hebrew origin; meaning grace
- Soledad: Hispanic origin; meaning solitude
- Coral: Latin origin; meaning from the sea
- Delia: Celtic origin; meaning a jewel of the sea
- Jennifer: Cornish /Welsh origin; meaning fair and soft
- Imani: African origin; meaning faithful or pious one
- Katherine: Greek origin; meaning pure, self-sacrifice
- Melina: Greek origin; meaning gentle
- Rosemary: Latin origin; meaning the dew of the sea
- Ruth: Hebrew origin; meaning beautiful and compassionate
The Importance of a Name
The name you give your little one will forever be part of your child's identity, and they'll carry with them from birth to their days at school, on the playground, and beyond into adulthood. If you want to make your child's sun shine, consider picking or creating a name that relates to their sun sign traits. Some astrologers believe that if you give a child a name that suits them according to their sun sign, it will bring them happiness and luck.