You know how you and your BFFs never run out of things to say to each other? It can be that way with your boyfriend, too.
Even when you spend all your time with someone you care about, there's still lots of stuff to talk about. But every once in a while, even in the closest relationships, conversations can dry up a little. If it happens, don't sit awkwardly staring at your phones. Bring up a fun topic and let the conversation flow! Our list of things to talk about with your boyfriend has all sorts of topics of conversation to keep your chat lively and your interest piqued.
Fun Things to Talk to Your Boyfriend About

In the earliest stages of your time together, you're still just getting to know one another. So often, the best way to develop your relationship is by focusing on fun, light-hearted topics. Keep your chat game strong with these ideas.
Share Something Funny
When you really think about it, life can be pretty funny. Hilarious stuff happens all the time (especially if you're sort of a klutz like me). Did anything funny happen to you at work, school, the gym, or some other place? Talk about it and ask if anything funny happened to him, too. Sharing a new joke you've heard (or even an old favorite) is also a fun way to get the conversation started.
Try New Twists on Old Questions
Instead of just asking how his day was, take the conversation up a notch by asking the usual questions differently, like "What stood out about your day?" or "What blew you away at work/school today?"
Ask 'Would You Rather' Questions
"Would you rather" questions are great icebreakers that can spark deeper conversations. We have a whole list of "would you rather" questions for couples that could keep the conversation flowing for days.
Food & Drink Are Always Great Topics
There's so much ground to cover with food and drink. Pineapple on pizza (oh the controversy!)? Coke or Pepsi? There's a lot to riff on here.
- What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
- If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Tacos. It would be tacos.)
- Do you prefer sweet, salty, sour, or spicy?
- What's your favorite type of cuisine?
- Sugar or salt?
- Do you see food as fuel or a source of pleasure?
- What's one food you'd love to learn to cook?
- Who makes the best chocolate chip cookies you've ever had?
- What are the top three meals you've ever eaten and what made them so great?
Talk About Out-There Topics
Talk a walk on the weirder side with discussions of the unknown. These can be fun, light-hearted conversations, or they could be deep dives.
- Have you ever been somewhere you thought was haunted?
- Are ghosts real?
- Have you ever encountered a ghost?
- If you were a ghost, who/what would you haunt?
- Do you believe in psychics?
- Have you ever had a psychic reading?
- Have you ever had a premonition?
- Do you believe in astrology?
- What's your sign? How does it make you you?
- Do you believe in reincarnation?
- Do you believe there's life on other planets?
- Have UFOs visited Earth?
- Have you ever seen a UFO?
- Are there any conspiracy theories you think could be true?
- What do you think are the weirdest conspiracy theories?
- Have you ever experienced a glitch in the matrix?
- What's your favorite urban legend?
- What do you think déjà vu is?
- Have you ever seen Bigfoot (or signs of Bigfoot)?
- Tell me about something that happened to you that you can't explain.
- What do you think happens to us when we die?
Talk About the One Thing
It's an oldie but a goodie — the if you could only have one thing what would it be question:
- If you could only listen to one band/music group
- If you could only travel to one place
- If you could only read one book
- If you could only watch one TV show
- If you could only watch one movie
You get the idea!
Fire Off a Round of Flirty Yes or No Questions
We're all for a lightning round, especially early in a relationship when everything is all either heart-eye emojis or slightly awkward pauses. That's why we love flirty yes or no questions. They're fun, fast, and can spark deeper conversations. Bonus: it can feel like a game, but you'll get to know each other better.
Rank Things
My hubby and I love to take long road trips. And as we watch the scenery pass, we love to rank things. It's a great way to pass the time, and occasionally we still surprise one another with our rankings. Some of the things you can rank:
- Best bands
- Best songs
- Best superheroes
- Worst movies
- Best movie sequels
- Best movie franchises
- Best movies
- Best places you've ever visited
- Best dog breeds
- Most beautiful places
- Best one-hit wonders
- Best vacay spots
- Best pasta shapes
- Best cookie types
Discuss the Weirdest Thing That Ever Happened to You
Everyone experiences something weird in their lives. Share your weird experiences and ask about his.
Lean Into Nostalgia
Everyone has something they're at least a little nostalgic about, whether it's childhood toys or family traditions. We love nostalgic conversations about things like toys you played with as kids that, in retrospect, seem a little dangerous or the boy band that was all the rage when you were younger but that disappeared off the map.
Read Each Other's Palms
Okay, we know this is mostly all silliness (although you could learn to read palms if you want), but it's still super fun to give each other a "reading." Take a look at each other's palms and tell them what you think the palm lines are telling you.
Ask About His Pets and People
Talking about beloved pets? Most pet lovers LOVE this topic, so it's easy to bring up. Whether he shares an apartment with a pet, lives with friends, or is close to his family, asking about his pets or the people he's close to is a great starter topic.
Talk About Music
A shared love of music can spark tons of convo. We have just a few ideas, but I would imagine you'll come up with more, especially if you're a music lover.
