Feng Shui Clock Placement for Balance & Prosperity

Published October 16, 2020
Pink clock hanging on a wall

Feng shui clock placement should address the need for balance to achieve prosperity luck. Tips for the placement of a feng shui clock follow basic feng shui principles and rules.

Feng Shui Clock

In ancient times, using classical feng shui, clocks held a more powerful influence over life. Ancient feng shui practitioners viewed clocks as symbols of time passing, or more aptly, as time running out. The clock was often viewed as a countdown of a limited amount of time for tasks, achievements, and even lifespans.

Modern World of Feng Shui Clocks

In the modern world, the ancient attitude towards clocks has given over to a modern society that considers clocks as useful tools to keep you on track. Clocks are used as timepieces to help you plan your day and keep momentum going.

Feng Shui Clock Placement

Rules about feng shui clock placement still guide good feng shui practices. You can use these feng shui rules to capitalize on the auspicious energies a clock attracts into your home or office. The main feng shui clock placement rule advises not to have more than one clock per room. Some feng shui practitioners feel this rule encourages too many clocks. As with all things feng shui, you should do what feels most comfortable in your home within reason.

Main Clock in House or Office

Feng Shui clock rules advise to have only one main clock in your house or office. This will be the biggest clock in your home, so it will be the most prominent.

mantel clock at home office

Feng Shui Main Clock Placement in Living Room

You can place the main clock in the living room for convenience since most activity in your home is generated in the living room. This is the area where your family gathers and therefore has the most consistent yang energy.

Type of Feng Shui Clock for Main Clock

The main clock will generate the most chi energy, you will benefit most from an old-fashioned round-faced clock, like a Seth Thomas mantle clock, with hour, minute and second hands. The movement of the clock hands will help to generate auspicious yang energy. The round shape ensures the chi energy can move around the clock and accumulate, becoming stagnant energy.

Size of Room and Size of Clock

You want to keep your clock in direct proportion of the living room. For example, you wouldn't place a large grandfather clock in a small living room. This disproportion means the clock will dominate the room. The sound of the clicking and chiming of the clock will create negative energy in a small space. The swinging pendulum will generate too much yang energy and create an imbalance.

Best Directions to Display Living Room Clock

The best directions for hanging a clock in the living room or other rooms are the south, northwest, east, and southeast walls or sectors. The shapes of the clocks and colors can be matched to each sector for optimum results while considering each element.

Northwest Sector

The northwest sector is auspicious for a clock. You can use a metal clock in silver, gold, or white color. The round shape for metal is the ideal shape for this clock placement.

South Sector

You can place a clock in the south sector that is a fire color, such as red, purple or pink. You can use green or brown since these colors represent the wood element that fuels the fire element in the productive cycle. You can use the wood element shape of a rectangle, but avoid the triangle fire shape since is considered inauspicious for a clock shape.

East or Southeast Sector

The east or southeast sector make auspicious locations for your clock. You can use a green or tan colored clock. Wood is the ideal element for your clock, with the rectangle shape being the ideal.

Avoid North and West Sectors

You will want to avoid the north and west sectors for placing a clock. Both sectors are considered inauspicious in Classical Feng Shui.

Southwest and Northeast Sectors

There is some debate of the southwest sector since a clock is in constant change and might not offer the stability desired in the relationship and love sector. The northeast governs education and a clock in this sector may symbolize running out of time for your studies or a limited time to learn. It's best to avoid placing a clock in both directions.

Feng Shui Clock Placements to Avoid

There are many placements for a clock in your home or office. However, there are several feng shui clock placements you want to avoid.

Don't Put Clocks Below or Above Eye Level

You should never place a clock higher than eye level. This will force the chi energy to flow awkwardly through the room in an attempt to reach the clock. This placement will make your room feel out of balance since the chi energy will move sporadically and not evenly flow through the room.

Don't Hang a Clock on a Window or Door

You should never hang or place a clock on or lean it against a door or window. This placement creates a sensation of time moving too swiftly. You'll feel that time is getting away from you, and you'll never catch up. You'll always feel behind on various tasks or meeting goals.

Don't Place Clocks Above Doors or Windows

You should never hang a clock above a door or window. This type of clock placement creates an inconvenient location that is difficult to see and difficult to reach should you need to change the batteries or correct the time.

Clock above door

Don't Place a Clock in Dining Room

You should never place a clock in your dining room or dining area. A clock in the dining room signifies that your food and abundance is limited and will soon run out.

Don't Place a Clock Opposite an Outside Door

You should never place a clock opposite an outside door. This placement is considered an inauspicious placement that will attract bad luck. The glass on the clock face is often reflective and will serve as a mirror, bouncing out any chi energy that enters your house or room.

Clocks in Bedrooms

When you place a clock in the bedroom, the most commonly placement is on a bedside table. You should never place a clock above your bed. This placement will make you feel rushed, nervous, uneasy when you sleep, and cause insomnia.

Feng Shui Clock Placement Tips

A few quick tips for feng shui clock placement can help you keep auspicious energy flowing. You need to take the time to properly place any clocks in your home or office following feng shui guidelines.

  • You should make sure the time on your clock is always correct. If the time is slow, then you will fall behind in work or home activities.
  • A clock that is a few minutes fast won't have any negative impact.
  • A clock should always be in good running condition.
  • If a clock stops running, remove it immediately and have it repaired before the chi energy becomes stagnant around the clock area.
  • You should never leave a stopped or broken clock on display since it signifies you are out of time.
  • You want to keep your clocks in good running order.

Choose Clock Shape to Match Sector

You may decide to use feng shui shapes for your clock shape. The best shapes to use are determined by the sector element, such as square for earth element (stability), triangle for fire element (unstable- avoid), rectangle for wood element (growth), round for metal element (energy circulating for abundance), and wavy lines for water element (avoid too much yang energy).

Feng Shui Clock Placement Tips

You can use a few feng shui clock placement tips to guide you in placing a clock or two in your home or office. As in all things feng shui, less is more, so don't overload your home or office with clocks.

Feng Shui Clock Placement for Balance & Prosperity