Hispanic baby names are beautiful and intriguing, and one of them might just be your baby girl's future name. Maybe you're looking to honor your own cultural background or you just love some of the gorgeous names. You might choose a popular Hispanic name for your baby or you might select something cute and unique; either way, with these lovely options, you're going to have a sweet name for your little girl.
Popular Hispanic Girl Names
These are some of the Hispanic names for girls that tend to be top choices. If you've heard some names you love already, chances are they come from this list of popular baby girl names.

- Adriana: From Hadria (a town in Italy)
- Alejandra [Ah-le-han-drah]: Defender of the people
- Ana: Grace or favor
- Beatriz: Voyager or traveler
- Camila: Noble
- Carmen: Garden or vineyard
- Cecilia: Blind or dim-sighted
- Daniela: God is my judge
- Elena: Bright, shining light, or sun ray
- Gabriela: God is my strength
- Isabella: Devoted to God or God is my oath
- Lourdes [Loord]: A town in France
- Lucia: Light or grace
- Maria: Wished-for child
- Mariana: Combination of Maria and Ana, meaning wished-for grace
- Natalia: Born on Christmas day
- Olivia: Olive trees
- Patricia: Noble
- Paula: Small or petite
- Pilar: Pillar or column
- Raquel: Ewe, a female sheep
- Regina: Queen
- Rosa: Rose
- Sofia: Wisdom
- Teresa: Harvester
- Valeria: Strength or valor
- Victoria: Victory
- Yolanda: From the Greek name "Lolanthe," meaning violet flower
Many of these unique names carry cultural significance and historical roots in Hispanic and Spanish-speaking communities, but keep in mind that names can have various origins and interpretations, so meanings can differ.
Unique Hispanic Girl Names
If popular isn't your speed, then maybe your little girl needs a name that's a bit more interesting and not used quite so often. We love these unique Hispanic names for their beauty and for the fact that aren't used as regularly as many others.

- Adelita: Noble or noblewoman
- Aurelia: Golden or gilded
- Belinda: Uncertain origins, but often associated with beauty
- Bonita: Pretty or beautiful
- Caridad: Charity
- Clarisa: Clear or bright
- Delfina: Dolphin
- Dulcinea: Sweet or gentle
- Esperanza: Hope
- Estrella: Star
- Florinda: Beautiful flower
- Graciela: Grace or favor
- Hortensia: Gardener or florist
- Jacinta: Hyacinth flower
- Katarina: Pure or unadulterated
- Leocadia: Bright or clear
- Milagros: Miracles
- Nereida: Sea nymph or sea maiden
- Ondina: Little wave or water spirit
- Perla: Pearl
- Querida: Beloved or darling
- Reina: Queen
- Sancia: Holy or sacred
- Uxia [U-Shah]: Well-born or noble
- Vida: Life
- Ximena [Hee-MAN-ah]: Hearing or listener
- Yesenia: Likely derived from a Spanish place name
- Zoraida: Dawn or morning star
Traditional Hispanic Girl Names
Looking to honor your heritage or celebrate Hispanic culture? These baby girl names are both traditional and beautiful.

- Angeles: Angels
- Antonia: Priceless or invaluable
- Ascension: Ascension or rising
- Asuncion: Assumption or ascension
- Concepcion: Conception or conception of the Virgin Mary
- Concha: Shell
- Consuelo: Consolation or comfort
- Dolores: Sorrows or pains
- Encarnacion: Incarnation of incarnation of the Virgin Mary
- Felicidad: Happiness or joy
- Francisca: Free or from France
- Ines: Chaste or pure
- Juana: God is gracious
- Margarita: Pearl
- Mercedes: Mercy or gift
- Milagrosa: Miraculous or wonderful
- Natividad: Nativity or birth
- Pastora: Shepherdess or pastor
- Presentacion: Presentation or presentation of the Virgin Mary
- Purificacion: Purification or purification of the Virgin Mary
- Remedios: Remedies or cures
- Resurreccion: Resurrection
- Rosario: Rosary or crown of roses
- Soledad: Solitude or loneliness
- Teresa: Harvester or reaper
- Trinidad: Trinity
Some of these names have deep historical and religious significance in Hispanic and Spanish-speaking cultures, often tied to Christian traditions and veneration of saints. They might reflect the rich heritage and religious devotion of these communities.
Cute Hispanic Names for Baby Girls
If you're looking for the perfect name, maybe only the cutest Hispanic name will do. We love the short, sweet nature of these baby names and how fitting they are for an adorable little girl. Plus, these names are not only cute, but we love that they are often used to express affection and endearment in Hispanic and Spanish-speaking communities.

