19 Creative Jewelry Engraving Ideas for Your Loved One

Updated April 6, 2021
Engraved heart-shaped locket

Personalizing your jewelry can go way beyond adding a simple name to the inside of a ring. If you want something extraordinary, it helps to peruse a few jewelry engraving ideas that will be personal and unique.

Creative Romantic Engravings

If you're buying jewelry as a gift for your husband, wife, or special someone, there are lots of ways to personalize it with a one-of-a-kind engraving. Try these creative options, which go way beyond traditional wedding ring engravings.

Latitude and Longitude

There are special places in the world, places that mean something to just the two of you. You can commemorate an important spot on the globe by having the latitude and longitude of that spot engraved on a piece of jewelry. Consider one of these:

  • The spot where you first met
  • The place where you first had an adventure or vacation together
  • Where you got engaged or married
Latitude and Longitude engraved on a watch

Secret Word

A word that has meaning just for the two of you makes an incredibly romantic engraving. You can add it to the inside of a ring, the back of a locket, cufflinks, or even a watch. Try these ideas:

  • A pet name
  • A word like "cloudburst" that refers to a shared experience
  • An inside joke
  • A word of adoration like "beloved" or "mine"

Part of a Love Letter

If you and your beloved exchanged love letters in the past, you could engrave something special with a line or two from the letter. You can even have it engraved in the original handwriting to create a romantic heirloom. This could be perfect for a cuff bracelet or the back of a watch.

Meaningful Quote

Choose a short personalized quote straight from the heart or a famous quote from a film that genuinely captures how you feel about your person. Have it engraved into something like a cuff or a necklace plate.

Special Bible Verse

Think about your favorite bible verses, the ones that speak to your soul. Choose a few lines from a bible verse full of significance and have those words put onto a meaningful item.

  • I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine - Song of Solomon 8:3
  • I found the one my heart loves - Song of Solomon 3:4
  • We love because he first loved us - 1 John 4:19
  • A friend loves at all times - Proverbs 17:17
Bible and wedding rings

A Section of a Poem

There are so many beautiful poems in the world. Use the famous works of others to help illustrate how you feel about the people in your life. Choose a line from one of these famous poems:

Unique Engravings for Parents

Your life changes when you become a parent, and it's only natural to commemorate that role with jewelry. Personalized engravings make a great way to thank moms and dads or to celebrate a new addition.


Since each fingerprint is unique, this makes a wonderful, one-of-a-kind way to engrave a piece of jewelry. This works for both moms and dads, no matter what age the child is. You'll generally want a larger surface for this, such as a flat necklace or locket, a cuff bracelet, or the back of a watch.

Watch With Birthdate and Time

If you're looking for a perfect watch engraving for a new mom or dad, engrave a timepiece with a child's birth date and time. If there is more than one child, you can add multiple lines.

Small Drawing

Children's drawings can be a wonderful snapshot of a moment in time. You can preserve their artwork by having it miniaturized and engraved on an item of jewelry. Tiny versions of favorite drawings look wonderful on cuff bracelets, tie tacks, and more.

Personal Engravings for Sons and Daughters

You can also add a special engraving to jewelry for a son or daughter. This is the kind of item the recipient will treasure forever because the inscription is so unique and personal.

Favorite Quote From a Book

Whether you're still reading bedtime stories or those days have long since passed, there are always special books that stick in the memory. Choose a line from a favorite and have these words engraved inside a ring, the back of a locket, a pocket watch, or a bracelet. Consider the following:

Goodnight Words

Those words you whisper as you tuck your child into bed have magic in them; engrave them on a special item, so your son or daughter will know you are always there. For an added personal touch, have them engraved in your handwriting.

  • I love you bigger than the sky
  • Love you 'til morning's light
  • I'll see you in my dreams
Gold locket engraved

Special Name

Do you have a nickname that you call your child or used to use when he or she was little? Have this name engraved in a hidden spot on a piece of jewelry. Think inside a ring or bracelet, on the back of a watch or tie bar, or the clasp of a necklace. Try something like these:

  • Peanut
  • Pouty-Face
  • Sweet Pea
  • Sweet Thing

Hilarious Engravings

Want to give a good laugh along with a piece of jewelry. Try one of these options.

Wedding ring with inscription

For a Sister or Friend

If you're giving a piece of jewelry to a sister or best friend, try engraving it with a line that indicates you can borrow it anytime you like. Consider:

  • What's yours is mine
  • I know you love to share

For a Husband or Wife

You know that pet name that you mostly use as a joke? You'll both get a good laugh when your beloved sees that engraved on his new cuff links. Use these for inspiration:

  • Snookums
  • Pookie-Pie
  • Cutie Patootie

Funny Engraving Ideas for Parents

Parents have been sacrificing for you since before you even entered this world. Personalize an item for them with something funny or special that will be significant to them and only them.

For Mom

Your mom would walk through fire for you, so make any gift you give her very special and straight from the heart.

  • Engrave the number of diapers a parent needs to change in a year onto something
  • Use the number of hours mom labored

For Dad

There wasn't a day in his life where he didn't put you first. Let his labor of love shine through with these cute ideas.

  • Engrave a silly number for the steps he paced on the day you were born
  • Use the number of pitches he threw to you as you were learning to play ball

Meaningful Engravings for a Spouse

Together, the pair of you have weathered some of life's toughest storms. Show the unbreakable bond between the two of you with these heartfelt engravings.

Bevy of Birthdates

You both have built a family that you love and are so very proud of. Engrave something special with everyone in the family's birthdates. In a world full of so much uncertainty, family is the one thing that can always be counted on.

Do It Up With Dates

Some dates are impossible to forget. Have the ones that changed your life engraved and show your true love that you will always belong to them.

  • The date you met
  • Your first kiss
  • The date you got engaged
  • A wedding date
Copper bracelet engraved

Matching Items Engraved

Think of having two items of similar style engraved with the same meaningful words or symbols. Consider keychains that you can both carry, bracelets, or dog tags. Maybe go more outside of the box and engrave cufflinks for him and a locket for yourself, both with the same words or symbols.

  • A special saying or word
  • A simple picture that has meaning for both of you, like a sailboat or a heart

Popular Items for Engraving

These days you can engrave just about anything. Here are some of the more popular items that people choose to engrave and give to those who mean so very much to them.

  • Lockets
  • Cuff links
  • Bracelets
  • Key chains
  • Dog tags
  • Pocket watch or wristwatch
  • Rings
  • Pendant
  • Charms

Make It Unique and Personal

The key to making engravings unique and personal is to think about what the recipient will really love. If you reference what makes this person or relationship special, you'll end up with a meaningful gift that will be treasured for years to come.

19 Creative Jewelry Engraving Ideas for Your Loved One