Nicknames for William have a 1,000-year-old history. You can find classic nicknames for William that remain popular to this day.
Classic Nicknames for William to Fit Your Baby Boy
The nicknames for William are varied. Many of the classic nicknames are also very popular in modern culture. When you start searching for nicknames for a baby boy's name like William, you may be surprised how many nicknames there are.

Popular Nicknames for William
The nicknames for William offer you various meanings that have been assigned to them over the years. You may discover a few new nicknames. You may decide to choose a cute nickname for William or go for a more classic one. However, it may prove difficult to choose just one when you have so many adorable choices. Parents often find some of these nicknames cute and the ideal choice for their little boy. Other parents find the classic nicknames for William empowering and the best choice for their little guy.
- Bill: Wears gilded helmet
- Billy: Steadfast protector
- Gil: Bright promise
- Helm: Maker of helmets
- Wilhelm: Fierce protector
- Wilkie: Will helmet
- Wilkin: Will and kin
- Will: Faithful protector
- Willelm: Old English for William
- Willie, Willy: Will, desire
- Wills, Wils: Will, desire
- Wim: Resolute protector
William Nicknames in Other Languages
The name William is so popular, it is found in almost every language. When you consider the name William for your baby boy, you may be interested in the nicknames found in other languages or the nicknames used in these languages. A few examples can get you started and you might find one of these foreign names the best nickname for your little guy.
- Douglas: Dark stream (Scottish)
- Guillaume: With gilded helmet (French)
- Illiam: William (Manx Gaelic)
- Liam: Desire, guardian (Irish)
- Weelum: With gilded helmet (Scottish)
- Wilhelmus: Determined protector (Dutch, Frisian, Low German)
- Willem: Will helmet, protector (Dutch, Low German)
- Willum: William (Scottish)
- Wull: Will (Scottish)
- Wullie: Willie (Scottish)
- Vilhelm: Determined protector (Danish, Swedish)
William Name Origin
Having its origins in the old Germanic language, William is a derivative of Willahelm that means will helmet, desire, and will. Another derivative is Wilhelm. Both spellings were popular choices. In fact, both spellings were very common names among Normans, the way Smith or Jones is in English-speaking cultures.

History of the Name William
In 1066, William 1, was crowned the first Norman King of England and was best known by his nickname, William the Conqueror, since he had led the invasion that ended with the Norman Conquest of England. The name William quickly became the most popular name throughout England. King William 1 reigned for over twenty years, dying in 1087. However, the popularity of his name didn't die with King William. In fact, his name has reigned as one of the most popular names for boys over the centuries. Today, William is still one of the most popular names chosen for baby boys.
Meaning of Name William
The name William has several strong meanings. A few of them include helm, helmet protection, knight's large helmet, protector, will, or desire.

Find Cool Nicknames for William
There are many cool nicknames for William that are popular choices for baby boys. You can go over each nickname to see if it is a good fit for your little man.