Roman baby names come with an air of power, strength, and beauty for little boys and girls. Whether you want to bring out your baby's inner gladiator or goddess, a baby name inspired by Roman culture can be both a meaningful and a unique baby name.
Gender Neutral Roman Baby Names
Most Roman baby names have a feminine and masculine version, so there aren't many gender-neutral names to choose from. If a unisex Roman name is what you have your heart set on, look for monikers that are the same in their masculine and feminine forms. Roman cognates and Roman words can also be used as unique unisex baby names with Roman flair.
Unisex Roman Baby Names and Meanings
There are only a handful of truly gender-neutral baby names in Roman culture. Place and word names can provide even more cool Roman name options for parents seeking unisex baby names.
- Achaea (uh-kee-uh) - Roman province
- Agrippa (uh-grip-uh) - Wild horse
- Amor - Love
- Aquila (uh-quill-uh) - Eagle
- Denarius - Roman silver coin
- Glaucia (glow-chuh) - Bluish gray
- Iovita (eye-oh-vee-tuh)- Dedicated to Jupiter
- Solidus - Roma Gold coin
Roman Last Names to Use As First Names
Romans didn't have "last names," but many did have a second name that denoted their family lineage and a cognomen, or third name, which came to represent a specific branch within the family. These are Roman cognomen whose masculine and feminine forms are the same, making them gender-neutral options to turn into baby names.
- Annalis - Relating to years
- Barba - A beard
- Bestia - Like an animal
- Caesar - Hairy
- Cinna - Name of a politician who conspired against Julius Caesar
- Costa - A rib
- Curio - Priest of Curia
- Dives (dee-wess)- Rich
- Galeo - Helmet
- Merula - Blackbird
- Natta - An artisan
- Nero - Strong
- Nerva - Vigorous
- Ralla - Tunic made from fine fabric
- Stolo - Plant shoot
- Trio - Star name
Beautiful Roman Names for Baby Girls
It's no great surprise that Roman women's names are stunning, as the females of this culture are widely known for their beauty and strength. If you want to choose an amazing baby girl name, Roman options are a great place to start.
Female Roman Mythology Names
Roman mythology has more female characters than many other mythologies. Choosing a Roman goddess name for your little girl gives special meaning by tying into how or when she was born, or your wishes for her future.
- Angerona (an-geh-roh-nah) - Goddess of winter solstice
- Aurora - Goddess of morning
- Bellona - Goddess of war
- Cardea - Goddess of change
- Ceres (keh-res) - Goddess of agriculture
- Concordia - Goddess of peace
- Diana - Goddess of the hunt
- Fauna - Goddess of fertility
- Felicitas - Goddess of luck
- Flora - Goddess of flowers
- Fortuna - Goddess of fortune
- Juno - Queen of heavens
- Juturna (yoo-toor-nah) - Goddess of fountains
- Juventas (yoo-ven-tahs) - Goddess of youth
- Lucina - Goddess of childbirth
- Minerva - Goddess of wisdom
- Nona - Goddess of pregnancy
- Pax - Goddess of peace
- Pomona - Goddess of fruit trees
- Rhea - Mother of the legendary founders of Rome
- Salacia - Goddess of salt water
- Venus - Goddess of love
- Vesta - Goddess of hearth
Ancient Roman Female Names

Many ancient Roman names have been lost over time, but these standouts deserve a comeback (looking at YOU Alba). Choosing an uncommon baby name for your little girl helps her feel more unique, and you might even start a new naming trend in the process!
- Aeliana (ay-lee-nuh) - Sun
- Alba - Bright
- Augustina - Exalted
- Caelia (k-eye-lee-ah) - Heaven
- Cornelia - Strong-willed
- Drusa - Strength
- Fabricia - Craftsman
- Faustina - Lucky
- Floriana - Flower
- Gratiana - Grace
- Hadriana - From Hadria
- Hortensia - Garden
- Laelia - Unknown
- Liviana - To envy
- Lucia - Light
- Maxima - Great
- Octavia - Eighth
- Prisca - Ancient
- Sabina - Ancient Italian people
- Vita - Life
Popular Names for Girls With Roman Origins
Some of the most popular names in the U.S. are either direct Roman names or have Roman origins. If you want a more mainstream name with ties to Rome, these are some of your best options.
- Camilla - Legendary female warrior
- Cecilia - Blind
- Julia - Downy-bearded
- Luna - The moon; Goddess of moon
- Maia - Greater; Goddess of spring
- Pricilla - Ancient
- Valentina - Strong
- Victoria - Victory; Goddess of victory
- Virginia - Maiden
Names of Famous Roman Women
Roman women often took a backseat to their male counterparts, but these particular trailblazing women took life into their own hands. Let them serve as inspiration in your baby naming quest.