- What songs do you both love?
- What are your favorite music genres?
- Is there a genre of music you don't understand or can't stand?
- Any songs you absolutely hate?
- Any songs that instantly get stuck in your head when you hear them?
- What songs do you think you'd be able to smash at karaoke?
- What's on your playlist?
- What are your top motivational songs?
- What's on your workout playlist?
- What songs are essential for any party?
- Do you have any breakup songs you listen to when you're sad?
Play at Puns and Bad Dad Jokes
Keep it super light and full of laughter by seeing who has the best pun or dad joke game. (Are puns and dad jokes actually different things? We doubt it!) It's a great way to share some witty banter and test out his sense of humor while showing yours.
Chat About Your Favorite Decade
Obsessed with the 80s? Totally think the 50s were ideal? Discuss what made your fave decade so iconic, from the music to the fashion to all the weirdness that accompanies pretty much any decade.
Talk About Podcasts
Are you a podcast listener? What podcasts do you like and what's so cool about them?
Ask 'Could-You-Ever' Questions
These are exactly what they sound like. Find out each other's limits with fun 'could-you-ever' or 'would-you-ever' questions. We have a few to get you started.
- Would you ever eat an insect?
- Could you ever go skydiving?
- Would you ever run a marathon?
- Would you ever go skinny dipping?
- Could you ever climb a mountain?
- Would you ever hike the entire Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail?
- Would you ever quit a job with no notice?
- Would you ever spend a year at sea?
- Would you ever circumnavigate the globe?
- Could you ever get a filling without novocaine?
- Would you ever crash a wedding?
- Would you ever attend New Year's Eve in Times Square?
- Would you ever do a polar plunge?
You can also turn this into a game of "have you ever" — which is probably pretty self-explanatory.
Discuss Your Favorite Seasons
Do you bleed pumpkin spice? Do you live for summer? Tell each other about your favorite season and what you love so much about it.
Discuss Fave Ways to Relax
Ask him about his favorite ways to wind down at the end of the day and share yours.
Tell Funny Stories From Your Childhood
If you can recall some silliness from your childhood, it's a great topic to share, and you'll learn a bit more about each other's backgrounds.
Talk About What You Learned Today
We live in an amazing time when an entire universe of information is available at our fingertips. So learning something new is easier than it has ever been. And the things you learn? Perfect for sharing with your BF.
Discuss Current Events
This is a tread-lightly conversation, but there are ways to keep it light (think The Daily Show). Catch up on what's happening in the world together and talk about it.
Talk About How You Found Out About Santa Claus
Spoiler alert — little kids, avert your eyes (or big kids who still believe). Only adult nonbelievers left? Great! So, talk about how long you believed in Santa and how you found out the truth. How did you react? How did you feel about it? (True story: When I found out, I told my sisters that my mom and dad were liars and that if they were "lying about this Jesus crap," I was going to be really mad.)
Discuss Sports Interests

Is your guy a sports enthusiast? Or are you? Sports are a great source of lively conversation.
- Ask him about highlights of when he played a sport. Which is his favorite to play? Tell him about yours.
- Ever injure yourself playing a sport? Share the horror stories.
- If you could be an Olympic athlete, which sport would you dedicate your life to?
- Who are your sports heroes? Why?
- Which is better, college sports or professional sports? Why?
- Talk with him about his favorite teams. What team is his favorite to watch? What's yours?
- Get him to explain the rules for a sporting event you don't understand, and then have him take you to watch it.
- Ask him about sports terminology. What's a quarter? What's a half? Why do pitchers throw balls instead of strikes? Terminology is key.
- If you're already interested in the same sport, debate him about the merits of one team versus another.
Talk About Favorite Activities and Hobbies
What do you like to do? What does he enjoy? Learn about each other's hobbies through some of these conversations.
- Favorite book, movie, or music genres or titles
- Shows he, you (or both of you) are currently watching
- Hobbies or activities he's never tried but wants to
- Which activities or hobbies he absolutely loves and why
- What stuff he's enjoyed as a kid (and how/why that's changed)
- Whether he prefers to do things indoors or outdoors
- Anything he used to do as a kid but doesn't anymore and wishes he still could?
- Whether he would rather do his favorite things alone or in a group
- What would his dream hobby be if he had all the time (or money) in the world
- What the most challenging part of his favorite activity is
- New things on each other's bucket lists
- Possible activities you can do together
Ask 'What if' Questions
Posing "what if" scenarios is a fun way to get to know one another. Don't worry if the questions are silly, just get the conversation going.
- What if you could go anywhere in the world? Where would you go? Why?
- What if you woke up in a different life? What would you do?
- What if college was free? What would you study? Would you go?
- What if you had your teen years to do over? What would you do differently?
- What if you weren't allowed to leave your town? How would you spend your time?
- What if everyone had to have at least three pets? What pets would you have?
- What if you could go to a school that only taught your favorite subject or activity? What would it teach?
