You never grow out of that chest-filling excitement over waking up to piles and piles of snow on the ground. Even when you're long past the "hoping for a school cancellation" days, inclement weather can still have your back.
When a snowstorm catches you off-guard and driving around isn't much of an option, you might have to wrack your brain for things to do. Thankfully, our list of things to do on a snow day for adults will keep you busy.
1. Tackle That Knitting/Crochet/Sewing Project

If you’re one with the fiber arts, then you probably have a ton of unfinished projects lying around. If it's just too cold to dip your toes in the snowy weather, then it's a perfect time to check one thing off your crafty to-do list.
2. Host a Make-Shift Ice Hockey Game
Depending on where you live, a snowy day could turn into an icy week. If the weather's not letting up, call over some friends and convert your driveway or cul-de-sac into an ice hockey rink. If you come from hockey country, your pals will probably show up in droves.
3. Hop in the Hot Tub
If you've got a hot tub out back, then it's a must when the snow starts falling. That contrast between the hot water and cold chilly air will make you feel more alive than you have in months. If you don't have an outdoor hot tub, a relaxing soak in your indoor tub is a close second on a snowy day.
4. Embrace the Cold With Some Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy's been sweeping the upper echelons of society. When you can’t afford one of these expensive machines, a crisp snowy day is a great substitute. Jump out of bed, put on a bathing suit, and hop outside for 30 seconds to 2 or 3 minutes. It’ll wake you up quicker than any cup of coffee.
5. Cook a Homemade Soup From Scratch

Nothing beats back a winter chill quite like hot soup. Whether it's pumpkin, French onion, a squash medley, or some other variety, there are all sorts of ones you can try. Rummage through your pantry and do a little Chopped action to see if you make the most of the ingredients you already have.
6. Craft a Cool Ice House
As kids, the most we could manage was rolling some snow together and creating a lopsided snowman. But with your adult knowledge about natural physics and engineering, you can live out your childhood dream of molding snow blocks and building an ice house.
7. Take a Nap With the Blinds Open
When everything's bathed in white because of the snowfall and plush clouds, you can't help but feel like snoozing. Whether you're waking up to the no-school memo or running into the midday slump, the best recipe is to enjoy the ambiance and snuggle up under some warm blankets.
8. Embrace Your Inner Child & Make Snow Angels

One of the purest joys you could experience as a child was making snow angels. Whoever said you had to stop when you grew up? Embrace that inner child on the snowy days when it's coming down in puffballs and sticking to everything by making a few snow angels.
9. Binge That Show You've Been Meaning To
We live in the age of binging. Practically everyone has a list of shows they've been meaning to watch but haven't had the time to start. Well, a snow day that keeps you home from work is the free schedule you've been waiting for. So queue up your favorite streaming platform and finally make your way through the first season.
10. Host a Snow-Themed Movie Marathon
From Christmas horror movies to flicks with iconic snowy scenes, there are a plethora of wintery movies to enjoy during a snowstorm. A few ideas are:
- Misery
- Ice Princess
- The Thing
- Doctor Zhivago
- The Shining
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
11. Make a Blanket Fort
If you're slumped over because you hate being cooped up inside, make the most of the situation. Transform your space and construct a killer blanket/pillow fort. Break out the chairs, fairy lights, and giant duvets. It'll be a snowy day to remember.
12. Stoke a Fire and Roast Some Goodies
Though everyone seems to know the phrase "chestnuts roasting on an open fire," we sure don’t see people roasting things over their fireplaces anymore. Change that on the next snowy afternoon. Light up your fireplace or firepit and roast whatever snacks come to mind. From roasted peanuts to classic smores, the options are endless.
13. Complete That Quick Home Reno You've Been Putting Off
Scroll through the notes app on anyone's phone and you're sure to find a long list of uncompleted home renovation projects. If you've got an unexpectedly free day thanks to the winter weather, try to knock out some of the items on your list. Change out the light switches, finally dust your lighting fixtures, or get rid of the water stain on your kitchen ceiling.
14. Brew Up a Delicious Hot Chocolate Cocktail
If you've got nowhere to be and no one to look after, why not turn this snowstorm into a booze fest? Whether you like peppermint schnapps or amaretto in yours, a winter day calls for a steaming cup of hot chocolate.
15. Stage a Magical Photo Shoot

Capture the magic while you can and stage a beautiful photo shoot outside. Nothing beats natural lighting, and that crisp unearthly white will add a mesmerizing quality to your photos.
16. Call in Reinforcements for a Snowball Fight
For some people, the only way to spend a snowy day is with a snowball fight. So, call in your friends, start banking up the snow in hurdles and barriers, and get ready to pull tufts out of your hair for hours.
17. Mend Your Well-Loved Clothes
As prices of clothes go up and the problems with fast fashion get amplified, more and more people are thrifting. But when you find thrifted pieces, sometimes they need a little helping hand to be wearable. Your grandparents or great-grandparents likely mended their own clothes, and you can do it too! With a thread, some needle, a darning egg if you have one, and YouTube, you can make just about anything happen.
18. Try a New Workout Routine
Today, there are an unbelievable number of free workout routines you can find on any number of the standard apps on your phone. Keep your joints limber and your heart pumping on slow-moving snowy days with a sweat-inducing new workout routine.
19. Start a Long Board Game
Some board games, like Monopoly and Risk, just take hours to finish. It feels like all they do is collect dust because no one has the free time to commit to such long gameplays. Until a snowy day, that is! Break out those complex board games because you've got hours to devote to them.
20. Give Your Dog a Winter Afternoon to Die For

Not all dog breeds like playing in the snow, but some go absolutely WILD when the temperatures start to drop. If you've got a snow-loving furball, then take the afternoon to set your dog loose on the wintery landscape. The videos you capture of them hopping through snowbanks will be worth the runny nose.
Don't Let Snowmaggedon Ruin Your Mood
There are far too many fun things to do when you're stuck inside because of the snow or icy roads to mope around. You've got a full day ahead, so why waste it? Instead, make the most of your winter day with these memory-making activities.