Is your baby legendary? Yeah — that was a rhetorical question. Of course they are!! That's why we've come up with a list of mythical names that come from different mythologies from all around the world. So whether it's an uncommon Greek mythology name or folklore from Polynesia, help your baby live a legendary life with our epic list of mythology names.
Gender-Neutral Mythology Names
These epic names are gender-neutral because they come from larger-than-life characters displaying both feminine and masculine traits or because the names are used culturally for either gender.

- Ahriman (Persian) - spirit of chaos
- Ahti (Finnish) - god of the ocean
- Ailbhe (Celtic) - means "light"
- Alicorn (Assyrian) - mythical winged unicorn
- Amor (Roman) - means "love"
- Aphroditus (Greek) - means "beauty"
- Aruna (Hindu) - means "dawn"
- Atlas (Greek) - means "enduring"
- Benu (Egyptian) - Egyptian name for the mythical phoenix
- Cerberus (Greek) - dog that guards the Greek underworld
- Chanda (Hindu) - means "fierce"
- Chandra (Hindu) - means "moon"
- Chi (Igbo) - means "spiritual being"
- Ciar (Celtic) - means "black"
- Fenrir (Norse) - a mythical giant wolf
- Ganga (Hindu) - means "to go"
- Griffin (Greek) - mythical half-eagle/half-lion that represents strength and intellect
- Hapi (Egyptian) - Egyptian god of fertility
- Ikapati (Tagalog) — Filipino fertility goddess who often disguised herself as a man
- Inti (Inca) - means "sun"
- Iphis (Egyptian) - goddess born female but raised male
- Ishi (Hindu) - means "ruler"
- Itzamna (Mayan) - means "lizard house"
- Jaya (Hindu) - means "victory"
- Kali (Hindu) - means "black"
- Ladon (Greek) - mythical dragon guarding golden apples
- Loki (Norse) - means "knot" — a trickster god
- Māui (Polynesian) - trickster who created the Hawaiian Islands
- Mitra (Hindu) - means "friend"
- Mohana (Hindu) - means "bewitching"
- Nanda (Hindu) - means "joy"
- Nemean (Greek) - lion that's in the Leo constellation
- Nike (Greek) - means "victory"
- Nikephoros (Greek) - means "carrying victory"
- Nitya (Hindu) - means "eternal"
- Nun (Egyptian) - means "primeval waters"
- Ometeotl (Aztec) - means "two gods"
- Padma (Hindu) - means "lotus"
- Phoenix (Egyptian) - legendary bird of the sun
- Rudra (Hindu) - god of storms
- Shakti (Hindu) - means "power"
- Sylph (German) - fairy-like creature
- Styx (Greek) - one of the rivers of the underworld
Baby Boy Names From Mythology
With an epic mythological name, your baby boy is bound to be the hero in his own story. Try one of these mythology names for boys on for size.
- Achilles (Greek) - means "grief"
- Adonis (Greek) - means "ruler" or "lord"
- Áed (Celtic) - means "fire"
- Aeneas (Roman) - means "praise"
- Aeson (Greek) - means "Aythe's son"
- Agni (Hindu) - means "fire"
- Aino (Finnish) - means "the only one"
- Aiolos (Greek) - means "nimble"
- Ajax (Greek) - means "eagle"
- Ajita (Hindu) - means "invincible"
- Alexander (Greek) - means "defending men"
- Alf (Norse) - means "elf"
- Alvis (Norse) - means "all wise"
- Amon (Egyptian) - means "the hidden one"
- An (Sumerian) - means "heaven sky"
- Anansi (African) - means "spider"
- Anubis (Egyptian) - means "the royal child"
- Aodh (Celtic) - means "fire"
- Apollo (Greek) - means "strength"
- Arawn (Welsh) - god of the underworld
- Aries (Roman) - means "ram"
- Arjuna (Hindu) - means "white" or "clear"
- Aton (Egyptian) - means "solar disk"
