Do you know where to find the Virgo man's erogenous zone? Learning to find this sensual area and awaken a Virgo man's passion in bed can be the key to creating a sizzling romance. While the Virgo man isn't naturally sexually aggressive, he does enjoy physical intimacy in his romantic partnership.
Stimulating the Virgo Man's Erogenous Zone
Taking a romantic relationship with a Virgo man into the bedroom requires great care. If he feels like you're pushing him, it's a turnoff. He won't make the first move himself unless he is rock solid sure that you'll respond positively to his overtures. So, you'll have to send subtle messages and leave it up to him to make the real advances but when and if you do get him in bed, keep in mind that a Virgo man's erogenous zones are his mind, his belly, and his buttocks.
Stroke His Mind
A Virgo man is ruled by the planet Mercury and his mind is definitely his greatest pleasure point. A Virgo man needs to be told verbally that he's sexy and desirable if you want him to become physically aroused. So be verbally suggestive.
- Compliment his manliness.
- Whisper in his ear.
- Tell him what you want him to do.
- Tell him what you want to do with him.
- Talking dirty to him will definitely get his motor running.
All Virgo men are a bit different related to other sign placements in their birth charts, but almost all are aroused by sexy verbal foreplay.
Stroke His Belly
A Virgo man's stomach is an extremely sensitive area and stroking his belly as you continue with the verbal foreplay can really stoke his passions.
- When you're snuggling close, gently rest your fingertips on his stomach. Leave them there for a few moments to create some anticipation. He may not react at first, but rest assured your gesture has not gone unnoticed.
- Ever so gently, begin to stroke your fingertips across the area. This is certain to rev up his motor.
- As things heat up and the moment is right, link, nibble and place some butterfly-light kisses on his tummy. It's sexy, yet still demure enough to let him think he's still running the show. Remember, this man prefers to lead, not follow.
Stroking a Virgo man's belly while talking dirty to him is such an intoxicating experience for him that it's may be all you need to arouse him.
Spank Their Buttocks
A Virgo man's buttocks are another erogenous zone. A Virgo man can get a bit kinky in bed and is turned on by sensual punishment. If you gently spank, bite, or pinch their buttocks, it's defiantly arousing to them because they'll know you're up for almost anything.
Navigating Romance With the Virgo Man
Before putting a Virgo man's erogenous zones to use, there are some things you should know or you may scare off him off before you ever make it to a first date.
Virgo Men Are Complicated
First, romance with the Virgo man isn't quite the same as navigating a love relationship with most other signs. Virgos are somewhat complicated as a rule, and this is even more apparent in the way they approach romantic relationships.
He Takes a Sideways Approach to Romance
When a Virgo male first becomes interested in you, you may not even realize it because this is not the guy who is going to bowl you over with flowers and compliments. Virgo men take a sideways approach to love. You'll find this fellow begins to show up around you more than usual. He's the one listening to your every word and actually engaging you in conversation. He'll suggest reasons for the two of you to get together without it being for an actual date. Virgo guys tend to "test drive" a bit before they decide whether to get involved.
You Can't Rush a Virgo Male
In a word, you can't rush a Virgo guy into romance. If you come on too strong, he'll feel like he's losing control of the situation and back off. You have to let him be the one to move things forward, but that's not to say you can't help things along if you're subtle.
Finesse Is the Key to Paradise
Romantic relationships aren't always easy. It takes a lot of finesse to gain access to the Virgo man erogenous zone, but it's well worth your effort. Give this man the respect and nurturing he deserves, and he'll reward you with incredible passion. Do your best to keep him happy and satisfied, and you'll have a partner for life.