Anybody can have a baby, but it takes a real man to be a father. When it comes to dads, you hit the jackpot with your stepdad. He has been by your side through good times and bad, so honor him with a nickname that highlights how dear he is to you.
Sweet Nicknames for Stepdads
Your stepdad has added a wonderful layer of love to your life, so let him know that you adore him with a sweet daddy nickname.
- My Main Guy
- Step-Daddio
- Step-Dude
- Mom's Man
- Papa Bear
- Step Bear
- Big Guy
- Step Guy
- Daddy Poppins
- Dadaroo
- Mr. Man
- Pops
- Paps
- Papa Pal
- Buddy
- Mate
- MD - stands for my dad
- Popsie
- Popsicle
- DD - stands for dear dad
- Odie - a combination of "other" and "dad"
- Old Faithful
- Pop Tart
- Stops - a combination of Step and Pops
- Hands - always there to hold
- Pop Rocks
- Step-Smiles
- Care Bear
- Super Steps
- S.P. - stand for step parent

Nicknames for Stepdads That Show He Is Boss
In your family, your stepfather rules with a steady hand and heart. He is the boss, so let his nickname reflect his role.
- Chief
- King of the Fam
- Coach
- Leader
- Honcho
- Alpha Dad
- Wardad - a combination of Warden and dad
- Gov - short for governor
- Cap - short for Captain
- Step Boss
- Commander
- Mav - short for Maverick
- Prince Pops
- Daster - a combination of Dad and Master
- Sage - because he is always ready with the advice
- Mr. Fix-It
- Knight - in shining armor, of course
- Exec
- Second in Command - mom is first, clearly
- Alpha Wolf
- PM - project manager (and this family can be a project for sure)
- North Star
- Doc
- Sarge
- Step-Compass
- Anchor
Funny Nicknames for a Stepdad
The most wonderful thing about your relationship with your stepfather is that the two of you are fun pals who can joke around. Gift him with a nickname that is as funny as he is.
- Bonus Dad
- My Plus One
- Old Man
- Saint - because some days he truly is a saint for putting up with your antics
- Hot Stepper
- Duddy - combination of daddy and dude
- Daddy-cakes
- Homedad - instead of 'homedawg"
- Griz - for a stepdad who is like a big grizzly bear
- Dadinator - play on The Terminator
- Popstar - because he is a poppa and a rockstar
- Re-Dad
- Dadzilla
- Dadasaur
- Rad - a rad dad indeed
- Dad 2.0
- Wonder Dad
- Mom's Helper
- Baddy - he is always up for mischief and practical jokes
- Faddy - the fun dad
- Joke Killer - dad jokes are the worst
- MOS - mean old stepdad, which he is clearly not
- Grumps
- Couch BFF - you can always find him there
- The Assistant - just ask mom
- Daddycakes
- Mac Daddy
- Papadoo
- Popdilly
- Sparky

Plays on First Names
Use your step-father's first name to give you fun nickname inspiration. Here are a few suggestions based on common male names.
- Dadam - for a stepfather named Adam
- Maddy - for a stepdad named Matt
- Stad - for a stepfather named Stan
- Rad - for a stepfather who has a name that starts with "R"
- Poppa "first letter of dad's name" - examples: Poppa D, Poppa M, Poppa L
- Stom - Tom
- Charles in Charge
- Danthony - Anthony
- Step-ven - Steven
- Gar-Bear - Gary
- Darry - Larry
- Deter - Peter
- Muhammdad - Muhammad

Words That Mean "Dad" Around the World
If you have two dads whom you love equally, then consider calling your biological father, "dad," and your stepdad also "dad," just in another language! These words mean father from around the world. Choose one that coincides with your stepdad's culture or heritage.
- Taytay - Filipino
- Baba - East African
- Babbo - Italian
- Abba - Hebrew
- Tad - Welsh
- Otec - Slovakian
- Pitar - Farsi
- Pabbi - Icelandic
- Isa - Estonian
- Pai - Portuguese
- Tata - Romanian
- Athair - Irish
- Otosan - Japanese
- Vader - Flemish
- Tevs - Latvian
- Janik - Sanskrit
- Pare - Venetian
- Oho -Lao
- Appa - Korean
Edoda - Cherokee
Tato - Ukrainian
- Banketi - German
- Buwa - Nepali
- Patri -Sicilian
Bapa - Indonesian
Mon Père - French
Papi - Spanish for daddy
Nickname Considerations
When considering a nickname for anyone, including stepfathers, you will want to make sure that first and foremost, the name is special and full of meaning. Make sure nicknames are personalized and precious to you and the person you are naming. Also, funny nicknames may not be so humorous to others as they are to you. If you land on a funny nickname, be sure to consider if it sounds offensive to other ears. Nicknames should never be meant to cause hurt or ill feelings.