258 Baby Names Inspired by Nature

Published September 9, 2019
Baby Girl Lying On Autumn Leaves

Celebrate the great outdoors with baby names inspired by nature. Hippie baby names and even Wiccan baby names often derive from natural elements, so look for options from a variety of cultures. Connect your baby to the world around him or her with a natural name that honors Mother Nature.

Gender Neutral Names Inspired by Nature

Many nature-inspired baby names are unisex because they have neutral spellings and meanings. If the name hasn't already been popularized for one gender, it's fair game for everyone. Whether you're going to be surprised at birth with baby's gender or you want to raise your baby without gender stereotypes, there's a natural gender neutral name for you.

Unisex Names Inspired by Bodies of Water

From popular proper names terms for different bodies of water, these aquatic names work for boys and girls.

  • Adriatic (sea)
  • Arroyo - Spanish for "brook"
  • Atlantic (ocean)
  • Baikal (lake in Russia)
  • Bay
  • Bayou
  • Beck - UK word for "creek"
  • Cove
  • Lagoon
  • Mekong (river in Asia)
  • Mere - body of water broad for its depth
  • Ocean
  • Rill - very small brook
  • Stream
  • Tarn
  • Pacific (ocean)
  • Yangtze (river in Asia)

Unisex Aquatic Plant and Animal Names

Plant and animal life in lakes, rivers, and oceans provides ample inspiration for baby boy and baby girl names.

  • Abalone
  • Hoki - type of fish
  • Kelp
  • Krill
  • Lamprey
  • Ling - type of fish
  • Lotus
  • Naiad - aquatic plant
  • Nautilus - type of mollusk
  • Sargassum - aquatic plant
  • Willow - aquatic plant
  • Wrasse - type of fish
  • Xiphosura - aquatic animals that haven't evolved for millions of years
baby boy with his little bunny

Unique Unisex Flora and Fauna Names

Some flower and animal names have become trendy for both boys and girls, but flora and fauna names make for unique baby names.

  • Akita - type of dog
  • Aspen - tree
  • Auk - extinct bird
  • Avocet - type of bird
  • Baiji - extinct dolphin
  • Barbary - extinct lion
  • Birch - tree
  • Caiman - alligator-like reptile
  • Campion - rare flower in Gibralter
  • Cereus - rare cactus flower that blooms for one night per year
  • Cypress - tree
  • Drever - type of dog
  • Echidna - spiny anteater
  • Fig - fruit/tree
  • Fossa - carnivore from Madagascar
  • Gharial - alligator-like reptile
  • Hirola - rare antelope from Kenya/Somalia
  • Ibex - extinct deer-like animal
  • Indri - lemur from Madagascar
  • Kudu - African antelope
  • Lotus - rare flower
  • Madeiran - extinct white butterfly
  • Pangolin - rare animal
  • Poplar - tree
  • Saoloa - rare deer-like animal from Vietnam/Laos
  • Serval - African cat
  • Tuatara- reptile from New Zealand
  • Zikani - rare butterfly
baby in green grass of tulips field

Gender Neutral Celestial and Weather Names

Look to the skies for inspiration when choosing an uncommon baby name.

  • Aphelion - point in orbit where the object is farthest from the sun
  • Brinicle - underwater icicle
  • Equinox
  • Frost
  • Fujita
  • Galaxy
  • Gale
  • Hail
  • Halo
  • Moonbow
  • Nimbus
  • Parhelion
  • Penitentes - snow formation of jagged spikes
  • Rain
  • Typhoon
  • Virga - ice crystals evaporate before hitting ground creating trails from clouds
  • Solstice
  • Stratus
  • Storm
  • Sky
  • Twilight
  • Umbra - area of darkness caused by eclipse
  • Winter
  • Zenith - point directly overhead

Nature Names for Baby Girls

Choosing an amazing baby girl name starts with choosing exquisite inspiration. Take a look at your favorite parts of nature to find a beautiful and meaningful name for your little girl.

Nature Goddess Names

If you want a strong, natural name for your baby girl, nature goddesses from around the world are the best inspiration.

  • Abnoba - Celtic goddess of the forest and rivers
  • Antheia - Greek deity of spring and flowers
  • Arduinna - Celtic goddess of the Ardennes Forest
  • Artemis - Roman goddess of the hunt, wildlands, wild animals
  • Artume - Etruscan huntress goddess and the goddess of animals
  • Asase Ya - Ashanti earth goddess
  • Bendis - Thracian moon goddess
  • Ceres - Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility
  • Chac - Mayan rain god
  • Cybele - Roman goddess of earth and fertility
  • Danu - Hindu river goddess
  • Demeter - Roman goddess of agriculture and harvest
  • Diana - Roman goddess of nature, hunting, and the moon
  • Gaia - Greek personification of Earth
  • Gefjon - Norse goddess of plowing
  • Liluri - Syrian goddess of mountains, consort of the weather god
  • Maliya - Hittite goddess of gardens, rivers, and mountains
  • Maria Lionza - Venezuelan goddess of nature, love, and peace
  • Medeina - Lithuanian goddess of forests, animals, and trees
  • Mielikki - Finnish goddess of forests and hunting
  • Ninsar - Sumerian goddess of plants, also called Lady Earth
  • Parvati - Hindu earth goddess
  • Terra Mater - Roman earth goddess
  • Tellus - Roman agricultural deity
  • Yemoja - Yoruba water goddess
baby girl lying in the grass

Baby Girl Names Inspired by Water

From aquatic plants and animals to bodies of water, these feminine-sounding water names are cute for baby girls.

