The fantastical realm of dragons, fairies, spells, witches, and wizards is rife with inspiration when you're hunting down the perfect name for your new bouncy baby. Tap into your love for the mystical wonders of the world when scouring for unique male witch names. It's time to dive into history and pop culture for some witchy boy names tailor-made for your little wizard or warlock.
Witchy Boy Names With Magical Meanings
Crave a boy's name made for the history books? Look for monikers with magical meanings like other words for "witch." The mystical realm inspires these interesting occult boy names that might be perfect for your new bundle of joy.

- Drudner (German) - means "male witch"
- Gramarye (Middle French) - means "book of sorcery"
- Kallikrates (Ancient Greek) - means "beautiful power"
- Mage (English) - means "a magician or wizard"
- Maleficus (Latin) - means "person who committed evil deeds using magic"
- Ngawang (Tibetan) - means "powerful speech"
- Philokrates (Ancient Greek) - means "friend of power"
- Shaman (English) - means "medicine man who acts as a medium between the visible world and spirit world"
- Uzzi (Hebrew) - means "my power"
Legendary Boy Names That Mean Powerful
Male witches, wizards, and warlocks are often seen as all-powerful beings, capable of incredible, magical undertakings. Give your little sorcerer a great source of power with a strong name that means "powerful."
- Azziz (Arabic)
- Decebal (Romanian)
- Denzel (Old Cornish)
- Gideon (Hebrew)
- Jabbar (Arabic)
- Kano (Japanese)
- K'Awil (Mayan)
- Kedar (Arabic)
- Oswald (Old German)
- Oz (Hebrew)
- Prabhu (Sanskrit)
- Qiang (Chinese)
- Trumble (English)
- Ulric (English)
Real Male Witch & Witch Hunter Names for Historic Flair
While most witches in popular media are women, history is full of male witches who were also persecuted for their "taboo" craft. Get inspired by the men who practiced witchcraft long ago or the ones who fought to hunt them down with these names of yore.

- Aleister (Crowley) - famous 19th-century occultist and magician
- George (Burroughs) - man associated with witchcraft in Salem
- Giles (Corey) - accused witch in Salem
- Heinrich (Kramer) - acclaimed 16th-century witch-hunter and co-author of the witch-hunting text Malleus Malleficarum
- James (Device) - man accused of witchcraft in the famous 16th-century Pendle witches case
- John (Willard and Proctor) - men associated with witchcraft in Salem
- Jon (Jonsson) - famous man prosecuted for witchcraft in Iceland
- Matthew (Hopkins) - famous 'Witchfinder General' appointed by Oliver Cromwell
- Nicholas (Remy) - 16th century French witch-hunter
- Samuel (Wardwell) - man associated with witchcraft in Salem
- Wilmot (Redd) - man associated with witchcraft in Salem
Male Sorcerer Names Full of Mystical Might
Sometimes you're in the mood for a name that's unconventional and carefree while other times you want something striking and powerful. Inspired by the sorcerers of legend, these masculine witch names are chock full of mystical might.
- Alvertos (German) - means "bright"
- Asmodeus (Avestan) - means "wrath"
- Baltasar (Spanish) - means "protect the king"
- Chen (Hebrew) - means "charm"
- Godwine (Anglo-Saxon) - means "god's ruler"
- Hawthorne (Old English) - means "where hawthorn trees grow"
- Hildebrand (Old German) - means "battle sword"
- Hypnos (Ancient Greek) - means "sleep"
- Iago (Welsh) - means "supplanter"
- Jörmungandr (Old Norse) - means "immense magic"
- Klarion (Latin) - means "brilliantly clear"
- Makepeace (Old English) - means "peacemaker"
- Melchor (Spanish) - means "king of light"
- Morven (Old English) - means "child of the sea"
- Ramil (Arabic) - means "divination, magic"
- Santiago (Spanish) - means "Saint James"
- Thane (Old English) - means "warrior"
- Theodoric (Gothic) - means "ruler of the people"
- Wulfric (Anglo-Saxon) - means "wolf ruler"
- Zatara (Arabic) - means "driftwood"
Fictional Wizard and Warlock Names for the Full Fantasy
You'll have no problem finding wizards and warlocks in books, TV shows, movies, and video games to inspire your baby name. Read through these wizard and warlock names and one is sure to cast a spell on your heart.

