If you've been seeing gorgeous images of your friends pop up in your Instagram and Facebook feeds, you aren't alone. There is an easy way to hop onto this latest social media craze and glam yourself up.
Wondering how to make that happen? Just follow our quick step-by-step guide. All you need to do is pick a handful of your favorite selfies, and then let the Lensa app do the magic avatar work for you. The best part is you can make them right from your phone, and the images are as unique as you are. Now that's magic.
How to Make a Magic Avatar
Exactly what is the Lensa app? Make no mistake, it's not a filter or anything you'll find elsewhere. It's an innovative AI image generator that gives you artistic selfies like you've never seen before. Lensa AI asks you to upload 10-20 selfies, and from there, you'll get ethereal photos. Thankfully, these pieces of art are available to both Apple and Google devices.
How Much Does the Lensa App Cost?
The app itself is free, just sign up for the free trial and remember to cancel, but the pictures will set you back $3.99 for 50 magic avatar selfies. Need more in your life? Don't worry, you can pay for additional ones too. (Avatar price package options listed below).
Getting Started
Head to the app store and download the Lensa app. After agreeing to the services, you'll need to enable the free trial, and then you're ready to pick your selfies.

Don't stress; the app will guide you on the right pictures to choose. The more selfies you pick, the greater the selection you'll have to make the magic from!
The best selfies are those that are:
- Close-up
- Only of you
- Taken with a variety of backgrounds
- Taken with different facial expressions (so brooding faces and smiles accepted), as well as head tilts
Skip the group shots, full bodies, or those that all look the same.

Choose Your Lensa Avatar Variations
After importing your selected images, you'll be prompted to select your gender (or skip it) and then you'll pick how many avatars you're hoping to make. How much you'll pay depends on the number of avatars you want. Your options include:
- 50 for $3.99 with 5 variations for 10 styles
- $5.99 for 100 avatars with 10 variations of 10 styles
- 200 avatars with 20 variations of 10 styles for $7.99
Now, you're going to want to sit tight as this took nearly 20 minutes before the app spit out the 50 avatars. The basic styles included are stylish, anime, light, cosmic, fantasy, Kawaii, pop, iridescent, focus, and fairy princess.

Save Your Avatars
Some images will look astoundingly like you, while others may wind up questionable. Stick to using selfies with glasses or no glasses unless you want a fair mix in your selection. Save yourself time and effort by selecting "Save all avatars," and each and every one will be saved to your camera roll. Be sure to click yes to grant permission!

The Fine Print
As with any app you use, it's a good idea to read the Terms of Service before agreeing to them. Here, there is very similar language to what you would find with most photo apps, and most of us just click the box to say we've read it so we can get to the fun stuff. One thing to note with Lensa, however: if you post your sparkly new avatars to social media, 'you grant to the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, revocable and transferable license to use that User Content, and namely reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, publicly display and publicly perform or otherwise use that respective User Content or any of its part, for the purpose of promoting and advertising Lensa and the Company's services ("marketing license").' You can revoke this license by emailing them at contact@lensa-ai.com.
Selfies Made of Magic
Thanks to artificial intelligence, and magic, obviously, your own social media can be adorned with magically enchanting selfies. All without having to memorize steps (who knows how much contrast to actually use, like ever?) or swipe endlessly through filters while you wait for your friend to show up for dinner. In a snap, you'll have pictures like no other. Now that's sure to garner quite a few likes.