Topics to Talk About Over Text
From cute, flirty texts to meatier conversations, it's easy to keep the text conversation flowing when you have some conversation topics in your back pocket. They also work in person or over the phone, but the short answers are perfect when you want to send a quick text to stay in touch.
- What's your favorite movie?
- What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
- Who's your favorite actor/ actress?
- What's your favorite ride at Disneyland? or Disneyworld?
- Do you like to read?
- Who's the best hero — Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or Edward Cullen?
- Where's the funnest place you've ever been to?
- What was your best vacation?
- How old were you when you had your first kiss?
- DC or Marvel?
- What's your favorite food?
- Do you cook?
- What's your favorite restaurant?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- Who's your favorite superhero?
Remember, each of these questions is a kickstarter to get the conversation going. See where it takes you! Don't be afraid to disagree with a choice. Debating can be loads of fun, and it can lead to more revealing conversations.
Serious Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend
When you've been dating for a while, you can still have all the fun chats, but it's probably time to dig a little deeper. These more serious topics can help you develop trust, connection, and emotional intimacy as your relationship grows.
Talk About How You Process Information
Get to know what makes him tick and how he processes information. You can ask, "When you have a big decision to make, how do you decide what to do or how to handle the situation?"
Have the Love Language Convo
Find out what's important to him in relationships by asking about his love language and sharing yours. Or, just take the test.
Do a Deep Dive on Childhood
Share info about your upbringing and ask about his. Find out who he's closest to in his family and what makes that relationship special. This can give you some information about how he views relationships, and how relationships were modeled to him during his childhood.
Discuss Boundaries and Deal Breakers
If you're starting to explore a lasting connection, it's important to make sure you understand each other's boundaries and deal breakers. These are important things like how you treat each other, if marriage is in the cards, if you want kids, how you would like to manage money, and all those grown-up things we need to pay attention to.
Talk About Past Relationships
While talking about past relationships when you first start dating isn't a good look, as you move along, it's important to discuss both the good relationships and the unhealthy ones. Find out what happened in the unhealthy ones, how you each felt about them, and how you handled them. Then discuss what it was about the good relationships that made them work.
Talk About Your Friendships
Share info about your friends and ask him to share info about his. Why are they friends? What are they like? How do they enjoy spending time together?
Ask About First Impressions
Discussing what you each first notice can help you get a better understanding of how you both see the world.
- What's the first thing you notice when you meet someone?
- What's the first thing you notice in nature?
- What's the first thing you notice in art?
Discuss Sacrifices You've Made
If either of you have ever had to give something up, discuss why that was and what it was like for you.
Talk About Regrets
We've all made mistakes in the past, but we move on. Discuss any regrets either of you have and what you would have done differently.
Discuss Difficult Situations From the Past
It's helpful for each of you to learn how the other handles difficult situations and what you've learned from them. Ask about things that have happened, what they/you did, what could have been done better, any changes you/they have made, how you each moved forward, and what was learned.
Discuss Things You're Proud Of
Share your most proud accomplishments with each other. Why are you proud of it?
Share Internal vs. External Tendencies
Discuss whether he's an internal or external processor and if he's ever had any difficulty with how he processes. You could ask, "Have you ever blurted something out that you didn't mean to say because you were processing things aloud?"
Have Conversations About Your Families
One way to really get to know your boyfriend is to encourage him to chat about himself. Ask your boyfriend about his childhood, his parents and siblings. Have him share memories, both good and bad, about growing up. You'll find that by doing this, you'll have a better understanding of him and the person he is today.
Talk About Goals, Dreams, and Aspirations
Ask each other about what you're looking for in the future. Include things like:
- Educational aspirations
- Bucket list items
- Career aspirations
- Future family goals (kids, etc.)
- Where you see yourselves in 5-10 years
- Beliefs and feelings about marriage
Random Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend

The easiest conversation kick-starter is asking your boyfriend, "What's up?" If they say, "Nothing," then you can always switch to, "Wanna hear something funny that happened today?" Boyfriends are friends, too, and you should treat them as such. Try some of these random chats to get the conversation rolling.
- What is the wildest thing you've ever done?
- Can you believe what our teacher said about the homework? Want to work on it together? (Use this especially if it's a tough subject.)
- Did you hear the latest song by <insert the name of your favorite artist>?
- Find out about what's important to him. If he could solve one problem in the world, what would it be? If he were president, what would be the first thing he did?
- Do you prefer dogs or cats?
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Debating the merits of telepathy versus flying versus telekinesis can sometimes get heated!
- Video games are always good conversation starters, but if you hate them be wary about bringing them up. Most gamers can chat about their favorites for hours.
Chatter That Matters
Every conversation lulls sometimes, no matter how connected you feel to someone. And it's okay to sit in comfortable silence with somebody you care about. But if it feels like having a convo with your BF is like pulling teeth, it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship. Especially if you have all these great conversation starters in your back pocket to keep you communicating.