Loss of Sister Quotes for Beautiful Eulogies

Published August 26, 2019
Grieving woman at a funeral

Writing a beautiful eulogy or tribute for the loss of your sister can be difficult and emotional. Tap into your emotions and choose a fitting quote to start your speech. Loss of a sister quotes and sister sayings can inspire a speech you write or add a personal touch to a free sample eulogy speech.

Missing Your Sister Quotes

One approach for a eulogy is to write it as if speaking directly to your sister or directly about her. Let her know how much you miss her already and how much you always will.

  • How can I be a sister without her?
  • Missing my sister in Heaven, but she fits in better there.
  • Without my sister, my life will be like a book without page numbers. The story will go on, but it might feel out of order.
  • I miss her, my sister, her spirit dulled to a whisper.
  • My sister was the gift I never asked for, but always wanted.
  • Every time I see two sisters, I smile then I cry. I once had that kind of love, but now it's hard to find.
  • A lost sister is like the missing piece in the game of life.
  • When she was alive, I didn't always miss my sister - now I can't stop missing her.

R.I.P Sister Quotes

Send hopeful and inspiring wishes for your sister to rest in peace with an R.I.P sister quote.

  • Sisterhood transcends life.
  • Angels are sisters who've moved far away.
  • Death wears a hood just as sisters do and it can never be removed.
  • A little bit of my sister will always live in me.
  • Rest in peace big sister, you've given me all I need.
  • I hope my sister feels at peace just like she always made me feel.
  • Like Sleeping Beauty my sister rests until the day our fates align.
  • My sister lifted me up all my life, now it's my turn to lift her.
  • She couldn't rest in peace on earth with a sister like me, so she found a private space where she can have both.
Twin sisters embracing each other in balcony

In Memory of My Sister Quotes

Whether you're doing a reading at her funeral or giving a moving tribute to your sister, a quote in memory of her shows your lasting love.

  • A sister makes your life complete no matter where she is.
  • I may not have my sister here, but we will always have each other.
  • My sister was the X marking the spot of my treasured heart, now it will be lost to all.
  • Spirit to spirit and heart to heart, sisters forever together and apart.
  • The way I look at our childhood photos is the way my sister looks upon my life today.
  • The day we became sisters, you were imprinted on my brain and can never truly go away.
  • Memories fade over time, but my sister isn't a memory she's a part of me.
  • Sisterhood is tried and true, remember me and I'll remember you.

Sister Death Anniversary Quotes

Mark the anniversary of your sister's death at a memorial service with a fitting quote.

  • Losing a sister is like losing your keys - you always find them in unexpected places if you look hard enough.
  • The years I had with my sister will always be more memorable than the years she's been gone.
  • Anniversaries take place only once each year, but I think of my sister each day.
  • The day you were born, I became a sister. The day you died, you became my guardian angel.
  • Days, weeks, and months have passed, but my memories of my sister stand still.
Sisters enjoying Paris

More Sister Quotes and Sayings for Eulogies

There are so many quotes you can use for a sister's eulogy if you know where to look. Search for a line or two that captures exactly what your sister means to you.

  • Choose a quote said by your sister during her life like something from social media or a home video.
  • Modify one of the saddest quotes about death to include the word "sister."
  • Use any quote on sisterhood, whether funny or emotional.
  • If the occasion fits, start off with a funny quote about siblings to keep the mood light and fun.
  • Although they are longer than typical quotes, a sibling saying can be used as a quote or your can pull one line from the saying.
  • Famous quotes about sisters you might use for a scrapbook can work for eulogies too.
  • Find a poem on the loss of a sister and pull out a quote from one or two lines to use for your speech.

Sum Up Your Sister Bond

A quote about the loss of a sister sums up the bond or relationship you shared with her. Use these quotes as is, personalize them by changing out a couple of words, or use them as inspiration to create your own sister death quote.

Loss of Sister Quotes for Beautiful Eulogies