- Aelia (ay-lee-ah) - Sun; Claimed rule against officials in the 4th century
- Agrippina - Born feet first; Mother of emperor Nero
- Aurelia - Golden; Mother of Julius Caesar
- Cornelia - Horn; Represented the perfect Roman mother
- Fulvia - Yellow; Wife to Marc Antony
- Livia - To envy; Advisor and wife to Augustus
- Lucilla - Light; Planned failed assassination of Commodus
- Theodora - Gift of God; Improved women's rights
- Ulpia (ool-pee-ah) - Wolf; Appears on Roman coins
Strong Roman Names for Baby Boys
Roman names for baby boys have connotations of strength, power, and wisdom. Choosing a name for your baby boy is easy when there's so much Roman inspiration to choose from.
Names Like Roman for Boys
If you love the name Roman, which means "man from Rome," you might also like names similar in sound.
- Conan - Little wolf
- Johan - Yahweh is gracious
- Logan - Little hollow
- Nolan - Descendent of Nuallan
- Rakan - Noble
- Rayan - Watered
- Raymond - Advice protector
- Roan - Raven
- Robin - Bright fame
- Romeo - Pilgrim to Rome
- Rogan - Red
- Rohan - Ascending
- Roma - "Rome" in Latin
- Ronan - Little seal
- Roshawn - Yahweh is gracious
- Roven - Unknown
- Rowan - Descendent of Ruadhan
Male Roman Mythology Names
Some of the strongest names for boys come from mythology. Look to heroes and legends as well as Roman gods to help drive your baby name search.
- Consus - God of harvest
- Cupid - God of love
- Evander - Hero of Trojan War
- Faunus - God of fertility
- Italus - Father of legendary founders of Rome
- Janus - God of beginnings
- Jupiter - Supreme God
- Mars - God of war
- Mercury - God of trade
- Neptune - God of the sea, makes a unique and darling baby name based on a famous Roman God
- Numitor - Grandfather of legendary founders of Rome
- Remus - Legendary founder of Rome
- Romulus - Legendary founder of Rome
- Saturn - God of agriculture
- Silvanus - God of forests
- Summanus - God of night sky
- Vulcan - God of fire
Ancient Roman Names for Boys
Ancient Roman male names commonly include the letter "u," which makes an "oo" sound. These choices are all strong Roman names for sturdy sons.
- Aelius (eye-lee-oos) - Sun
- Aetius (eye-tee-oos) - Eagle
- Albus - Bright
- Appius - Unknown
- Aurelius - Golden
- Blandus - Charming
- Brutus - Heavy
- Caelius - Heaven
- Cato - Wise
- Celsus - Tall
- Cornelius - Horn
- Crispus - Curly-haired
- Decimus - Tenth
- Drusus - Strong
- Fabius - Bean
- Faustus - Lucky
- Festus - Holiday
- Germanus - Brother
- Manius - Good
- Nonus - Ninth
- Octavius - Eighth
- Pontius - Fifth
- Quintus - Fifth
- Regulus - Prince
- Rufus - Red-haired
- Seneca - Old
- Vitus - Life
Popular Names for Boys With Roman Origins

The top baby boy names in the U.S. feature several common Roman names, most of which end in "s."
- Atticus - Belonging to Attica
- Cassian - Belongs to Cassia
- Cassius - Hollow
- Felix - Lucky
- Julian - Downy-bearded
- Luca - From Lucania
- Lucian - To shine
- Magnus - Big, great
- Milo - Soldier
- Silas - Forest
- Vincent - To conquer
Unique Roman Emperor Names for Boys
If you're looking for a unique baby boy name, the long list of Roman emperors and gladiators provides tons of great options to choose from.
- Allectus - Choose
- Augustus - Exalted
- Avitus - Ancestral
- Carus - Beloved
- Claudius - Lame
- Clodius - Lame
- Domitian - Having been tamed
- Gaius - To rejoice
- Galba - Fat
- Gratian - Grace
- Gordian - From Gordium
- Hadrian - From Hadria
- Jovian - Sky father
- Lucius - Light
- Marcus - Polite, shining, or hammer. Name of a popular gladiator, Marcus Atilius
- Marius - Male
- Otho - Unknown
- Pertinax - Persistent
- Priscus - Ancient, name of a famous gladiator
- Quintillus - Fifth
- Severus - Stern
- Spartacus - From the city of Sparta, makes a cool gladiator name for baby boys
- Tiberius - Of the Tiber
- Titus - Honorable or strong
- Trajan - A great Roman emperor
- Valerian - Be strong
- Vespasian - West
- Vitellius -Calf
- Zeno - Sky
When in Rome
While Roman names might not be common worldwide, they do have common baby name meanings. This grandiose culture is packed with great name inspirations similar to other Italian baby names. If you choose a Roman baby name, you can opt to be like the Romans and pronounce the name the way they would, or you can give it a modern twist and pronounce it in your native language.