Celebration of life poems are an appropriate way to say goodbye and remember a loved one. You can read celebration of life poems at a memorial or celebration of life service. Original celebration of life poems for a deceased loved one should convey their importance in your life. You may prefer a poem that is specific to your relationship and the influence it had on your life.
Celebration of Life Poems for Mom
Your mom was one of the most important people in your life. You can pay tribute to her and your relationship with a well-thought out celebration of life poem for mom.
Guiding Light in Life
Mom was the guiding light in my life,
She knew what to say to encourage me,
She knew what not to say that would discourage me,
She had that undefinable instinct that only a mother
can have about her child, and I miss her guidance every day.
That Special Mom Feeling
There is a special feeling I get whenever I think of Mom,
It tugs at my heartstrings with a bittersweet song
of what it was to have her in my life
compared to how it is now that she is gone.
That special Mom feeling is one of love, acceptance, and joy.

Celebration of Life Poems for Dad
Dads are very special people who have a big influence over the lives of their children. When a dad dies, it leaves a chasm in the family unity that reminds everyone how important he was to them. Celebration of life poems for dad are a wonderful way to honor his influence over your daily life.
Dad Was My Staunch Supporter
My Dad was my greatest supporter
no matter what I did
he always encouraged me to give it my best,
He was my greatest and loudest cheerleader,
Anytime I take on a new challenge,
I can hear him say, "You'll do just great!"
Spending Time With Dad
Dad worked long hours
but he always made time for me,
Each week we spent time together
and those are the fondest memories I have of him,
Just the two of us,
Enjoying each other's company.
Celebration of Life Poems About Siblings
The loss of a sibling has a powerful impact on your life. It serves to remind you how fragile life is and to appreciate the time you have together. Remembering a sibling with a celebration of life poem is a wonderful way to say goodbye and to remember your brother or sister.
A Brother to All
My brother was also a brother to everyone he met,
He was born with a need to protect everyone.
He always looked out for me,
but he also looked out for other people,
Family members, friends, and even strangers were his top priority
To ensure each of us were treated fairly and protected.
This attribute made him a local legend as a Good Samaritan.
He was a great brother and I love him dearly.
Sisterly Love
My sister was my touchstone,
She taught me how to read and write
long before I went to preschool,
She shared makeup tips and counseled me about dating,
She secretly taught me how to drive a car,
She was my confidant and best friend,
I strive every day to be the kind of sister she was to me.
Remembering a Life Well Lived Poem
When a deceased person had a good life, you can remember them with a celebration of life poem. You want to include things that are specific to the person as a way to honor their life.
A Life Well Lived
Remembering a life well lived
begins with stories of love and challenges
accomplishments and achievements,
But the most important thing about a life well lived
are those who shared it with you.
Defining a Life Well Lived
This was a life well-lived,
filled with successes large and small,
The ups and downs of life bestowed
empathy, an open mind, and an accepting heart,
Acts of compassion came easily and everything
undertaken truly exemplified a life well-lived.
Inspirational Celebration of Life Poems
When you hold a celebration of life service, you want the poems that you feature to be inspirational. The poems should reflect the person's positive attributes and any service they gave to others.
You Are My Inspiration
You led a life filled with the joy
found in a large loving family and many friendships,
You gave freely of yourself and your time
by volunteering at various charities and fund raisers,
You were always mindful of anyone needing help,
Surely, if anyone deserves a happy afterlife, it's you,
May you enjoy an afterlife filled with all the great blessings
you gave to others during your life on Earth.
Admiration for an Inspiring Life
You knew how to enjoy life to its fullest,
You excelled in your career,
You loved and were dearly loved,
You would drop whatever you were doing
to help others,
Your heart was big,
Everyone felt special in your presence,
Every day, you are my inspiration to be a better person!

A Teacher Who Inspired
You were my mentor,
You taught me how to be true to myself,
Your uncompromising values instilled
similar values in me,
I cherish each nuance of your instructions,
Because of you, I possess life skills that
allow me to be whoever I wish,
I am forever grateful that you were my teacher,
You empowered me to be fearless and always aim high!
Celebration of Life Poems for a Life Celebration
When you toast and remember a loved one at a life celebration service, you want a poem that captures their essence. You can honor the influence they had on your life with the right words that only a poem can provide.