Best License Plate Numbers for Luck in Feng Shui & Numerology

You can use numerology or feng shui on your vehicle license plate to set the intention for luck. Here's how and which numbers you might want to use.

Updated August 6, 2024
Car plate numbers and feng shui

If you want luck in all areas of your life, feng shui and numerology may be able to help. While people mostly consider feng shui a home or office type of thing, you can carry it over to your car, too. How? By choosing your car's license plate number (hello, vanity plates).  These are some of the best plate numbers for your car and one you should avoid according to feng shui and numerology.

Numerology & Feng Shui Car License Plate Numbers

Number Feng Shui Meaning Numerology Meaning
0 Pure potential Potential
1 Money, success, wealth Beginning of a journey
2 Good fortune for couples Partnership
3 Birth & renewal Creativity
4 Death, bad luck Stability
5 Change & transformation Good luck
6 Smooth ride Harmony
7 Balance & harmony Knowledge & spirituality


Good luck, thriving & growth Symmetry, business luck
9 Long life & abundance Completion

If it's pure luck you're seeking, then 8 is the perfect feng shui plate number, and 5 is the perfect numerology plate number. But you can also use the numbers above for different types of luck, depending on whether you want to follow feng shui or numerology.

Helpful Hack

Since it's all about communicating clear intention to the universe, it's best if you choose either feng shui or numerology for your license plate, but don't mix them. Either will help you set clear intentions for the type of luck you choose to draw into your life. 

Best Plate Numbers for Feng Shui & Numerology

Licence Plates on Wooden Wall

Feng shui numbers are based on the Lo Shu (square grid) that has only 9 squares in the grid. These numbers are the ones you need to examine carefully before selecting the feng shui numbers for your car license plate. Numerology numbers are based on the ancient divination practice of numerology, which has been around since Pythagoras developed mathematics. 

Need to Know

Feng shui and numerology focus on cardinal numbers (single-digit numbers). So each digit will carry its own luck, or you can add the numbers together and reduce them to a single number (so for 215, it would be 2+1+5=8, so your number would be 8) for the type of luck you'd like. You can also use master numbers, like 11 or 111, to magnify the intention of the single digit. 

Plate Number 0

In both feng shui and numerology, the number 0 represents pure potential. It's neither lucky nor unlucky for a plate number.

Plate Number 1

In feng shui, the number 1 represents money, success, and wealth. Number 1 is often associated with new beginnings and offers a positive outlook for the future. When number 1 is used as a car plate number, it can symbolize that you're moving toward a future full of success and riches.

In numerology, number 1 represents the start of a journey. This may be a great number to have on your license plate if you're a road tripper who loves going on tons of adventures (and it could be perfect for an RV, a vehicle that's all about adventure).

Related: 6 Essential Numerology Calculations & What They Mean

Plate Number 2

Close-up of a license plate

In feng shui, the number 2 represents good fortune for couples. The pairing of objects and items in fung shui brings all sorts of good energy. This is mostly a Chinese cultural tradition that recognizes the personal power of two people joining forces that are greater than just one. You can double the luck of any feng shui good luck number when you repeat it twice. So you can use the digit 2 if you want to enhance couple luck, or you can repeat another digit, like 1 (wealth) twice to double the luck (so 11). 

In numerology, the number 2 represents partnerships of all types. It's a great number for newlyweds, or it might be an excellent lucky number on a business vehicle owned by a partnership. 

Plate Number 3

In feng shui, the number 3 sounds like the Cantonese word for birth. The number 3 meaning is also associated with growth and renewal. This makes number 3 a powerful number of personal growth and, of course, success! If you are in the process of birthing, renewing, or growing your wealth, career, marriage, or another area of your life, then adding the number 3 to your car plate numbers will reinforce your ambition and goal.

In numerology, the number 3 represents creativity. This is an especially lucky number on a license plate for someone who is seeking more creativity or someone who has creative aspirations like writing a book, acting, being an artist, etc.

Plate Number 4

If you're using feng shui for your license plate, do not use the number 4. In feng shui, the number 4 is considered the death number because the word for "four" sounds like the Cantonese word for "death." 

If you're using numerology, there isn't any stigma associated with the number four. It's about stability. So if you're at a place in your life where stability is important to you or you're seeking more stability and using numerology instead of feng shui for your license plate, then four might be a good number for you. 

Need to Know

If you're using feng shui for your plate numbers, never repeat a number just four times. This representation of four will cause bad luck. 

Plate Number 5

The number 5 represents transformations. It's also a good luck number associated with health. So if you need health luck or you're in a period of transition (or wish to transform something), the number 5 on your license plate is a clear indication of those intentions. 

In numerology, 5 represents good luck. So if you simply want to cultivate luck, having one, two, or three fives in the plate number can set the intention for luck to come your way.

Plate Number 6

If you want to have a smooth ride, put a number 6 on your license plate. In feng shui, the number 6 irons out any potential obstacles that stand in your way of achieving whatever you set as a goal. This number can also be protective, keeping you from experiencing hazards on the road. This is a great number to have on a license plate for frequent road trippers or people who drive a lot for work.

In numerology, number 6 represents harmony. So if you'd like to attract harmony into any aspect of your life, a number 6 on your license plate can help you set that intention.

Plate Number 7

The feng shui number 7 brings the energies of harmony and balance. If you need more balance in your life or if one of your main goals is harmony, this is a great plate number to have.

In numerology, number 7 represents knowledge and spirituality. This is a good number for students to have on their license plate or for people who are seeking spiritual growth.

Plate Number 8

Part of the car license plate with the flag of Russia and the code of St. Petersburg 178

The number 8 sounds like the Cantonese word prosper, and it also means to thrive and grow. So in feng shui, this is a good, lucky number to have on your license plate for general luck or wealth luck.

In numerology, 8 can represent business luck. This is a good plate number for company vehicles or for business owners. 

Plate Number 9

In feng shui, the meaning of number 9 is long life and eternity. It is believed that number 9 always bestows you with enough money, food, health, love, success, and all the other things that make life worthwhile, so it is a lucky plate number for almost anyone.

In numerology, 9 is the number of completion. This is a good plate number for people who are seeking to complete something — whether it's a life goal, a project, or your education.

Feng Shui 6, 8, and 9 in Combination 

In feng shui, when the number 9 is used with the number 8, you are assured of great wealth that has no end and the necessary abundance to enjoy it. Then, include number 6 to keep any obstacles out of your way. So 6, 8, and 9 in any three-letter combo (968, 896, 698, etc.) is a particularly lucky number for a license plate in feng shui. 

How to Personalize Your Car's License Plate

You can personalize your license plate in every state except for the District of Columbia. Inquire at your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) about your state's law. Even when personalized car plates are allowed, there are restrictions on what you can personalize, so you want to be sure you understand these regulations to ensure you end up with the license plate you desire.

Creating Good Luck With Your Car License Plate Numbers

You can use numerology or feng shui to set the intention for good luck using your car's license plate. It's really all about intention — creating the energy of luck, prosperity, and change through mindset and symbolism. It's a great way to add a little more luck to your life. 

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Best License Plate Numbers for Luck in Feng Shui & Numerology