I love nothing more on a sunny afternoon than sitting on my patio, sipping on a cool drink, and butterfly spotting. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so it's usually May by the time the butterflies get to me, but I'm always impressed with their speed, beauty, and ability to fly in a straight line in windy weather in spite of having large, sail-like wings.
For years, "Look - a butterfly" is as far as I was able to go. Then, after a delightful visit to a butterfly garden in Canada where I saw a variety of butterflies I'd never seen before, I felt inspired to learn exactly what types I was seeing and where they were from.
Throughout North America, we may spot different types of butterflies at different times (there are about 750 species that frequent our beautiful continent), but the activity is always time well-spent. Why not head out to your yard and see which of these beauties you can spot.