Zodiac Signs as Thanksgiving Food: What Dish Are You?

Are you the turkey or that surprising Jello salad? Turn to your sign for answers.

Published October 12, 2023


Not sure what to bring to Thanksgiving dinner? Turn to this list of zodiac signs as Thanksgiving food for your side dish inspiration — and maybe some insights about your own place at the Turkey Day dinner table.

Aries: Cranberry Sauce


Aries, you've got plenty of zing and enthusiasm, so it's totally natural that cranberry sauce would be your Thanksgiving food. After all, it's dynamic and attention-grabbing, one of the strongest flavors on any Turkey Day table.

Taurus: Mashed Potatoes


Peaceful, patient, loving, and warmhearted, it's pretty clear that you're the ultimate Thanksgiving comfort food, Taurus: the mashed potatoes. It's not Thanksgiving without you, so pile on the butter, gravy, or any toppings you like. You've got a place at the table.

Gemini: Gravy


Gemini, you're lively and communicative. You work well with almost everyone and you're super versatile. Know what that makes you? The gravy. On mashed potatoes, turkey, the green bean casserole, or a leftover sandwich, you've got everything covered in flavor.

Cancer: The Turkey


With home, friends, and family as your top priorities, and a loyal nature that drives you, you're the star of this show, Cancer. We know you're not after the spotlight, but you're what Turkey Day is all about — people coming together.

Quick Tip

What if you're vegan or vegetarian (or you just don't like turkey)? That's totally fine. You're the main dish that draws everyone to the table, whether that's tofurkey or turkey.

Leo: Apple Pie


You're hard to resist, Leo (ask anyone), so you're definitely something sweet when it comes to zodiac signs as Thanksgiving food. When we add in your loving and warmhearted nature, that makes us think of apple pie. You know that one with the delicious crumb top? Yeah, that's you.

Virgo: Pumpkin Pie


If you're like most Virgos, you love creating perfection. And what's perfect about Thanksgiving (well, besides the friends and family)? Pumpkin pie. We also think this is the perfect food for your zodiac sign because it's super practical.

Pumpkin pie has vegetables (pumpkin), protein (eggs), dairy, and a flakey crust. It's basically a meal on its own, and that's about as practical as it gets.

Libra: Dinner Rolls


Libra, you're all about balance and communication and connection with other people, and we think that makes you the dinner rolls. After all, we're talking about breaking bread with other people, socializing, and finding equilibrium in our views together.

Scorpio: Green Bean Casserole


Determined and intuitive, Scorpios know how to make something amazing out of situations that don't seem super promising. Ordinarily, we wouldn't see a ton of promise in a can of cream of mushroom soup, some green beans, and fried onions, but we all know what iconic Thanksgiving food those create. Scorpio, you're the green bean casserole of Zodiac signs.

Sagittarius: Sweet Potatoes


Sagittarius, you're a potato, but you're not just any potato. You're the sweet potato of the Thanksgiving table. You have that down-to-earth honest of all potatoes with the jovial energy and humor that makes them sweet. Whether you like them mashed, baked, or covered in marshmallows, you add color and lots of charm to this holiday meal.

Capricorn: Pecan Pie


Practical but driven to make things better, Capricorns are all about turning something ordinary into something perfect. Start with pecans, which are already great, and add plenty of sugar, eggs, and maybe a little bourbon, and you're got perfection: pecan pie.

Aquarius: Jello Salad


When it comes to unconventional Thanksgiving foods, we think Jello salad is where it's at. And Aquarius, you're not like everyone else either. Jello salad is full of surprises (some good and some pretty weird), but it's always one of the most interesting things on the Thanksgiving table.

Pisces: Stuffing


Pisces, you see and bring out the best in other people, and we think that's pretty special. When we think about the zodiac signs as foods on the Thanksgiving table, we see you as the stuffing. You're wonderful on your own, and you make the turkey even better too.

We're Grateful for Every Sign at the Thanksgiving Table


There are so many great parts of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner that there's plenty of room for every sign. This is a meal that brings everyone together. The turkey, side dishes, and desserts all work together to create something even better than their individual parts, and if we see the zodiac signs as Thanksgiving foods, they really do the same thing. We're grateful for every sign and every side at our Turkey Day table this year.

Zodiac Signs as Thanksgiving Food: What Dish Are You?