Healing Words: 40 Comforting Miscarriage Quotes for Grieving Parents

Discover solace in these quotes that bring comfort during the difficult time of miscarriage.

Updated February 6, 2025
Woman consoling sister in bed at hospital ward

Going through a miscarriage is a difficult time for women and their partners. Quotes and sayings may help provide comfort during this time of mourning.

Short Miscarriage Quotes

A short quote for a grieving parent can express sadness at the loss of the unborn baby.

  • A piece of my heart will never be at peace again.
  • Devastated doesn't begin to cover how I feel after the loss of my baby.
  • I wish I could have held you just once before you left us.
  • The pain of losing a baby is one that no one should ever feel.
  • You become a mother the moment you become pregnant, and you remain a mother forever.
  • Hold my hand and know my shoulder is here for your burdens as well.
  • The loss of a baby is a promise broken.
  • Grieve for your baby and yourself in your own time.
  • The pitter-patter of unborn feet is a memory that runs through my heart.
Short Miscarriage Quote With A Woman Holding a Ultrasound

Pregnancy Loss Quotes

The loss of a pregnancy during any stage is devastating. These sayings acknowledge that aspect of the miscarriage:

  • Do not let your heart be empty, but instead filled with the prayers of healing upon the loss of your pregnancy.
  • May you find physical and emotional healing in your own time after your pregnancy loss.
  • The small kicks, the tiny bumps, the stretched womb; the loss of a pregnancy is felt beyond the heart.
  • Though your body may heal quickly, the emotional wound of your pregnancy loss may linger. Give yourself time to grieve.
  • Do not muffle your cries, for they are the sound of pregnancy loss.
  • Losing a pregnancy is like losing a part of oneself that will never be made whole again.
  • Feelings of emptiness may overwhelm you after the loss of a pregnancy, but know that you are overwhelmed with my love and prayers.

Quotes About Miscarriage and Emotions

Grieving the death of an unborn baby and miscarriage is a sorrowful time.

  • You were but a drop of rain to the eye but managed to flood my heart with love during your brief time with us.
  • Our time here is short, and yours ended before it began. I miss you before I met you, sweet baby of mine.
  • Sweet baby, I cannot wait to see you in my dreams since I cannot see you here in my arms.
  • The longing in my heart is only for you, my dear baby in heaven.
  • Even when tears no longer stain my face, my heart is still stained by miscarriage.
  • My cries cannot fill the silence my baby's cries should have filled.
  • Sad is my only state since you left me.
  • Even though you were with me for a short time, I feel as if I knew you better than my own heart.
  • Since my miscarriage, my emotions run from a deep love to deep anger to deep sadness. Know, dear child in heaven, that your loss is felt deeply in my soul.
Quote About Miscarriage and Emotions: Woman Crying In The Rain

Words of Encouragement After Miscarriage

Words of comfort after a loss can also come in the form of encouragement. These quotes are more hopeful and positive, so be sure that you offer them to the grieving parents at the appropriate stage of mourning.

  • For the day will come where you see your unborn baby not through tears of sorrow but a smile in memory of his short time with you on earth.
  • The spark of your unborn baby ignited the eternal flame of love in all our hearts.
  • You are the strongest person I know. Your fierce love for your unborn baby inspires us all.
  • No one else could have wanted or loved your baby as much as you. Even in this short time, I saw a mother's love shining in your eyes.
  • You will make it through your baby's loss with all of us by your side. I am here for you, always.
  • The greatest love of all is that between a parent and child. Your love for your unborn child was bigger than any love I've ever seen.
  • May you find hope and healing with your loved ones as you mourn the loss of your miracle.
Words of Encouragement After Miscarriage: Heart Candle Lit in Woman's Hands

Faith-Based Quotes for Miscarriages

Religious quotes are not always the right things to say after a pregnancy loss. However, if you know that Bible verses or faith-based sayings would be welcomed, then you can include them with your condolences.

  • May you find healing in the Word of your faith as you mourn the loss of your baby.
  • The trumpets sounded and the choir of angels sang their song of praise and sorrow upon the arrival of your baby in heaven.
  • Our prayers are with you and your baby. May God provide you comfort and surround you in His loving arms.
  • Heaven gained the tiniest angel.
  • A child is given to you through God and called back home by Him as well. You gave your unborn baby the most blessed home during his short time with you.
  • Give you fears, your sorrows, and your worries unto the Lord Jesus. Let him lift you up with His promise that you may one day rejoice with your baby in heaven.

What to Say When You Can't Find the Right Words

A quote, saying, or poem for miscarriage is one way to comfort grieving parents and family members. They are a good way to offer support when you can't find the right things to say after a devastating loss.

Healing Words: 40 Comforting Miscarriage Quotes for Grieving Parents