- Atum (Egyptian) - means "completion"
- Baihu (Chinese) - means "pure"
- Balder (Norse) - means "prince"
- Bragi (Norse) - means "first"
- Brontes (Greek) - means "thunder"
- Caishen (Chinese) - god of wealth
- Castor (Greek) - means "to shine"
- Chaac (Mayan) - means "rain"
- Conall (Celtic) - means "rule of a wolf"
- Conn (Celtic) - means "reason"
- Cormac (Celtic) - means "chariot"
- Cronus (Greek) - means "to cut"
- Cupid (Roman) - means "desire"
- Daksha (Hindu) - means "competent"
- Damocles (Greek) - means "the people"
- Damon (Greek) - means "to tame"
- Dardanos (Greek) - means "to devour"
- Dylan (Welsh) - means "tide"
- Enki (Sumerian) - means "lord"
- Eros (Greek) - means "love"
- Faunus (Roman) - means "to befriend"
- Fergus (Celtic) - means "man of vigor"
- Finn (Celtic) - means "blessed"
- Freyr (Norse) - means "lord"
- Gandalf (Norse) - means "wand elf"
- Gemini (Roman) - means "twins"
- Gilgamesh (Sumerian) - means "the ancestor is a hero"
- Govinda (Hindu) - means "cow finder"
- Gunnar (Norse) - means "warrior"
- Hades (Greek) - means "unseen"
- Hari (Hindu) - means "tawny"
- Hector (Greek) - means "holding fast"
- Helios (Greek) - means "sun"
- Hercules (Roman) - means "glory of Hera"
- Iah (Egyptian) - means "the moon"
- Italus (Roman) - means "of Italy"
- Janus (Roman) - means "archway"
- Jarl (Norse) - means "chieftain"
- Jason (Greek) - means "to heal"
- Kama (Hindu) - means "love"
- Kamala (Hindu) - means "lotus"
- Kanti (Hindu) - means "beauty"
- Khepri (Egyptian) - means "morning sun"
- Khonsu (Egyptian) - means "traveler"
- Kreios (Greek) - means "to rule"
- Lakshmi (Hindu) - means "sign" or "mark"
- Leander (Greek) - means "lion man"
- Linus (Greek) - means "flax"
- Lycus (Greek) - means "wolf"
- Magni (Norse) - means "mighty"
- Mani (Hindu) - means "jewel"
- Manu (Hindu) - means "wise"
- Mars (Roman) - means "male"
- Mercury (Roman) - means "to trade"
- Midas (Greek) - means "touch of gold"
- Min (Egyptian) - means "black"
- Minos (Greek) - means "king"
- Myles (Greek) - means "mill"
- Neptune (Roman) - means "wet"
- Nereus (Greek) - means "water"
- Njord (Norse) - means "strong"
- Odin (Norse) - means "inspiration"
- Onuphrius (Egyptian) - means "he who is happy"
- Orion (Greek) - means "boundary"
- Orvar (Norse) - means "arrow"
- Osiris (Egyptian) - god of the dead
- Perseus (Greek) - means "destroy"
- Phrixus (Greek) - means "thrilling"
- Pluto (Greek) - means "wealth"
- Pollux (Roman) - means "very sweet"
- Poseidon (Greek) - means "lord of the earth"
- Ptah (Egyptian) - means "opener"
- Raman (Persian) - means "peace"
- Rangi (Māori) - means "sky"
- Quirinus (Roman) - means "spear"
- Ra (Egyptian) - means "sun"
- Remus (Roman) - means "twin" or "rower"
- Romulus (Roman) - means "of Rome"
- Sam (Persian) - means "fire"
- Saturn (Roman) - god of agriculture
- Seth (Egyptian) - means "pillar"
- Sigurd (Norse) - means "victory guardian"
- Silvanus (Roman) - means "forest"
- Sindri (Norse) - means "sparkling"
- Suijin (Japanese) - means "water spirit"
- Taran (Welsh) - means "thunder"
- Thor (Norse) - means "thunder"
- Tychon (Greek) - means "succeed"
- Trym (Norse) - means "uproar"
- Vidar (Norse) - means "warrior of the woods"
- Yngvi (Norse) - means "ancestor"
- Zeus (Greek) - means "sky"
Mythical Baby Girl Names
Your baby girl is full of mythical magic, so show her special spark with one of our mythological girl names from around the world.

