Unique and Memorable Baby Announcement Photo Ideas

Discover creative ways to capture your newborn's first moments with these tips.

Updated February 6, 2025
Baby Announcement Photo

You can hire a professional photographer to take your baby announcement photo, or you can take the photos yourself at home. Whether you photograph your newborn yourself or leave it to a pro, there are some things you can do to ensure your announcement photos are adorable, fun, and unique.

Go Beyond the Traditional Background

Go Beyond the Traditional Background

Photos of babies on fuzzy rugs are super cute, but if you want something a little different, take your baby to someplace special for your announcement photo. Most baby announcement shots are done at home or in a photo studio. However, if you feel comfortable taking your baby out, you can get some amazing images of him or her experiencing the big and beautiful world. Try these ideas:

  • Mom holding baby at the lake
  • Baby asleep on a blanket at the park
  • Mom, Dad, and baby together on a bridge
  • Baby resting in a basket on a mossy forest floor
  • Baby and parent framed by a window with a beautiful view

Capture Real Moments

Capture Real Moments

It's tempting to dress your newborn up in a baby wrap and make the photo look just like the ones you see online, and those photos really are adorable. However, you can create a different kind of baby announcement by taking photos of real life with the new baby. Capturing these sweet, genuine moments lets you share them with friends and family. You can feature one moment on your announcement or do a photo collage with several. Have you camera handy during the first couple of weeks, and try to get some of the following memories:

  • Feeding time
  • Baby asleep on parent's chest
  • Mom and dad with the baby at the hospital
  • Parents looking at each other and holding baby
  • Big brother or big sister meeting the baby for the first time

Bring in a Pop of Color

Bring in a Pop of Color

If you've chosen a simple design for the announcement itself, you can have fun with color in the photo. The key is to choose just one or two colors and allow the baby to remain the focal point in the shot. You'll want fairly even light for this - think a shaded porch or on the floor in front of a big window or glass door. Place the baby on a neutral background, such as white, ivory, gray, or black. Then bring in the color in whatever form you like:

  • Bright print textiles or blankets
  • Quilt in one or two colors
  • Colored accessories like toys or props
  • Pretty flowers in a single shade

Focus on More Than Feet

Focus on More Than Feet

Close-up photos are a great way to show the details of your little one, from those tiny toes to her perfect lips. You've seen the foot photos before, and they really are cute. But you can make things more unique by showing other tiny parts. Use these close-up photos to accompany another picture or show several of them together on your announcement. To do this, use a macro lens on a DSLR or use your point-and-shoot camera or phone to get as close as you can. Take the photos someplace bright. You can crop a little, but avoid zooming in or cropping too much. This will help keep your photo sharp and high quality. Try to highlight these adorable features:

  • Lips of a sleeping baby
  • Curled hands
  • Hair whorl on the top of the head
  • Shell-like ears

Get the Shot in the Hospital

Get the Shot in the Hospital

You can get your announcement photo before you even leave the hospital. Many hospital rooms actually have amazing natural light, perfect for showing off that new little one asleep in the hospital bassinet. Babies sleep a lot in the beginning too, so it's easy to get an adorable photo of baby for an announcement that will melt hearts. Here's how:

  1. Move the bassinet in front of the window so the window light falls on the baby.
  2. Get down low next to the bassinet and focus on the baby's profile through the clear side of the bassinet. In situations where it's difficult to focus, such as shooting through plastic or glass, it helps to pick something with high contrast to focus on like the baby's eyelashes.
  3. Take lots of shots, changing the exposure to make them lighter or darker as you like.

Don't Forget Your Sense of Humor

Don't Forget Your Sense of Humor

Just because this little human has turned your world upside down doesn't mean you can't have fun with your announcement photo. If being silly is part of who you are as a family, don't stop now. Instead, embrace your wacky side with a funny photo. Try these ideas:

  • Have Dad do a hilarious pose while nonchalantly holding the baby.
  • Do something, such as tickling her cheek, that always gets the baby to make a funny face.
  • Take a photo of the baby crying and both parents pretending to cry too.

Take a Photo That Stands Out

No matter what type of birth announcement you plan to send, a good photo is important. This is the first picture many people will see of your new little one, so choose something that shows off his or her beauty and cuteness while still standing out from all the other photos on the fridge. You'll be glad you put some time and thought into this special photo.

Unique and Memorable Baby Announcement Photo Ideas