22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You

Updated January 2, 2020
Woman kissing man on cheek

If you're looking for ways to make a girl fall in love with you, the first step is to make sure she's interested in you, then be yourself. Falling in love is a natural process that happens between two compatible people, so there's no way to force it. There are, however, many traits and behaviors you can exhibit to help her get all the feels.

Accept Her As She Is

One of the main ways a woman falls in love is when she knows she can be herself around you. Avoiding put-downs and reminding her every once in a while why you love a particular quirk of hers can help her feel comfortable being who she is. While there may be things you'd love to see her improve for her own well-being and for your relationship, letting her know you take the good with the bad goes a long way in helping her feel the love.

Be Open With Emotions

In order to truly love you, a woman needs to know who you are at your core. If you want her to fall in love with you, you're going to have to show some vulnerability in private and be open with your emotions. When a woman knows and understands how you feel in different instances, she'll feel like she has a connection to your soul.

Put Her First

Many women appreciate feeling like the most important person in your life, at least the majority of the time. Putting her first doesn't mean disregarding all friends and family or even yourself. It means finding moments where you can put her needs, desires, or feelings before your own. This showing of selflessness lets her know she truly matters to you and is a sign that you'll be a great parent one day if you choose to have kids.

Understand and Honor Her Love Language

Dr. Gary Chapman created the 5 Love Languages, which show how a person gives and receives love. You can work on making her fall in love with you every day by knowing what her love language is and "speaking" it. For example, if she prefers acts of service, try to cook dinner for her frequently. Taking the time to understand her and cater to her unique needs shows a genuine interest in making her happy.

Be Confident and Passionate

Women don't want to be in relationships with insecure men who need constant caretaking, so be confident in who you are and what you do. There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so tread lightly. One way to show confidence is through your passions. Seeing you have a passion for your life and hobbies shows her it's possible for there to be passion between the two of you.

Show Appropriate Affection

You can show affection in a relationship it lots of different ways from hugs to care packages. Knowing her well will help you determine what type and level of affection is appropriate to help her feel love for you. If she's into PDA, then hold her hand whenever you're out in public. If you know PDA makes her uncomfortable, save the snuggling for your couch.

couple with coffee in kitchen

Lighten Her Load

Modern women carry big loads between working full-time, cooking, and caring for the home and family members. Finding ways to lighten her load on a regular basis without any prompting from her or any expectation of reward can show her that you want to take care of her too. While women are traditionally the caretakers, they love being cared for.

Show You're Reliable and Dependable

Women forge love relationships partly to have a dependable partner in life to help carry them through difficult times. If she knows that you'll be there to pick her up when she falls or work in tandem to dig out of a deep whole, she'll definitely feel love for you. Be there with a positive attitude and willing spirit when she asks for help and follow through to show you're reliable and dependable. This also creates a sense of security in the relationship and in life.

Create Intimate Moments Frequently

Intimate moments are not equal to sexual relations, but are instances where you are really focused on each other in a private way. Studies have shown by staring into each other's eyes then answering deeply personal questions, you can make someone fall in love with you. Look for times that make sense where you can stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds or minutes to create intimacy. Use intimate conversation starters while you're eating dinner or hanging on the couch.

Show Your Generous and Caring Side

Above all else, the trait women are most turned-on by is kindness. Whether you're being nice to her, her family, strangers, or even animals, look for ways to show that you are naturally thoughtful. Your investment in kindness on a daily basis shows her that life with you will be positive and nurturing.

Couple cooking in the kitchen

Be Faithful

If you want a woman to fall in love with you, being faithful to her is a must. Have a conversation about the stage your relationship is in and the expectations in terms of being exclusive. If her expectation is that you're not flirting or dating other women, then don't do those things. Your ability to stay focused on her despite distractions shows you're worth her love.

Surprise Her Once in A While

Adventure and excitement in a relationship are important to women, this keeps the relationship dynamic. When you create memorable dates or bring her fun surprises, make sure they are safe surprises that won't push her too far outside her comfort zone or you too far outside yours. Blindfolding her to drive to a romantic picnic is an example of a good, easy surprise whereas springing another woman on her in the bedroom might be an unsafe surprise.

Be a Good Listener

Be an active listener. She will not fall in love with someone who can't remember what she said. If it helps, write a note to yourself after important conversations. This will help you remember what you talked about. Be interested in the outcome or resolution of any problem she has.

Offer Sincere Compliments

Give the object of your affection sincere compliments designed to help her feel special. Recognize a new outfit or a flattering new hair cut. Compliment her work, her attempts at something new and the things you genuinely like about her. Don't be overly dramatic. Keep the compliments short but genuine.

Earn and Expect Trust

For many women, trust is the most important factor in falling in love. Some women give their trust up front, but you should still show her that you're working to earn it. Earning trust is a long process where you need to be honest, follow through, and keep information private when requested. If you lie or cheat, you'll lose trust and may never get it back. Trust her and expect trust in return.

Dress to Impress

Kick your wardrobe into "hot" mode. Remember the ZZ Top song, "Every Girl's Crazy About a Sharp Dressed Man?" These words hold true today. Women want to be seen with a man who takes pride in his appearance, so get your men's wardrobe essentials in order. There's no one style that makes all women fall in love, so shoot for the best version of your style.

Be Chivalrous

Chivalry is not and will never be dead for many women. Open doors for her. Offer a hand up or hand down when it is needed. Be polite. Don't use poor grammar or offensive language in front of her. These simple acts show her that she's special and you want her to be happy and cared for.

Respect Her As an Equal

In today's world, men and women are more equal than ever in terms of responsibilities. No matter who makes more money in the relationship or who works longer hours, give her the respect she deserves and she'll be in love with you. You can honor her role in your relationship, her role at work, or anything else she's involved in as a sign of respect by acknowledging its importance.

Send Sweet Correspondence

The things you say in person or even via text can help make a girl fall in love with you. Share your thoughts and say sweet things to her from time to time so it feels genuine and not contrived. Everything from funny romantic notes left on the kitchen counter to a simple "thinking of you" text can go a long way.

Lesbian couple sitting on grass exchanging love letter

Give Her Occasional Tokens and Gifts

Thoughtful gifts that show you were listening or know who she is can help make a girl fall in love with you. Elaborate gift-giving all the time won't be as effective as giving great gifts on holidays and a few other random times throughout the year. From romantic gift ideas for her to sending flowers, occasional tokens of love and gifts are part of the love equation.

Be Romantic in the Bedroom

While it's not the most important factor, your sex life can impact her love for you. Learn how to have romantic sex and make those moments special. Bedroom behaviors that are more focused on her than you will also make her feel special and cared for.

Make Future Plans

Women like stability in relationships, so making future plans when appropriate can help her fall in love with you. Everything from planning a vacation together for next year to talking about your future goals as individuals can help her feel secure in your relationship.

Show Her You're the Love of Her Life

If you know you're in love with a woman and want her to feel the same way, understanding how to get the love you want can help you create a loving relationship with the woman of your dreams. Making a girl fall deeply and madly in love with you isn't a matter of force, it's about being the best version of you and understanding how that accentuates her life.

22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You