Sagittarius Compatibility and Best Matches for Love

Published June 8, 2022
happy couple on a scooter

The best match for Sagittarius needs to understand that this sign is gregarious, fun loving, and places great value on independence and freedom. Certain signs are completely irresistible to the supremely confident, extroverted, and friendly Sagittarius. Is yours one of them?

Sagittarius' Best Matches Are Simply Irresistible

Sagittarius loves and can connect with so many types of individuals that sorting out all the options is tricky. However, among the signs Sagittarius is most compatible with, lovely Libra is the #1 match for Sagittarius. Actually, Sagittarius/Libra is one of the best matches in the zodiac. Aries and Gemini also make good partners for the archer.

Sagittarius compatibility chart


adventurous couple by lake

Sagittarius and Libra are the optimists of the zodiac. Both are outgoing, charismatic, extraverted, energetic, very social, relish friendship, and are attractive to the opposite sex. Libra's easy-going style and love of romance will be like a soft breeze blowing through a Sagittarian's life, and sex between these two adventurous individuals will never be dull.

One of the best aspects of this relationship is their mutual need for the intellectual stimulation of different and varied people, places, and things. Their biggest problem is often commitment. Libra waffles, and Sagittarius fears being tied down. Plus, neither of their temperaments fit well with the homey ideal of family. So, it may take a long time for the fun friendship these two have to blossom into love and then into commitment. However, once it does, you can bet that both love and sex will always be happy, playful adventures.


Sagittarius and Aries are both fire signs and where there's fire, there's passion. The chemistry between these two is awesome, and it's safe to say that their life together will never be boring. They share a love for adventure and excitement; both are interested in the same things, bored by the same things, fascinated by the same things, and fascinated with each other. Both have strong libidos and are uninhibited, so their sex life will certainly be anything but dull.

As a couple, they are neither clingy nor dependent on one another, so both will have the personal freedom they cherish. Of course, when two fire signs hook up, heated arguments are to be expected, but with Sagittarius/Aries, the fight will be over quickly and soon forgotten. Neither is easily offended, and both are quick to forgive.

The only real challenge this couple may have is that unless each is willing to sacrifice some of their independence, self-centered goals, and personal freedoms for their togetherness, it will be hard for them to commit as a couple.


couple enjoying a party

When these two come together, the relationship presents many possibilities, and laughs will abound. Sagittarius and Gemini are opposite ends of the same axis and have a great deal in common. Gemini wants to know, and Sagittarius wants to understand. Both are light-hearted and enthusiastic, they each like to travel and get out and about with friends, and neither is likely to seek to control or smother the other. Like with most everything else in their lives, each prefers sex to be light, fun, and playful over heavy or romantic, and both enjoy variety, experimentation, and spontaneity.

Of course, there are some differences in communication style and world view. However, these differences are more complementary than challenging, and given just a bit of time and understanding, these differences should balance out. One of the main dangers in a Sagittarius/Gemini relationship is that it may lack substance.

Honorable Mentions

Sagittarius is a romantic at heart and enjoys the adventure and spontaneity of each and every new romance. So, it's likely that the roving eye of Sagittarius won't limit itself to those that are simply irresistible.


couple watching a soccer match

Friendship comes naturally with Aquarius and Sagittarius and when together, there will never be a dull moment. Both like socializing, entertainment, and sporting events, and both are always ready to break a few rules and make life interesting. They both have outgoing natures and are intelligent, fair minded, and are open to living an unconventional life. Both cherish their independence, and they do share similar ideas about love and life. Their sex life will be more fiery and electric than emotional and even in a close-knit romantic relationship, each willingly gives the other plenty of breathing room.

Though they have much in common, a long-term romantic relationship can be a bit trickier. The no-strings-attached intimacy that suits them both so well is also likely to be the biggest issue Sagittarius/Aquarius will deal with. Sometimes in a pursuit to be independent, both can become so detached that the relationship itself starts to fade away. This is a couple who must constantly strive to balance independence with intimacy and make sure they have time together. Interestingly, this is a rare combo that can survive and even thrive in a long-distance relationship.


jealous man watching woman text

A Leo will definitely catch a Sagittarius' eye, and this is likely to be a playful, enthusiastic, and sexually charged match. They are both optimistic, generous, carefree, enthusiastic, and like to party hard and live life to the fullest. However, this couple is also playing with fire. On the negative side, both can be impatient and have bad tempers. Plus, Leo can be controlling and jealous when not the center of attention, and of course Sagittarius is always attractive to and innocently playful with the opposite sex. Herein lies the major issue in a Sagittarius/Leo relationship.