- Alba: Dawn or sunrise
- Bella: Beautiful or lovely
- Chiquita: Small or little one
- Cielo: Sky or heaven
- Delicia: Delight or pleasure
- Dulce: Sweet
- Espera: Hope or expectation
- Felicidad: Happiness or joy
- Gitana: Gypsy or wanderer
- Hermosa: Beautiful
- Isla: Island
- Joya: Jewel
- Kira: Lordly or supreme
- Liana: Vine
- Lola: Usually a nickname for Dolores, meaning sorrows or pains
- Mariposa: Butterfly
- Nieve: Snow
- Ora: Prayer or gold
- Paloma: Dove
- Quilla: Moon or moonlight
- Risa: Laughter
- Solana: Sunshine or Eastern wind
- Tesoro: Treasure
- Una: One
- Viva: Alive or lively
- Xena: Hospitality
- Yara: Water lady or goddess of the river
- Zelia: Zeal or emulation
Dreamy & Creative Hispanic Baby Girl Names
If you can't find a trendy Hispanic girl name you love and the traditional and cute options just don't seem to fit, it might be time to get creative. These options are creative and sound so dreamy for a darling baby girl.

- Almendra: Almond
- Alondra: Lark or skylark
- Brisa: Breeze
- Briselda: Fighting woman or battle-maid
- Casilda: Pledge or hostage
- Calista: Most beautiful; most lovely
- Dalia: Dahlia, the flower
- Dalila: A variation of Delilah, meaning delicate or gentle
- Elodia: Marsh flower of white blossom
- Estelita: Variation of Estela, meaning star
- Fabiana: Bean grower or bean farmer
- Galilea: Galilee, a region in Israel
- Hada: Fairy or nymph
- Itzel: Star or dewdrops on flowers
- Jovita: Joyful or happy
- Kalinda: Sun or sunrise
- Lavinia: To wash or to purify
- Melosa: Sweet or delicate
- Nalani: Calm skies or the heavens
- Oriana: Gold
- Paladia: Protectress or defender
- Quirina: Possibly from a Roman goddess
- Romina: Of Rome
- Selena: Moon
- Taliana: A variation of Tatiana, meaning fairy queen or princess
- Uxue [Ah-Z-uw]: Dove
- Vianca: A variation of Bianca, meaning white or pure
- Xochitl [So-Cheel]: Flower
- Yaretzi: You will always be loved; you are loved forever
- Zafira: Triumphant or victorious
Inspiration From Famous Female Names
When all else fails, look to the stars. Celebrities have inspired names for babies for quite some time, and there are countless beautiful and amazing women with might be the namesake of your sweet little one.

- Camila Cabello: Singer and songwriter
- Celia Cruz: An American Cuban singer, known famously as the Queen of Salsa
- Dolores Huerta: Civil Rights activist and the founder of United Farm Workers of America
- Gabriela Mistral: A Chilean poet and the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for literature
- Isabel Allende: A Chilean writer and considered one of the most read authors in the world for Spanish literature
- Rita Moreno: A famous actress, dancer, and singer
- Selena Quintanilla: The late Latin recording artist, beloved by many leading up to her untimely passing in 1995. She was known as the Queen of Tejano Music.
Choose a Girl Name With Beauty & Meaning
These Hispanic names not only sound beautiful, but hold equally beautiful meanings. You really can't go wrong with any of these names when you find one you think is right. Get inspired and find the perfect name for your baby girl.