Do a bit of ghost hunting without leaving the comfort of your sofa thanks to live webcams set up in haunted places. Just the knowledge that you might see something is enough to get the heart racing. So snuggle up on your couch with your laptop and see if you can spot a ghost with one of these fascinating live ghost cams.
Willard Library
Willard Library in Evansville, Indiana is one of the oldest public libraries in the state, and it's considered haunted. Its Victorian Gothic architecture is the perfect setting for a ghost.
The library's website has multiple web cams set up in various areas of the library, including the children's reading room, a stairwell, and the basement. If you spot a ghost or unusual activity, simply click on the appropriate cam screen to capture a screenshot and then submit your photo to the website.
Everyone searches for the Grey Lady. Many visitors and cam watchers have spotted her in the Children's Room. Be sure to visit the Ghost Spotter Central page for information about where the Grey Lady ghost might be and view screenshots that website visitors have captured of possible ghosts.
Furman Theatre, Greenville, SC
The Furman Theatre at Furman University feature a 24/7 live WebTheatreCam of the "mainstage" of The Playhouse. You can also watch the live feed from the Furman Theatre Arts Department's Scene Shop. There is a lot of non-ghostly activity going on there, but you may get lucky and catch a glimpse of a campus ghost or one of the ghost children rumored to haunt an adjoining cemetery.
Museum of Shadows Ghost Cam Live, Omaha, NE
Museum of Shadows operates a 24/7 live steam. You can watch and listen to what's going on inside the museum. You're encouraged to take screenshots of any ghostly activity and send to them for evaluation. The site charges $5.99 per month to watch their livestream webcam.
Ordsall Hall, Salford UK
This estate has been around since the 1100s, and served as a home to the Radclyffe family for over 300 years. It was also home to several other owners and served as a residence for working men and, later, as a clergy training school. The home is now open to the public, and it also provides a live feed ghost cam (between 5 PM and 8 AM local time) for those hoping to get a glimpse of one of the Hall's three resident ghosts: The White Lady (the ghost of Lady Margaret Radclyffe), a little girl known as Cecily, and Sir John Radclyffe himself (who has a reputation for making himself known more around women; apparently, Sir John was and is quite the ladies' man.
Graceland Live Webcam, Memphis TN
The home of the late Elvis Presley, Graceland, features a 24/7 webcam. Reports of the singer's ghost appearing in foreign lands and at his beloved home Graceland persist decades after his death. Some visitors to stately Graceland have claimed to see his ghost walking about the estate. You can watch the estate from the Graceland webcam and just maybe see the King's ghost for yourself.
dddavid's Live Ghost Cam, Location Unknown
One of the most extensive web cam sites online is the mysterious Victorian house found on the dddavid's Ghost Cam website. The house is as mysterious as the owner, presumably David. He doesn't disclose where the house is located or who he is, but he does offer visitors a whopping 20 web cams set up inside and outside the house along with a few tidbits about his fellow resident.
David also states that prior to moving into the home, he was doing some renovations but found it difficult. Something always hampered the project. His tools would mysteriously disappear only to reappear an hour or so later. He found that several rooms had locks on both sides of the doors. He describes the home as a "very old five-bedroom castle-like Victorian." Each room features four web cams, as does the outdoor section.
As far as what type of paranormal activity David and others have witnessed here, there are almost too many to list. Children's voices, sightings of ghosts and orbs, things moving, doors or cabinets slamming closed, electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) of the home's resident "Shadow Man," and mysterious lights are just a small sampling of what viewers might witness.
Watching for Ghosts Online
Watching live ghost cameras can be time consuming and requires a great deal of patience so you don't miss a possible apparition. While there aren't many "live feed" ghost cams, those still around are greatly appreciated by aspiring ghost hunters and those interested in the paranormal.