- Acantha (Greek) - means "thorn"
- Aditi (Hindu) - means "boundless"
- Aegle (Greek) - means "radiance"
- Aella (Greek) - means "whirlwind"
- Aífe (Celtic) - means "radiant"
- Áine (Celtic) - means "radiant"
- Ala (Igbo) - means "land"
- Alcmene (Greek) - means "moon strength"
- Althea (Greek) - means "healing"
- Amaterasu (Japanese) - means "shining heaven"
- Andromeda (Greek) - means "be mindful of man"
- Aoide (Greek) - means "song"
- Aoife (Celtic) - means "radiant"
- Aphrodite (Greek) - means "seafoam"
- Arachne (Greek) - means "spider"
- Ariadne (Greek) - means "most holy"
- Artemis (Greek) - means "safe"
- Athena (Greek) - goddess of wisdom and warfare
- Aurora (Roman) - means "dawn"
- Awilix (Mayan) - goddess of the moon, night, and death
- Aya (Semitic) - means "dawn"
- Bast (Egyptian) - means "fire"
- Bau (Sumerian) - goddess of healing
- Borghild (Norse) - means "battle fortification"
- Branwen (Welsh) - means "white raven"
- Brigid (Celtic) - means "the exalted one"
- Calypso (Greek) - means "she that conceals"
- Cassandra (Greek) - means "to excel"
- Ceres (Roman) - means "to grow"
- Circe (Greek) - means "bird"
- Clio (Greek) - means "glory"
- Concordia (Roman) - means "harmony"
- Dalia (Baltic) - means "share"
- Daphne (Greek) - means "laurel"
- Delia (Greek) - means "of Delos"
- Demeter (Greek) - means "Earth mother"
- Devaki (Hindu) - means "celestial"
- Devi (Hindu) - means "goddess"
- Diana (Roman) - means "divine"
- Dione (Greek) - means "goddess"
- Echidna (Greek) - mythical snake woman
- Echo (Greek) - means "reflected sound"
- Eir (Norse) - means "mercy"
- Electra (Greek) - means "amber"
- Elli (Norse) - means "old age"
- Elpis (Greek) - means "hope"
- Embla (Norse) - means "elm"
- Erato (Greek) - means "lovely"
- Erna (Norse) - means "vigorous"
- Eudora (Greek) - means "good gift"
- Fauna (Roman) - goddess of fertility
- Felicitas (Roman) - means "good luck"
- Flora (Roman) - means "flower"
- Freya (Norse) - means "lady"
- Frigg (Norse) - means "beloved"
- Gaia (Greek) - means "Earth"
- Grid (Norse) - means "peace"
- Gudrun (Norse) - means "God's secret lore"
- Hathor (Egyptian) - means "House of Horus"
- Helen (Greek) - means "moon"
- Hera (Greek) - means "beloved," "hero," or "protectress"
- Hermione (Greek) - means "boundary marker"
- Hestia (Greek) - means "fireside"
- Hulda (Norse) - means "hiding"
- Idunn (Norse) - means "to love again"
- Indira (Hindu) - means "beauty"
- Irene (Greek) - means "peace"
- Iris (Greek) - means "rainbow"
- Isis (Egyptian) - means "the throne"
- Ismene (Greek) - means "knowledge"
- Juno (Roman) - means "youth"
- Kallisto (Greek) - means "most beautiful"
- Kára (Norse) - means "curly"
- Klytië (Greek) - means "noble"
- Lalita (Hindu) - means "playful"
- Larunda (Roman) - means "to talk"
- Lilith (Semitic) - means "of the night"
- Luna (Roman) - means "the moon"
- Maat (Egyptian) - means "that which is straight"
- Maeve (Celtic) - means "intoxicating"
- Maia (Greek) - means "good mother"
- Mari (Basque) - means "mother"
- Maya (Hindu) - means "magic"
- Medusa (Greek) - means "protect"
- Metis (Greek) - means "wisdom"
- Minerva (Roman) - means "intellect"
- Mulan (Chinese) - means "magnolia"
- Nanna (Norse) - means "brave"
- Neith (Egyptian) - means "water"
- Nephele (Greek) - means "cloud"
- Nephthys (Egyptian) - means "lady of the house"
- Niamh (Celtic) - means "bright"
- Nona (Roman) - means "ninth"
- Olwen (Welsh) - means "white footprint"
- Pandora (Greek) - means "all gifts"
- Pele (Polynesian) - Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes
- Penelope (Greek) - means "threads" or "weft"
- Persephone (Greek) - means "to destroy"
- Phaedra (Greek) - means "bright"
- Phaenna (Greek) - means "shining"
- Phoebe (Greek) - means "pure"
- Pritha (Hindu) - means "palm of the hand"
- Priya (Hindu) - means "beloved"
- Qadesh (Egyptian) - means "holy woman"
- Reva (Hindu) - means "one that moves"
- Rhea (Roman) - means "to flow"
- Rhiannon (Celtic) - means "great queen"
- Saga (Norse) - means "seeing one"
- Sati (Hindu) - means "virtuous"
- Shachi (Hindu) - means "eloquence"
- Selene (Greek) - means "moon"
- Siren (Greek) - mythical half bird, half woman
- Skuld (Norse) - means "future"
- Tara (Hindu) - means "star"
- Taweret (Egyptian) - means "she who is great"
- Thalia (Greek) - means "to blossom"
- Themis (Greek) - means "divine law"
- Tyche (Greek) - means "fortune"
- Venus (Roman) - means "love"
- Verdandi (Norse) - means "becoming"
- Vesta (Roman) - means "hearth"
- Victoria (Roman) - means "victory"
Related: 137 Magical Girl Names & Their Mystical Meanings
Legendary Names for Babies
Your baby is already epic to you, so give them a name that's worthy of a hero. From Norse myths to ancient Hindu folklore, there's a mythology name that's perfect for your little legend.