Yellow Aura Meanings: Your Golden Glow Explained

Discover what it means when part or all of your aura is yellow.

Updated September 6, 2024
Yellow Aura Meaning Infographic

If you've been told (or seen for yourself) that you have yellow in your aura, do you know what it means? The yellow aura meaning depends on the person, but in general, there's a good chance you're optimistic, easygoing, creative, and have a happy disposition. But this is just the start. Depending on the shades in your aura, your yellow aura color meaning could include other things, too.

Yellow Aura Meanings Infographic

Yellow Aura Overview

If someone says your aura color is yellow, then you're probably in a good place emotionally and spiritually. A yellow aura means you're in a state of joy, freedom, and spiritual growth. 

Overview of Yellow Aura Meaning
Aura Colors Meaning
Yellow (general)
  • Optimism
  • Easygoing nature
  • Creativity
  • Tend to be a mentor
  • Awakening spiritually
  • Feeling joyful
  • Feeling inspired
  • Improving health
  • Self-esteem
Sunny yellow Joy
Pale yellow Spiritual awakening
Lemon yellow Spiritual growth
Gold Connection to life's purpose
Brownish-yellow Struggling spiritually
Need to Know

Your aura has layers, each with its own colors. Those closest to your body indicate physical, emotional, and mental traits, while the further they move from the body, the more they indicate states of spirituality.  Aura colors closest to your body can change from moment to moment, while those farther away tend to stay more stable. 

What Does a Yellow Aura Mean?

Several traits are common among those who have yellow auras in one of the layers.

Physical: Willpower, Self-Esteem

In the physical layers, yellow in the aura represents growing self-esteem and the use of personal will. It can also be associated with improving health or someone who is taking steps to improve their physical health. 

Emotional: Joy & Generosity

Farther from the body are the emotional layers. The two overriding emotions of a yellow aura are happiness and love. If yellow is your prominent aura color most of the time, it means you're a naturally generous person. In fact, your generosity goes beyond feeling good. You find tremendous joy in spreading love and hope to others. The remarkable thing about such goodwill towards others is the more you give, the more you receive.

Mental: Deep Inspiration

Even farther from the body are the mental layers of the aura. If they're yellow, you may be feeling inspired. The intensity of the yellow reveals the level of creativity and inspiration, so the more vibrant the color, the stronger the energy of inspiration. 

Spiritual: Awakening or Growth

There are several spiritual layers that are the farthest from your body. Yellow here has a deeply spiritual meaning. It's a sign of spiritual awakening or growth, and it shows you're actively taking steps toward spiritual development.

If the yellow aura specifically surrounds your head like a halo, your third eye chakra could be emitting it, and it may be a sign of spiritual leadership. Many spiritual leaders have this yellow aura "halo" around their heads.

Related: 14 Different Aura Color Meanings

What Different Shades of Yellow Mean in Your Aura

While yellow generally indicates the things noted above, different shades and intensities can have different meanings.

Sunny or Bright Yellow Aura Meaning

Bright sunshine

You're living a joyful life. A bright, attention-getting color, yellow creates a sensation of brightness and warmth since it attracts those looking for joy and light. You may notice people are drawn to you. 

Light or Pale Yellow Aura Meaning

Your psychic and spiritual abilities are awakening and beginning to grow. You can meditate to assist these new abilities. When you meditate, you carve pathways for emerging abilities to take root.

Lemon Yellow Aura Meaning

Circumstances in your life are accelerating your spiritual growth. And while many of these circumstances may not feel positive right now, know that they will ultimately help you grow as a spiritual being. For example, you could be in a battle to hang on to power and control, as lemon yellow signifies all types of fears related to personal power and prestige. While this can feel bumpy, know that it's an accelerated path to getting to know yourself better and thriving as a spirit. 

Gold Aura Meaning

You've awakened to a surge of spiritual energy, and you're connecting to your life's purpose. This energy is powerful and almost electric. It inspires you to try new things and explore your spirituality. You are fearless in your desire to learn and grow. 

Dark Gold or Brownish-Yellow

You're struggling with an inner battle. This is something all beings in a state of accelerated spiritual growth navigate. Perhaps your spiritual growth has led to you to learn about things you never thought possible. This can certainly shake you to your core and cause you to question what you know to be true. Keep an open mind and let the truth lead you. 

More About Your Yellow Aura

Everyone is an individual, and the energy of a yellow aura can manifest quite differently in every person. But generally, you may be experiencing some of the following if there's yellow in your aura.

Friendships: You're Social

With a yellow aura, you're probably fun-loving, and you like to socialize. You spread joy to others when you do, serving as a beacon of love and hope. Because of this, people gravitate to you.

Relationships: You Love New Love

You know that new relationship feeling? You're kind of addicted to it. You love new love, so you may be prone to flitting from relationship to relationship as soon as the new relationship high wears off.

Career: You're a Jack-of-All-Trades

You've heard the saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none." If yellow is in your aura, this could be manifesting in your life. Because you have so many interests and like to challenge yourself, settling for a single career for the rest of your life doesn't suit you at all.

And it's okay. Not everyone's career career has to look the same. Let your curiosity lead you, and you'll move from challenge to challenge in a way that totally suits who you are. You tend to prefer careers where you can express love or be of service to others, such as artist, musician, performer, healer, spiritual advisor, medium, or teacher.

What the Color Yellow Means Spiritually

Ayurvedic practitioner using crystals for chakra healing

All colors have spiritual meanings, as they indicate the vibrational frequency of certain spiritual principles. So people who have yellow in any layer of their aura often have personality traits that align with the spiritual meaning of the color yellow. 

Need to Know

The third chakra vibrates with the frequency of yellow. This chakra, called the solar plexus, is all about self: self-esteem, self-worth, willpower, and creative energy. People with yellow in their auras often have very active third chakras, and they may face karmic lessons that help them to develop self-esteem so they can begin to grow spiritually. 


Yellow in your aura indicates you're an optimistic individual. You'll pack a pair of sunglasses for a trip even though it's raining because you're expecting the clouds to break and the sun to shine very soon. When plans fall through, you shrug off the disappointment and continue forward, making new plans along the way. Nothing holds you back.

Positive Attitude

Your positive attitude makes you easygoing. You know that whatever energy you send out into the world is what you'll attract into your life. Negativity isn't your thing. And this positive attitude can help you manifest cool things in your life


Creative people tend to have yellow auras. You may be an artist, musician, dancer, or other professional within the arts. However, you don't necessarily need to be involved in the arts to be creative. You may use the creative energy for any type of profession or life path. 


Mentors and teachers often have a yellow aura. This is especially true when you've discovered profound spiritual truths and uncovered emotional aspects of yourself that you want to share with others. The desire to share this newly acquired wisdom with others is a side-effect that spiritual development brings. This can place you in a teaching or mentorship role.

Interpreting Your Yellow Aura Meaning

The color of your aura can change many times a day. It might be yellow one minute and then change to a different color the next. If your aura is predominately yellow, then it is a genuine reflection of your core being and soul purpose.

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