- Albus - powerful wizard from Harry Potter
- Allanon - druid from the World of Shannara
- Anders - evil warlock from Charmed
- Bacarra - evil warlock from Charmed
- Bastion - witch turned evil warlock from Charmed
- Caleb - male witch from The Covenant
- Elminster - Dungeons & Dragons wizard
- Gandalf - good grey wizard from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
- Geralt - monster hunter from The Witcher
- Harry - famous wizard boy from Harry Potter
- Jareth - mystic goblin king from The Labyrinth
- Magnus - warlock from the Shadowhunter Chronicles
- Merlin - legendary wizard of lore and literature
- Pogue - teenage warlock in The Covenant
- Radagast - good brown wizard from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
- Raistlin - magician Majere from Heroes of the Dragonlance
- Rand - channeler from The Wheel of Time
- Rickon - evil warlock from Charmed
- Saruman - evil male wizard from Lord of the Rings
- Willow - sorcerer's apprentice in Willow
Male Wiccan Names With an Old-World Touch
The natural or spiritual world often inspires Wiccan names, and so many of these traditional monikers make stunning baby names for a son. Check out pagan names and baby names inspired by nature alongside these to find more great Wiccan names for boys.
- Blaze (English) - means "outburst of flames"
- Clay (English) - means "person who worked with or lived near clay"
- Drake (Middle English) - means "dragon"
- Jet (French) - means "to jut out"
- Lumin (Latin) - means "light"
- Omen (Latin) - means "something that predicts the future"
- Oshun (Yoruba) - name of a Yoruba goddess associated with water and fertility
- Smolder (Middle English) - means "to smoke and burn slowly"
- Wicce (Old English) - old version of the word "Wicca"
Popular Male Names That Sound Witchy
If you prefer more commonly heard names that contain the essence of warlock magic, check out some of the more popular baby names. These typical names have an interesting sound or mystical meaning which sets them apart.

- Amari (Sanskrit) - means "eternal"
- Asher (Hebrew) - means "blessed"
- Atlas (Greek) - means "enduring"
- Aziel (Hebrew) - means "God is my power"
- Callum (Latin) - means "dove"
- Chance (Middle English) - means "luck"
- Cohen (Hebrew) - means "priest"
- Damian (Greek) - means "to tame"
- Declan (Irish) - means "full of goodness"
- Elias (Hebrew) - means "Lord is my God"
- Ezekiel (Hebrew) - means "strength of God"
- Ezra (Hebrew) - means "to help"
- Gael (Irish) - means "my father is joy"
- Holden (Old English) - means "deep valley"
- Joaquin (Hebrew) - means "lifted by Yahweh"
- Kai (Hawaiian) - means "sea"
- Legend (Latin) - means "to read; story of the past"
- Luca (Latin) - means "light"
- Malachi (Hebrew) -means "my messenger"
- Mateo (Spanish) - means "gift of God"
- Maverick (English) - means "independent"
- Orion (Greek) - means "boundary"
- Phoenix (Old French) - means "dark red"
- Thiago (Brazilian) - means "supplanter"
- Roman (Latin) - means "of Rome"
- Walker (Middle English) - means "to walk"
- Waylon (Old English) - means "skilled"
- Xander (Greek) - means "man's defender"
- Zayden (Arabic) - means "growth, increase"
- Zayn (Arabic) - means "grace"
Witch Names for Boys the World Will Remember
You don't have to own a broom and a cauldron to get inspired by witchy names. Whether you're naming your child after a fictional character, a video game character, or otherwise, witchy boy names sound strong and confident, are unique and interesting, and will set your son apart from the rest. Not sure which one to choose? Check out names from various cultures associated with paganism, like Celtic baby names, or dive into pop culture to help you find the perfect witch name for your magical little man.