Explore the Diverse World of Gardenia Varieties

Find the perfect gardenia for your garden from over 200 varieties.

Updated February 6, 2025
Gardenia shrubbery

You're sure to find the ideal gardenia for your garden since there are over 200 gardenia varieties. Each offers you a choice of beautiful blooms, and all share a romantic fragrant aroma that perfumes the air.

Gardenia thunbergia

Gardenia thunbergia is one of the large shrubbery varieties. It's often called a small tree since it grows up to 15 feet high. This gardenia is dense and features multiple twig like branches of smooth bark with a light gray hue and has showy cream-colored flowers.

Gardenia thunbergia blossom

Versatile Growing Options

You will find Gardenia thunbergia an easy to grow gardenia. Some gardeners use it for a blooming fragrant hedge, stating it has a citrus aroma. Other gardeners prefer to grow it as a small tree within their landscaping. Considered a broadleaf evergreen, you can depend on this variety to provide greenery year-round. It can also be grown indoors in large pots in rooms with bright indirect sunlight.

  • Zones: 10 to 12
  • Sun: Partial shade
  • Height: 5' to 16'
  • Spread: 4' to 10'
  • Water: Water regularly, deep water, don't allow soil to become dry
  • Soil: Well-drained, grows in most soil types soil.
  • Fertilize: Once a month in March, June/July and October.
  • Prune: Wait until blooming is over. Avoid late pruning since it will decrease the number of blooms next season.

August Beauty Gardenia

August Beauty (Gardenia thunbergia) variety is a tree sized gardenia, the August Beauty is often referred to as a gardenia patio tree. Many gardeners enjoy planting it in a large pot or container to use on the patio or deck. This evergreen can also be planted in the ground in regions where harsh winters aren't a concern.

Gardenia August Beauty
  • Zones: 8-11
  • Sun: Full to partial
  • Height: 4' to 5'
  • Spread: 3'
  • Water: Water regularly, don't allow soil to become dry
  • Soil: Well-drained, grows in most soil types soil.
  • Fertilize: Once a month during blooming season.
  • Prune: Wait until blooming is over.

Gardenia Radicans

Radicans is a low-growing dwarf or miniature plant that is often used as a ground cover since it grows horizontally as shrubbery, giving the appearance of branching out, yet maintains a round form. The plant has small leaves as well as small flowers. It can be used in larger pots for its dramatic tendency to grow over the pot in a cascade effect. Some of the names you'll discover when shopping for this great garden border plant include, Radicans Cape Jasmine, Cape Jasmine Radicans and Cape Jessamine Radicans.

Gardenia Radicans
  • Zones: 7b to 9
  • Sun: Full to partial
  • Height: 1' to 2'
  • Spread: 3' to 4'
  • Water: Drought tolerant, requires little watering
  • Soil: Well drained, tolerates most types of soil
  • Fertilize: Once a year during blooming
  • Prune: Immediately after blooming, spent flowers


Nanu or Na'u (Gardenia brighamii) is a native Hawaiian gardenia that is critically rare as a wild plant. In fact, there are less than 15 to 20 wild plants in existence. This tree like gardenia is also called Forest Gardenia. There are some hybrids often sold as Gardenia brighamii.

Gardenia birghamii

Endangered Species

The Gardenia brighamii is on the endangered plant species list. In fact, until 1998, it was illegal to grow this plant. However, this gardenia was allowed to be planted or used as a houseplant when the law was changed.

  • Zone: 10
  • Sun: Full
  • Height: 3' to 20'
  • Spread: 2' to 6'
  • Water: Medium, don't allow soil to dry out.
  • Soil: Well-drained, can grow in most soils
  • Fertilize: March, June/July and October
  • Prune: Immediately after blooms spent

Gardenia jasminoides

Possibly one of the best known and most popular of all gardenia varieties, Gardenia jasminoides features white flowers. The plant can have single or double blooms, depending on the cultivar. Also known as the Cape Jasmine, the flowers make great cut flowers. Mystery Gardenia is perhaps the best known cultivar with white double blooms 4" to 5" wide.

Gardenia jasminoides
  • Zones: 8 to 11
  • Sun: Partial shade
  • Height: 3' to 7'
  • Spread: 5' to 6'
  • Water: Medium, don't allow soil to dry out.
  • Soil: Well-drained, can grow in most soils
  • Fertilize: March, June/July and October
  • Prune: Immediately after blooms spent

Aimee Yoshioka

Aimee Yoshioka (Gardenia jasminoides) is a cultivar that features lots of 3" to 5" wide white flowers. The blooms appear in late spring. It is grown as a hedge, bordering plant or shrub plants.

Aimee Yashioka Gardenia
  • Zones: 8 to 11
  • Sun: Full sun to partial sun
  • Height: 5' to 8'
  • Spread: 4' to 7'
  • Water: Moderate, don't allow soil to dry out
  • Soil: Well-drained, most soil types
  • Fertilize: March, June/July and October
  • Prune: Directly after blooming.

Belmont Gardenia

Belmont Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) is a beautiful cultivar that has large flowers and dark leaves. This gardenia is a great choice for an indoor plant variety. The white flowers are similar to roses in form and shape.

Belmont Gardenia
  • Zones: 7 to 9
  • Sun: Full or partial
  • Height: 4' to 8'
  • Spread: 3' to 6'
  • Water: Moderate, keep soil moist
  • Soil: Well-drained, most soil types
  • Fertilize: March
  • Prune: Cut back spent blooms.

Fortuniana Gardenia

Fortuniana Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) is unique because it has double blooms that resemble carnations. The bloom are between 3" to 4" wide. This gardenia is often selected for a houseplant. It's often called the corsage gardenia for its showy flower and fragrance.

Gardenia foruneiana
  • Zones: 8 to 10
  • Sun: Full or partial
  • Height: 4' to 8'
  • Spread: 4' to 8'
  • Water: Moderate, keep soil moist
  • Soil: Well-drained, most types of soil
  • Fertilize: Once a month in March, June/July and October
  • Prune: Cut back spent blooms

Golden Magic Gardenia

Golden Magic cultivar (Gardenia jasminoides) features beautiful yellow double or single blooms that are 2" to 3" wide. This dramatic gardenia begins with white buds that bloom and then mature to a creamy yellow hue.

A variety of Golden Magic gardenia
  • Zones: 8 to 11
  • Sun: Full or partial, prefers full sun
  • Height: 2' to 3'
  • Spread: 2' to 3'
  • Water: Moderate, keep soil moist
  • Soil: Well-drained, most types of soil
  • Fertilize: Once a month in March, June/July and October
  • Prune: Cut back spent blooms

Choosing From Gardenia Varieties

Gardenia varieties ensure you can find one or perhaps more varieties to fit your landscaping design. With this beautiful plant, you will enjoy its natural perfume all during the blooming season.

Explore the Diverse World of Gardenia Varieties