Knowing just what to say when someone close to you loses a pet can help provide care and comfort during a time of profound sadness. Be sympathetic to friends and family mourning the death of a pet. To them, their pet was a dear friend, a furry family member, and a beautiful soul. These loss of pet quotes will help ease the pain of a pet loss and offer support and condolences to the people in mourning.
What to Say When a Pet Dies
When it comes to the loss of life, the right words are often hard to find. Comforting someone by saying, "May your pet rest in peace" might not seem like enough. You can choose one of the following to say to your friend at their time of sadness:

- I am so sorry your pet died.
- I know you will miss your pet.
- I know your house will seem empty without your sweet pet.
- I'm here for you if you need anything.
- Know that (pet's name) loved you from the tip of their wet nose to the end of their furry tail.
- (Pet's name) could not have had a better life or a more loving owner than you. They were incredibly blessed.
- (Pet's name) will be deeply missed. They left paw prints on everyone who knew them's hearts.
- Smile at the memory of your beautiful pet, for they lit up this world with their joyous spirit.
- No one could have loved their animal more than you did. How lucky they were to find you.
- (Pet's name) was so loved and will be so missed. Deeply sorry for the loss of your fur baby.
Famous Quotes About Pets and Loss
When offering condolences about the loss of a pet, you can also add a quote that has become well-known by a famous person, such as one of the following:

- "A pet is never truly forgotten until it is no longer remembered." ~Lacie Petitto
- "Death ends a life, not a relationship." ~Jack Lemmon
- "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." ~Roger Caras
- "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." ~Will Rogers
- "... what we have enjoyed, we can never lose ... all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~Helen Keller
- "The misery of keeping a dog is his dying so soon. But, to be sure, if he lived for fifty years and then died, what would become of me?" ~Sir Walter Scott
- "Many who have spent a lifetime in it can tell us less of love than the child that lost a dog yesterday." ~Thornton Wilder
What to Say When Someone's Dog Dies
Studies have shown dogs to be sensitive to the emotions of humans, so it's no wonder people form such close bonds with their four-legged friends. Never dismiss the death of a dog with a callous statement like, "You should get another one!" Each dog has a distinct personality and leaves its own mark on its owner. Because they are so unique and dear to those who love and raised them, they are not easily replaced. Here are some appropriate things to say to someone who just lost a dog:

- I know it's not easy losing a best friend.
- Your dog is enjoying an all-you-can-eat treat buffet in the afterlife right now.
- I've heard that when you see a butterfly, it's actually a loved one that's passed. The next time you go for a walk, don't be surprised if a butterfly flutters alongside you.
- I think dogs are returned to their younger, healthy selves in Heaven; imagine him running around in no pain and just waiting for your arrival someday.
- Your pup might be physically gone, but they live on in your heart for eternity.
- Smile at the memory of your fur-ever soulmate. Gone but never forgotten.
- Let your dog's memory envelope you during this difficult time.
- While losing a dog is painful, loving that dog during their time on earth was so worth it.
- Your dog now lives in a corner of your heart just for them.
- While the loss of your dog is deep and profound, take comfort in knowing they loved you with all they had during their time on earth.
How to Console Someone About the Loss of Their Cat
People love cats because of cats' insistence on earned affection. You have to build trust with a cat, or they'll let you know with claws and teeth to stay away. After taking the time to earn a cat's trust, losing that cat can feel devastating. They were such a special part of your life, and now they take up residence in a special part of your heart.
- You made him very happy for the years he was with you.
- I know you'll miss his sweet purring. He was such a loving cat.
- There will never be a better cat than he was.
- I'll bet they have an unlimited supply of catnip in Cat Heaven.
- So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet feline. I know they were a massive part of your family.
- Try not to cry because they are gone. Smile because you had the chance to know such a sweet kitty.
- In your deep sadness, try to remember the cuddles, the purrs, and the endless amount of love your cat gave you.
How to Console Someone Over the Loss of a Pet
People don't solely bond with cats and dogs as pets. The death of a fish, small pets like guinea pigs and hamsters, and horses or birds can leave a person feeling sad and needing condolences.
- Do you want to talk? I know you must be hurting.
- What can I do to help you during this trying time?
- Can I bring you a meal or some coffee?
- Whatever you need, I am here for you in all things.
- I know how tremendously difficult this is, and I am right by your side.
- I'm sorry. I know how much you loved him.
- So sorry to hear of your pet's passing. They had a spirit that was larger than life and will be deeply missed.
- How fortunate we are to know and love an animal. Please find comfort in knowing your pet loved you just as you loved them.
- Your pet is gone, but they will never be forgotten.
- (Pet's name) was one-of-a-kind and will be deeply missed.
What to Say to a Child Grieving the Loss of a Pet
Kids may not fully grasp the concept of death, but they do know they feel pain when a pet dies. Console a grieving child without making empty promises or dismissing their feelings. Be sure to offer love and support while answering whatever questions they might have regarding the pet's passing.
- How do you feel about this?
- Do you want to talk about this? I'm here for you if you do.
- You sure were a good friend to him.
- What do you think your animal is doing in Heaven right now? I bet they are...(then fill in fun ideas of the passed pet enjoying something).
- We can no longer hug our special furry friend, but remember that a happy memory is like a hug for your soul.
- When you feel sad and miss your furry friend, try to remember all the good times you two had together.
- It's OK to be sad when a pet dies. Even grown-ups feel sad when they lose an animal.

Sending a Card of Condolences
Sending a card to your friend to tell them of your sentiments at the death of their pet is often appropriate. Choose a blank card and write a few lines of love and support. If you knew the pet, insert their name in the message. You can include one of these "loss of a pet" quotes in your condolence card.
- "I know you miss your loyal and beautiful companion."
- "It is hard to say goodbye to such a special companion."
- "My thoughts are with you at this time of loss."
- "May fond memories of your beloved pet warm your heart always."
- "(pet's name) was a great friend to you, and we will miss him."
- "Deepest sympathies for the loss of your beloved (pet name)."
- "I will miss (pet name's) energy and love for people."
- "I'm here for you. Please take the time you need to grieve."
- "I know you're sad, and it's OK to be sad. It's hard to say goodbye to such a loved (dog, cat, etc.)."
- "I've enclosed one of my favorite photos of (pet name) because this is how we'll remember him: happy and vibrant."
How to Console Someone Who Lost an Animal
Make sure that you are sympathetic when your friend experiences the death of their pet. If you are a pet owner, you may find it easy to be sorrowful for your friend's loss. If not, you may not understand the intense emotions. You may even wonder why your friend is so choked up over the death of an animal. This is the time to be kind and considerate regardless of your thoughts and feelings surrounding animal loss.
Pay particular care to those who live alone and have lost an animal. When the pet is gone, they are truly without companionship, and this can be especially difficult emotionally. Know that it is not silly or strange for humans to grieve over the loss of a pet, and as with all loss of life, people react differently to the event.
Saying Goodbye
Pets are valuable and often considered part of the family. People love their canine or feline family members and take good care of them during their lifetime. Families bring their animals on vacation, celebrate their birthdays, schedule check-ups for them at the vet, and buy their pets' toys. Because of such attention and devotion, when a pet dies, the loss is enormous, and grief is evident.
Comfort Someone Who Lost a Pet
Consider buying a sympathy gift for a friend who has lost a dog or cat. A memorial stone engraved with the pet's name makes a lovely tribute for a grieving pet owner. A picture frame where the owner can place a photo of his pet is also a nice present that will be appreciated and cherished. Online shops such as FindGift.com can help you score the perfect present to give your friend in memory of their adored, deceased pet.