  • Anemone - aquatic plant
  • Brook
  • Chara - aquatic plant
  • Coral
  • Delta
  • Dory - type of fish
  • Egeria - aquatic plant
  • Elodea - aquatic plant
  • Estuary
  • Euglena - aquatic plant
  • Hapuka - type of fish
  • Hydrilla - aquatic plant
  • Lake
  • Marine/Marina
  • Nemertea - also called ribbon worm
  • Nitella - aquatic plant
  • Pinneped - alternate name for seal
  • Rivulet - very small stream
  • Vaquita - endangered porpoise
  • Xiphia - Latin word for Swordfish

Rock and Mineral Names for Girls

Although they're known for their tough exterior, rocks and minerals are also known for their beauty. Give your little girl a powerful and pretty rock or mineral name to bring out these traits in her personality.

  • Amber
  • Amethyst
  • Anatase
  • Breccia - composed of large angular fragments
  • Citrine
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Galena
  • Jade
  • Mica
  • Opal
  • Ruby
  • Sanidine
  • Shale
  • Scoria - dark volcanic rock
  • Topaz
Happy baby girl

Unique Flora Names for Girls

Flower names are trendy for girls, but parents looking for unique names can try out these other awesome flora names.

  • Abelia - shrub
  • Camellia - shrub
  • Cherry - tree
  • Deutzia - shrub
  • Escallonia - shrub
  • Hazel - tree
  • Holly - tree
  • Hydnora - unique South African plant
  • Juniper - tree
  • Laurel - shrub
  • Orchid - tree
  • Photinia - shrub
  • Rafflesia - rare Indonesian flower
  • Rosmarin - shrub

Celestial and Weather Names for Girls

From the stars to the sky, feminine weather and celestial names give little girls a magical vibe.

  • Aurora - glow in ionosphere
  • Autumn
  • Caldera - volcanic crater
  • Catena - series of craters
  • Easterly
  • Mirage
  • Mist
  • Nebula - cloud of gas and dust in space
  • Nova - star that flares up
  • Rainbow
  • Tempest
  • Star
baby girl playing in the park

Nature Names for Baby Boys

Names inspired by nature are ideal for those in search of unique baby boy names. These masculine monikers are both meaningful and strong.

Nature God Names for Boys

Let nature gods from around the world inspire a strong name for your baby boy.

  • Abu - Sumerian god of plants
  • Achelous - Greek river god
  • Adad - Babylonian weather god
  • Ash - Egyptian god of oasis and vineyards
  • Aton - Egyptian sun god
  • Cronus - Greek god of agriculture
  • Damu - Sumerian god of vegetation
  • Dievs - Baltic sky god
  • Dionysus - Greco-Roman god of vegetation
  • Faunus - Roman god of the forest, plains, and fields
  • Jarilo - Slavic god of vegetation and harvest
  • Lempo - Finnish god of the wilderness
  • Porewit - Slavic god of the woods
  • Re - Egyptian god of the sun
  • Selvans - Etruscan god of woodlands
  • Sucellus - Celtic god of agriculture and forests
  • Thor - Norse god of thunder
  • Veles - Slavic god of earth and water
  • Zeus - Greek sky and weather god
baby sitting in flowery meadow

Boy Names Inspired by Water

If you want your little guy to be king of the sea, start by giving him a water-inspired name.

  • Barracuda
  • Caspian (sea)
  • Creek
  • Firth - Scottish word for coastal waters
  • Fjord
  • Gar
  • Gulf
  • Hake - long fish
  • Hudson (bay in U.S.)
  • Loch - Scottish word for a small body of water
  • Marlin
  • Marsh
  • Nile (river in Egypt)
  • Pilchard - alternate name for sardine
  • Ray
  • River
  • Sturgeon
  • Tide

Masculine Mountain Names for Boys

There's nothing more masculine than a "mountain man," so why not choose a baby boy name inspired by the mountains?

  • Alpine
  • Boulder
  • Cliff
  • Crag
  • Denali - famous mountain
  • Dune
  • Everest - famous mountain
  • Crevasse
  • Knoll
  • Kop - South African word for hill
  • Lee - side of a hill that provides shelter
  • Massif - group of mountains
  • Mesa
  • Nunatak - Inuit word for a mountain that sticks up above an area of ice
  • Olympus - famous mountain
  • Ranger
  • Ranier - famous mountain
  • Ridge
  • Sherpa
  • Summit
  • Tor - British word for a hill with rocks on top
boy sitting in autumn leaves

Rock and Mineral Names for Boys

Tough elements like rocks and minerals provide powerful name inspiration for baby boys.

  • Alabaster
  • Beryl
  • Coltan
  • Dacite - light volcanic rock
  • Flint
  • Garnet
  • Heliodor
  • Jasper
  • Jet
  • Larimar
  • Natron
  • Obsidian - shiny black
  • Onyx
  • Slate
  • Zircon

Unique Flora Names for Boys

Many plant names have a feminine sound, but these masculine options are great for the soft, yet strong baby boy.

  • Alder - tree
  • Filbert - tree
  • Hawthorn - tree
  • Hemlock - tree
  • Maple - tree
  • Sycamore - tree
  • Toyon - shrub
Beautiful Baby Plays with a Leaf in the Sun

Celestial and Weather Names for Boys

From storms to celestial terms, these names conjure feelings of strength and power for your son.

  • Albedo - reflective property of a non-luminous object
  • Apastron - point of greatest separation of two stars
  • Blizzard
  • Bolide - really bright meteor
  • Breeze
  • Cyclone
  • Derecho - series of storms following each other a long distance
  • Eddy
  • Kelvin

Go Natural With Baby Names

Most nature-inspired names don't have alternate meanings like common baby names. These earthly baby names simply describe a natural feature or phenomenon. When choosing a nature-inspired baby name, keep in mind you can change the spelling to make it more mainstream or more unique.

258 Baby Names Inspired by Nature