From time to time, you could be required to submit a proof of insurance letter. If someone has asked you to do this, it must come from your insurance company, or, in the case of a group health insurance policy, it can come from your employer. The sample letters below provide a sense of what is usually included.
Example Proof of Auto Insurance Letter
There are a number of situations where you might be asked to provide a letter from your car insurance company documenting that you have such coverage. For example, suppose you take a job that involves driving, and your employer requires that you carry a certain level of car insurance coverage. In that case, you'll need to provide this type of documentation. You may also have to provide this kind of letter to the Department of Motor Vehicles or another government agency if you live in a state where car insurance is required.
You can download our example proof of auto insurance letter, fill it out (it's editable), and then print it. If you need help, view our guide for Adobe printables.
These letters are meant to be examples only. Don't write, sign, and submit this letter yourself. A representative of your insurance company must complete it, and it's easy to verify the accuracy of this kind of letter. Falsifying proof of insurance could lead to fines, suspension of driver's license, job loss, or even arrest.
Example Proof of Health Insurance Letter
In a few circumstances, you could be required to provide a letter as proof that you (or another family member) have health insurance, such as to attend college or to opt out of your employee's group health plan. Our PDF shows an example of what this type of letter could look like.
Seeking Official Documentation
If you're asked to provide a letter as proof of insurance, contact your insurance company (or employer, if applicable) directly and request such a document. Under no circumstances should you submit a letter that comes from any other source. Similarly, you should never submit a letter that falsely claims that you have insurance coverage if you do not.
If you have an online account with your insurance company, you may be able to log in to your profile and download this type of letter. If not, a customer service representative with the provider or your insurance agent should be able to draft one to send you. It may also be possible to provide a copy of your insurance card rather than an actual letter. If this would be easier for you, ask the requesting party if this type of documentation would be sufficient.
Proof of Insurance
From time to time, someone may require proof of insurance. And while your policy documents or insurance card will typically suffice, occasionally, someone may require a letter from a representative of your insurance provider. If that's the case, these samples will show you the types of information required in these letters.