Leo is a stubborn fixed sign and feels a strong sense of we "belong" to each other when in a relationship. While mutable Sagittarius can't tolerate being tied down by a possessive lover. Leo's jealous, controlling nature strikes the one strong note of potential discord in what would otherwise be a harmonious relationship.


Take the adventurous, idealistic, optimistic, spontaneous, open-minded, and good humored nature of one Sagittarian and double it. When two free-spirited, happy souls come together, you can bet they'll have plenty of stories and laughs to share. Sagittarius/Sagittarius is an energetic and fun match. What it lacks in emotional intensity is more than made up for by great conversation and similar interests and outlooks. However, it's in the bedroom where this couple really shines. Double the fire, double the passion, and double the fun. When these two turn on the heat, both are in it for a very good time.

Of course, there could also be double the carelessness, restlessness, irresponsibility, and fear of commitment. So, while this is likely to be an exciting, spontaneous, and passionate relationship, the question is will they be able to commit to one another or will it be a short-term but fun and exciting relationship where one and/or the other ends up moving merrily along? One thing's for sure. This is a couple that will have more than a wee bit of difficulty dealing with the necessities of every day mundane life.


Capricorn prefers to live by the rules, and Sagittarius enjoys breaking them. Sagittarius is about having fun, and Capricorn is about focusing on responsibilities first. Nonetheless, this is a surprising match that seems to work. Sagittarius and Capricorn have very different outlooks on life, but both are active, dedicated to doing well, appreciate learning, and look to the future. Plus, in a funny way, each provides what the other needs most in life.

As far as sex goes, Sagittarius supplies the passion, Capricorn the sensuality, and both are very physical. However, one of the best aspect of the Sagittarius/Capricorn relationship is their willingness and effectiveness in working out minor bumps in the road. Their personalities, though different in so many ways, can actually make this an offbeat yet highly successful relationship.

Sagittarius Worst Matches

Sagittarius zodiac sign

A mismatched couple might be able to work a relationship out long term, but don't count on it. However, with Sagittarius in the mix, they will be fun for as long as they last.


Sagittarius/Taurus might be a fun, sensual, and erotic short term relationship, but long term the Sagittarius free spirit would be snuffed out by the Taurus controlling nature.


Cancer individuals are emotionally unpredictable. One day they're fun, loving, and outgoing, the next melancholy and down. Sagittarius just doesn't have the patience or empathy to deal with Cancer's off and on melancholy nature. Additionally, Cancer is very sensitive, and Sagittarius is known for not mincing words. Cancer is very cautious and Sagittarius reckless. If Cancer is having a good day, the sex will be great, but long term Cancer/Sagittarius will have to make some difficult and frustrating adjustments to their natural behaviors.


Virgo/Sagittarius can be a very solid match on the surface; however, some major differences do exist that can be challenging. These two are both clever and intelligent, so their conversations will never be dull. Initially, Sagittarius may find this partner to be very exciting sexually but as with other areas of the relationship, this is not likely to last in the longer term. The most significant issue these two will face is their conflicting priorities and style of life. Virgo needs to work and be productive most of the time, and Sagittarius wants to play and have fun. So, while Sagittarius might find a Virgo initially stimulating over time, Sagittarius is likely find Virgo too dull, quiet, reserved, and fussy.


Sagittarius/Scorpio can be an unusually hard relationship to make work. The sex will be great, but there's a price to be paid. This is a partner who wants exclusive rights to your body and soul. Long term, that price is too high for Sagittarius, and the whole affair can have quite a melodramatic ending.


Sagittarius tells it like it is, Pisces imagines and dreams of how it could be. Sagittarius is brash and bold, Pisces gentle and sympathetic. If a Sagittarian/Pisces relationship is going to work out long term, they will have to deal with these dichotomies. This match is likely to be great initially--the physical side of this relationship won't be a problem--but long term, Sagittarius will find Pisces needy, too sensitive, sometimes confusing, and often depressing.

Are a Male and Female Sagittarius Different?

The 12 signs of the Zodiac can be divided into both masculine and feminine, positive and negative, or active and passive. Sagittarius is a masculine, positive, active sign. So, while both male and female Sagittarians have the same free-spirited personality and are attracted to the same personality types, it's often easier for a man to live the free devil-may-care life of a Sagittarian. However, times are changing.

Just Go for It

Fortunately, there's really no such thing as a "pure" Sagittarius (or any other Zodiacal Sign, for that matter). So, if you're a Sagittarian and find you're attracted to a wild card match, go for it. There may be deeper placements and aspects in your chart or in theirs that will overcome the Sun sign differences.

Sagittarius Compatibility and Best Matches for Love