If you have a Capricorn stellium in your birth chart, it can be a gift, or it can become an obsession that takes over your life. A Capricorn stellium can make you super ambitious, but it can also lead to being a workaholic who puts success and accomplishment above everything else in life.
A Capricorn Stellium
Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster. Capricorn is all about structure, rules, authority, work, and responsibility. A stellium in Capricorn has three or more plants holding hands in Capricorn and working together to make a power grab for your birth chart. The more personal planets involved (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), the more powerful affect Capricorn will have on your life. Almost every person born from late 1988 through the mid-90s has a Capricorn stellium.
Capricorn Stellium Influences
A stellium in Capricorn will influence you in certain areas of life. Much depends on which astrological house contains the sellium and the sign and house location of Saturn. But nonetheless, with three or more planets in Capricorn - Capricorn traits will have a rippling affect throughout your birth chart.
With a stellium in Capricorn, you have natural leadership skills. Still, with several planets in Capricorn, you can have a tendency to be heavy-handed, so you'll need to find your equilibrium as a boss if you are going to be respected and admired by your employees, coworkers, and supervisors.
Very Resourceful
Capricorn stellium gives you many useful attributes. Being resourceful is a powerful trait that can help you throughout life, especially when it comes to problem-solving. You know how to assess situations and find solutions.
Very Ambitious
You receive a healthy dose of ambition from a Capricorn stellium. You have a clear idea of what you want in life and you make logical plans with various goal markers to achieve what you desire.
Excellent Work Ethic

You are bestowed a very strong work ethic by a Capricorn stellium. You understand the financial reward of hard work. You're a go-getter who enjoys climbing the ladder of success and all the perks that come with each step up the ladder.
Career Advancement
You are a true professional and constantly seek ways to increase your knowledge of your industry. You always seek innovations to help you do your job more efficiently and ways to improve the end product and company. You have your career mapped out and you follow your plan to reach each ladder rung.
Tenacious Streak
A Capricorn stellium gives you a tenacity. You can use this trait to help you reach goals. You don't give up even when things get difficult. Even if you encounter defeat, you get up and start all over again. Your determined to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.
Family Dedication

A stellium in Capricorn gives you an undying dedication to your family. You serve as the anchor for your family and even your extended family. They seek your advice and turn to you for help. You offer the stability and a consistency that stabilizes a family.
Family Mediator
You won't allow the family bonds to be broken. It doesn't matter if there's a falling out, you'll still maintain your family ties and do whatever you can to restore peace. You won't rest until reconciliation is achieved and relationships have been restored.
Community Involvement
You take a genuine interest in your community. You recognize the connection that community spirit has in creating a healthy environment for your family and other families to thrive. You volunteer for community efforts you agree with, often lead, and speak out against anything you feel may harm the safety and security of your community.
Know Your Neighbors
You want to know the people that live near you and establish relationships that ensure your family's place in your world. You're a good neighbor and are always ready to offer assistance when needed.
Established Support Network
You have an excellent support network established in your town. Many people come to you for referrals for things like car repair, who's the best plumber in town, and so on.
Capricorn Stellium Can Mitigate Other Chart Energies
If your sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant are not a part of the stellium, but are in water, fire, and air signs, an earthy Capricorn stellium can serve as a stabilizing influence.
Capricorn Stellium and Water Signs
A Capricorn stellium gives the water signs (Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio) form and structure. Water signs are often consumed by emotions and have a difficult time finding their life purpose. A Capricorn stellium provides a channel for expression of their gifts.
Capricorn Stellium and Fire Signs
A Capricorn stellium can tamp down some of the more erratic and aggressive energies of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). Aries is less aggressive, Leo's ego and flamboyance are curbed, and Sagittarius isn't as restless.
Capricorn Stellium and Air Signs
A Capricorn stellium slows down the rapid movement of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius). A Capricorn stellium can ground air signs make them consider some practicalities.
In the Words of Astrologer Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman, the author of Sun Signs, writes about Capricorn's "blind obeisance to tradition, family, law and order, and all forms of authority." Then adds "Goat J. Edgar Hoover was just doing his Saturn thing." Yes, Hoover's birth chart reveals a Capricorn stellium.